by Star (me!)

Every muscle in her body ached with each pounding step she took. Her heart beat against her chest threatening to explode. She glanced over her shoulder as she ran, looking through her long dirty brown hair; her frantic green eyes darted across the empty night street. Slowing down, she held still listening, but the only thing she heard was her own heartbeat. Then, footsteps. Her body tightened, and she darted for the nearest alley. Ducking behind some crates she held her breath. Two men soon came into view. One, tall, with dark hair and brooding eyes, the other shorter and stockier. They slowed to a stop, and glanced around. From an alley nearby, came a loud crash. The girl jumped at the sound of crates being knocked over. The two boys took off towards the crash. The girl leaned against the cool brick wall and breathed deeply.

Casey jolted awake. Her body, as well as the sheets, was covered in sweat. She breathed heavily as the last memories of her nightmare flashed through her mind. She lay back in bed, reaching over and turned on the light. Picking up the recorder next to her she pressed record.

“I had the dream again. I’m being chased down a dark street, in some city. I’m wearing gray slacks, black suspenders, and a blue button down shirt, and I have a gray cap stuffed into my back pocket. The street is empty, no cars, nothing. It looks old, almost like I’m in some old movie. I’m running like my life depended on it, I can even hear my heart beating, so loudly. Two men are chasing me. The same two as always, this time I duck into an alley, instead of an apartment building. I’m crouching between some crates, when they come into view. Then there’s a loud noise in some other alley and they take off. That’s when I wake up.” Casey paused. “It’s so real. I can feel my feet hitting the dirt road, and I can breathe the warm air around me. I still don’t know where or when this is all taking place, but I feel as though it’s real. Maybe it is,” She laughed at herself. “Maybe this is some past life. Three months ago I would have said that was crazy, but know it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.” She pressed the stop button and placed the recorder back on to her night table. She turned off her light and fell back asleep, knowing that she wouldn’t dream of it again that night. Her next dream she was looking forward too. It would be of him, she didn’t know him, and in fact she had never seen him before. But she knew there was some connection, and she always had this dream after the chase one.

“BEEP BEEP” Casey McFerind glanced out the blinds in her kitchen to see what she already knew. It was Jack, in his red corvette, just like every morning. She grabbed her coat off the table, and ran outside. Throwing her stuff in the backseat, she hopped in, and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled at her mossy brown hair, which was pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck, and glanced at her baggy cargo pants and tight tank top. “Oh and that’s all I get?” He asked, moving in for a more passionate kiss. Casey smiled and opened herself up to the captain of the football team. Once the kiss was over, he pulled away from her house, and headed towards the small high school in Smithtown, Long Island.

“So, we making a trip into the city tonight?” Casey asked. Jack looked over and smiled at her; the wind blew through her hair, and danced on her face. He smiled, head over heels for this girl. She twirled a string of hair around her finger; thinking of the way she had him twirled around her finger. She was cautious, never getting too involved with any one she dated. She had learned a long time ago if you never open your heart; you’ll never get hurt. She thought she was put on God’s green earth to do one thing, and one thing only; have fun. And damnit, she was going to. And, she told herself; she would never be like her mother. Her mother was an insecure, bumbling idiot. Or so thought Casey. Her mother had done the one thing Casey vowed never to do, fall in love. That was probably why she dated guys like Jack, no fear there. She could never love someone as shallow as Jack. Jack had never felt real pain, and she loathed him for it. But he had money, a nice car, and wanted to have fun as much as Casey. He nodded at her, in answer to her question, as they pulled into the parking lot.

“We’ll probably leave around nine. You, me, David and Lily.” Casey nodded, as they got out of the car. They walked inside hands interlocked, and kissed goodbye for first hour. Casey spent the whole day looking forward to that evening. She loved New York City and spent most of her time there. They only lived about a half an hour away, and Casey knew the city by heart, having lived there for 14 years. She was now 17 but on good days could pass for twenty and at night in a crowded bar, even twenty-one. Even if she didn’t look twenty-one, she could usually get a drink. She had mousy brown hair that fell down her back in soft waves. The kind of long black lashes girls’ dream about, and the soft emerald eyes to back them up. Her skin was creamy and looked like that out of a Noxema commercial, with rarely any blemishes. Her body had more curves than a racecar track, and she was rumored just as fast. She was the kind of girl every guy jacked off too, and every girl loathed; and she knew it. The only reason she had any friends of the same sex was because she was nice, although that made it unbearable too. Lily, her best friend, while also gorgeous on different standards, found herself hating Casey only rarely. But in Casey’s eyes that was enough.

“So, what are you going to wear?” Lily’s high voice carried over the line. Casey winced at her friend’s voice. “I was thinking of wearing my lime green dress, cause David said it looked so good, but then I don’t know…ya think Backstreet Boys might really be there?” Lily loved the Backstreet Boys. Casey hated them, they reminded her of a line from Empire Records, “Dance party USA teeny bopper type of shit” Casey hated all pop boy bands. She’d much rather listen to punk. None of her friends understood her taste in music, or anything else. But that was fine with Casey, if you didn’t have the same interests the relationship is merely superficial. And that’s all Casey would allow. “Probably not,” Lily rambled on. “Kim’s never right about those things. Well I guess I’ll go with the lime green dress. Thanks Casey, you’re such a help!” The line went dead. Casey took the receiver from her ear and stared into it; finally, shaking her head, she put it down. Casey got dressed quickly and left the house, walking the short distance to the train station. They were all smart enough to know you never drive into New York City on a Friday night hoping to get anywhere near the Tunnel. She walked to the station immersed in her own thoughts. She walked through the station, full of people, looking for Jack, Lily and David. Suddenly a hand crossed over her mouth, her eyes went wide, as her attacker pulled her backwards. Thoughts of death and rape raced through her mind as she was pulled backwards. Without a second thought she elbowed him quickly underneath the ribs, turned and punched him in the eye. His hand flew from his ribs to his eye.

“God dammit Casey!” Jack yelled, rubbing his eye. Lily rushed up along with David wearing that horrific lime green dress. Casey grinned sheepishly. Lily gave her a hello hug then laughed at Jack.

“Told you she would kick your ass!” She cried. Jack gave her a horrible glare. Casey walked over to him, pulling his face up and looking at his eye. She grimaced; knowing it would be swollen tomorrow.

“Sorry babe.” She said trying to suppress a laugh.

“It’s not funny.” He protested.

“I know. I’m sorry, but play with fire and you’re bound to get burned.” She stated. He gave her odd glance, and then wrapped an arm around her, kissing her head. She grimaced slightly.

“I don’t mind, but try to be nice to me from now on, kay?” He asked. She nodded.

The train pulled into the station, and the wind it created rushed through Casey’s hair, blowing it into her face. She shivered slightly as the wind touched her bare back. Her shirt, if you could call it that, was merely some sparkly purple fabric with one cord tied around her neck and one tied around her back. It came to a point in the front, exposing the sides of her firm stomach also, along with one of her two tattoos; a small black star. She wore black cigarette pants, and black platform sandals, and to finish her ensemble a skinny sliver belt of stars draped on her hips and large hoop earrings dangled from her lobes. Her hair was curled and pulled up off her neck, accenting her high cheekbones, and full smile.

The group boarded the train with thoughts of the fun night ahead. They moved through the train to a relatively empty car and sat down as the train lurched forward. The hour train ride seemed unusually long to Casey and the train seemed to inch forward into New York. She sighed loudly and leaned into Jack who wrapped his arms around her. An old woman sitting a few seats down turned away with a look of disapproval. Casey laughed slightly and tried to concentrate on what Lily was saying. After a few moments she was lost again. Her mind wandered back to her dream the night before. She replayed it in her mind and tried to make sense from it. In the dream she had feared for her life, and while Casey was no stranger to fear she was still scared. She knew if she had been caught by those men…A sudden flickering of the lights in the cabin woke her from her thoughts. She sat up, confused, and a little frightened. She reached out for Jack’s hand, but never reached it when the train came to a sudden halt and Casey flew off her seat, onto the floor. The lights went black, as she heard Lily scream. She groped around trying to find her friends and was quickly reunited with Jack, who was calling out her name. She tried to stand but was knocked off her feet as the train flew back into motion and their car separated and flew off the tracks. The four friends were thrown against the opposite side of the car as it tumbled down the small hill. Casey heard a scream before it all went black.

Jack awoke to the sound of sirens. He groaned in pain, and lifted his head. The car lay at the bottom of the small hill, only a few hundred feet from the track. He lay about 15 feet from the twisted heap of metal, once known as the car. Through his blurred vision he saw David laying a few feet away, and a couple ambulances at the top of the hill. “Casey.” He whispered, and pulled himself to his knees. He crawled towards the damaged car, looking for signs of life. Frantically he began calling out her name. A paramedic rushed up and dragged him away from the rubble, still calling out her name as tears spilled from his eyes.

Jack stared at the small, but strong hand he held. He examined it thoroughly, noticing the chipped fingernail polish and small scrape that ran across her middle finger. He kissed it for what seemed like the hundredth time and held it to his cheek as more tears came. He glanced around the sterile, empty hospital room, and felt sickened by the smell. One, he deduced, of cleaning supplies and death, the first to rid the room of the latter. He prayed silently again, and went back to examining the hand. He fell asleep that night, in the most uncomfortable chair he had ever sat in, holding her hand. He awoke with an ache in his back, and was secretly relieved when Casey’s mother showed up and insisted he go get something to eat. Casey’s mother took his place, both in the chair and at Casey’s hand. She stared at her daughter, and wondered if, wherever she was, she was scared. The doctor had said, probably just to comfort her that comas were like a deep, deep sleep. Casey’s mother wondered what she was dreaming…

Every muscle in her body ached with each pounding step she took. Her heart beat against her chest threatening to explode. She glanced over her shoulder as she ran, looking through her long dirty brown hair; her frantic green eyes darted across the empty night street. Slowing down, she held still listening, but the only thing she heard was her own heartbeat. Then, footsteps. Her body tightened, and she darted for the nearest alley. Ducking behind some crates she held her breath. Two men soon came into view. One, tall, with dark hair and brooding eyes, the other shorter and stockier. They slowed to a stop, and glanced around. From an alley nearby, came a loud crash. The girl jumped, at the sound of crates being knocked over. The two boys took off towards the crash. Casey leaned against the cool brick wall and breathed deeply. Out of her pocket she pulled a pair of dice and some dollar bills. She quickly counted the money and then stuffed it into an inside pocket on her pant she had sewn in. She smiled at the dice and stuffed them back into her pocket. She quietly crept up to the other end of the alley, and knowing that the men would soon realize the crash was not her and be back, she took off, running silently and stealthy towards Manhattan. She reached Manhattan by early dawn and in the early morning light she caught a glimpse of her pursuers. Desperately she ran to the nearest alley and up the fire alley. At the top of the fire escape she tried the window and discovered it was locked, she looked around frantically feeling trapped, and heard the voice of one of the men. Quickly she jumped up and caught the ledge of the flat roof, and using all the strength in her body she pulled herself up. Placing a knee onto the roof she rolled onto the roof and on her back. She breathed heavily for a few seconds, then inched away from the edge until she was about ten feet away. Laying back down, she sighed heavily, thinking that the five dollars she had won that night wasn’t worth this and vowing to quit craps she fell into a deep sleep.

Jack awoke in a cold sweat. He took a couple deep breaths and wiped his forehead as the last flashes of his nightmare faded. He quietly lifted himself of his bunk, glad he had chosen the lower bed this time. He sneaked across the bunkroom, carefully avoiding those floorboards that squeaked and slipped into the hall. He silently climbed the stairs to the roof. He opened the door and paused to breathe in the night scent. His eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light the stars gave and he was soon able to see his surroundings. He walked towards the edge of the building and looked out over the sleeping city of New York. Jack sat on the roof awhile longer and watched the sky turn from black to blue and the stars disappear as the sun began to rise. He sat, immersed in his own thoughts, when he heard a small groan. His ears pricked and he listened carefully. There, again. He stood slowly and turned around. In the dim dawn light he was able to see a small heap a few feet away. Walking over to it he saw it was a person, sleeping. A sleeping girl, to be exact. She lay curled into a little ball. Next to her head was a gray cap, and her brown hair tumbled over her face. Through it he saw a strong, but delicate face with high cheekbones and long dark lashes. The girl shivered, and groaned again. Then she began to toss and twist in her sleep. Jack watched uncertain of what he should do. Suddenly her eyes flew open and darted around.

Casey’s eyes slowly focused on the tall man standing a few feet away. She yelped and scrambled into a sitting position, clutching her gray hat to her chest. Jack jumped a little when she screamed. She quickly stood up, and pulled her hair up, piling it under her hat. Jack’s voice startled them both. “Who are ya?” The girl suddenly gained a confident composure, eyeing Jack warily.

“Whatta you care?” She asked. Casey didn’t feel especially threatened by Jack, but she knew you could never trust a stranger, hell you could never trust a friend either. It was always better to be cautious, “for every hand extended another lies in wait”, she reminded herself. Jack held up his hands in mock defeat. Taking a few steps towards her he answered,

“Jest wonderin’. Youse are on my roof.”

“Sawrry.” She stated curtly.

“It’s not a problem, jest taught ya might need a place ta stay.” He stated casually. Casey was taken aback by his hospitality, but she tried not to show it. ‘What could he want from me? Why is he so kind?’ She thought. “I’m Jack. Jack Kelley.” He said, and spit in the palm of his hand, then extended it. Her actions surprised herself. She did the same and shook, saying,

“Casey.” She quickly drew her hand back. ‘That was good Casey. Tell him your real name. Maybe he knows Derek. This could all be a trap.’ She thought frantically, her eyes darting around the roof, half expecting people to jump out of the shadows. Jack watched her, confused and a little concerned.

“Well, youse are on da roof of da Manhattan Lodgin’ house fer newsies. If ya need a place ta stay, first nights free, aftah dat it’s tree cents. One a da cheapest in da city.” He said, proudly. “But,” he paused. Casey took a step back. ‘Here it comes’ She thought. “Ya gotta sell papes ta stay dere. It’s only fair.” Casey laughed slightly at her own fear. ‘Ya gotta start sleepin’ better ar night.’ She thought. ‘Maybe I could do dat heah.’ ‘Till tings die down a bit wit Derek.’ She thought. ‘He would neveah tink to look at a newsie lodgin’ house.’ She flashed a smile at Jack, and nodded.

“I would like dat.” She answered, truthfully. Jack grinned back, noticing how beautiful she was when she smiled. ‘If I didn’t already have a goil’ He thought.

“Well dis way den.” He said and walked towards the door that led into the house. Jack and Casey came down the stairs just as the bunkroom door opened and out poured the Manhattan newsies. They passed right by Jack and Casey, hollered goodbye to Kloppmann and left the building to make a living. Jack shook his head and laughed a little. “In ‘ere.” He said and entered the bunkroom. Casey followed and glanced around the rather large bunkroom, which was an absolute mess. Clothes were flung all over the place. Jack, however did not seem fazed. “Dere’s an empty bunk o’er there.” He pointed. “An’ in dere is da washroom.” Casey looked through the door he had pointed at. Inside she saw an even bigger mess. There was shaving cream all over the mirrors, puddles of water everywhere and towels covered every inch of counter. She turned back to the bunkroom with a look of disgust. Jack looked at her and laughed. “They can kinda make a mess.” Casey nodded. “C’mon, we’ll go get our papes.” He said, and led the way out of the lodging house to the distribution center. The next few hours Casey spent learning to “improve the truth” on headlines, Casey didn’t have much of a problem with this, lying was one of her best, or worst, traits. She quickly finished the small stack of twenty, then helped Jack finish his. At the end they split their earnings 60 – 40, since Jack had bought the papes. Casey didn’t mind much; she still had the few dollars from last night. After they were done selling Jack and Casey went to Tibby’s.

“Tibby’s? Ain’t that kinda expensive fer you guys?” Casey asked, curiously. Jack paused a little before answering, a little offended. Casey, however, didn’t seem to notice the problem with her question.

“Normally we’se can’t. Denton’s visitin’.” Jack explained. Casey nodded,

“Whose Denton.” She asked.

“He’s an ‘Ace War Correspondent’ fer da New Yawk Sun.” Jack said, proudly. “He helped us wit da strike last yeah. Whenever he’s in town he treats us ta lunch at Tibby’s. He’s related ta da owner, or sumptin’, so he get’s a discount.” Jack explained. Casey nodded.

“I see.” Jack gave her a wide smile and opened the door to the small restaurant for her. She gave him a small, nervous smile back and avoided eye contact as she entered the room. She surveyed the crowded room carefully and stood somewhat behind Jack, wondering if anyone in the room had ever been to one of Dice’s games.

“Hey Jack!!” A voice cried out. Jack’s smile got wider as a young boy, about 9 or 10 came running up and attached himself to Jack’s leg. Casey smiled at the boy’s affection. Jack knelt down and gave the small boy a hug. Then he stood and spit shook with the boy that had followed the child.

“Heya Davy.” Jack said. Casey’s eyes danced across Davy. He was tall, not as tall as Jack, but taller than her. He had dark wavy hair and intelligent eyes. He turned and looked back, smiling a bit. The small boy looked up, and first noticed Casey.

“Hi! I’m Les, and this is my brother David. He’s older.” The small boy chirped happily. Jack and David laughed a little.

“No kiddin’?” Casey said, smiling at Les. Davy held his hand out to Casey. She paused, eyeing him carefully, and then realized he was as clueless and harmless as they come. She spat in her palm and shook with him, to his astonishment. “I’m Casey.” David smiled back.

“So, Davy. Is “Our man Denton” heah yet?” Davy tore his eyes from Casey’s pale face and brown curls to respond to Jack.

“Nah, not yet. Should be soon though.” Les grabbed Casey’s hand.

“C’m here! I want youse ta meet my friends.” He said, and started to pull her away. Casey shot a glance at Jack before she let herself be pulled away to where some of the younger newsies were sitting. Jack laughed a little as she left and turned to look at Davy who was still watching Casey. Jack laughed at him, and pulled him to a booth.

“Take a picture Davy, it’ll last longer.” Jack joked as he pulled him into the booth. Davy smiled and turned a little red.

“Where’s she from?” Davy questioned.

“I ‘ave no idea. Found ‘er this mornin’ sleepin’ on da roof.” Jack answered. “Asked ‘er if she needed a place ta stay an’ she said she did. I’se neveah seen her ‘fore.”

“She runnin’ from something?” Davy asked.

“She didn’t say, but she probably is. We all are.” Jack answered. A waiter came over to take their orders and their conversation came to a halt. Davy glanced over their booth and saw Les dragging Casey around the room introducing her to everyone. She seemed comfortable around Les but wary of all the boys.

“She seems kinda noivous.” Davy commented. Jack nodded.

“She does. And she ain’t shy but she don’t seem too friendly. Almost as if the idea of friends scares her.” Jack paused and followed Davy’s gaze to Casey. “I think she’s been hurt, an’ she’s tryin’ not ta get too close.” Jack finished. Davy glanced at his tall friend, Jack’s uncanny ability to read a person he barely knew always surprised him. “Hey Les!” Jack called. Les came running over tearing Casey away from a conversation with Racetrack about poker. Race laughed as Les pulled her away mid-sentence.

“Yeah Jack?” Les asked as he neared the booth.

“Les! Ya nearly pulled me arm outta my socket!” Casey exclaimed. Les looked at the floor,

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. Casey smiled.

“It’s okay, jest be more careful next time.” Les smiled.

“Les, why don’t you go play marbles with Snipe and leave Casey ‘ere ta get sumptin ta eat.” Les nodded and took off again. Jack moved over to make room for Casey. She sat and nervously played with her hands.

“So Casey, where ya from?” Davy asked, trying to make small talk.

“Around.” Casey answered simply, trying not to make eye contact.

“Hmm...don’t think I’ve been there…” He said jokingly, “How come youse in Manhattan?”

“As good a place as any.” She answered with a forced smile, hoping that he would get the hint. Jack noticed Casey’s pained face and decided to change the subject.

“Casey’s a natural newsie.” He said smiling a large smile. Suddenly the door opened and in walked a young man of maybe 19. He wore black slacks, a white shirt and red suspenders. He had perfectly gelled brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was kind of small but had a confident composure. Every newsie in Tibby’s looked up and stared at him. Casey stood up, surprised.

“Skye! I thought I saw you in here, But I told myself, Nah that aint Skye, can’t be, not in Tibby’s with a bunch a’ newsies.” The boy joked, crossing over to where Casey was standing.

“Heya Dice. Hows it rollin’?” She asked, and spit- shook with the boy.

“So Skye, ya gonna grace us with ya presence tanight?” Dice asked.

“Ya furness a spot?” Casey asked, a little surprised.

“Yeah, an’ it was hard, da heat is on.”

“Where’s da action?” Casey asked. Dice looked down at Jack and Davy who were both staring at them. “Dis is Jack and David.” She said, introducing them, Jack and Davy stood and shook with Dice. “Why don’t we go to a booth in back ta discuss this.” Casey said and led Dice to the back of the restaurant leaving Jack and Davy standing looking like idiots.

“Who tha hell was that?” Jack asked after they sat back down. Race stood and walked over to Jack and Davy’s booth.

“Dat’s Dice McQueen. He runs tha only floatin’ crap game in da city dat ain’t been shut down yet.” Race explained. “It’s serious shit. Only well healed shooters and high players allowed. Too dangerous fer me.” He finished. Jack glanced over at Dice and Casey.

Dice sat across from Casey as she eyed the door. “So how come tanight?” She asked. “I thought it was on Saturday.”

“Like I said da heat is on. Da bulls know dat it’s usually Saturday so we’se gonna fool ‘em. I got me boys out tellin’ everyone but we couldn’t find you.” He explained.

“After that last game Derek’s thugs chased me all the way ta Manhattan. I figured hidin’ out at da Newsie Lodgin’ House would be safe.” Casey shrugged. “So who’s playin’?”

“Da usual.” Dice replied.

“Den I’ll miss dis one. I gotta let things ‘tween me an’ Derek cool off a bit.” Casey said standing. Dice stood also and spit-shook with Casey.

“Sure thing Skye.” He turned to leave.

“Oh and Dice,” Dice turned around. “Ya neavah saw me.” Dice nodded then left the restaurant.

Casey walked home quietly lost in her thoughts. She had left the restaurant, despite Jack and Davy’s pleads to stay, because she had felt out of place. She did not know Denton, and while he seemed very nice, she felt odd hanging out with this man who seemed to be very important to the newsies. Both Jack and Davy offered to walk her home but she was confident she knew the way. She walked slowly thinking about the craps game she was missing and had to force herself not to run off in search of it. She hadn’t missed one of Dice’s games in over a year. She paused at a bench and sat for a while. Staring at the empty New York street she was oddly inspired and pulled out her pad and pencil. She looked down at what she had written a few moments later and hummed a few bars. Disgusted with herself she threw the paper into the street. She secretly wished she hadn’t sold her guitar for craps money. She sighed heavily and stood to finish her walk home. She started off when she heard a voice.

“It ain’t safe for a goil ta be out walkin’ by ‘erself at night.” Casey turned around and saw a boy step out of the shadows. She eyed him suspiciously. He was a little taller than her and wore newsie garb. He was skinny, but built and walked confidently. He had a boyish face with a curved grin and button nose. His eyes, however, betrayed his boyish charm; they were steel gray, cold and harsh. His hair was covered in a gray cap. While Casey stared at the strange boy he stared at her. He had watched her from the shadows while she sat and wrote and was instantly captivated. She was beautiful with long chestnut hair that curled ever so slightly and framed her creamy face. He stood and stared for a few minutes losing himself in her endless emerald eyes. Casey sized him up, and while she found him attractive, was instantly put off by his rude comment.

“It’s only not safe for those who bother me.” Casey said, calculating her words carefully and saying them with just enough edge so he knew she was completely serious. He smirked slightly, noticed her posture and stance, and quickly wiped the smirk off his face knowing she wouldn’t hesitate to do so herself. He held up his hands in mock defeat.

“Well, maybe I should walk with you, you know to protect tha city from youse.” He said, trying a different approach. Casey, however, wasn’t amused. The last thing Casey needed right now was another guy; she was still having trouble getting away from Derek. Guys, in Casey’s opinion, were only good for one thing. She had decided long ago never to let a relationship get more than physical, and always reminded herself that for every hand extended, another lies in wait.

“Maybe, you should get lost.” Casey said, and turned to leave. The boy grabbed her arm and turned her back around. Her eyes flared with anger, and his matched hers.

“Listen, a piece of advice, you don’t talk to me like that.” She yanked her hand out of his grip.

“Piece of advice: don’t touch me.” She said and walked off. The boy stood and watched her leave. Once she was out of sight he stooped and picked up the piece of paper she had discarded, he placed it in his pocket and continued on his way to Tibby’s.

Jack looked up smiling from his table with Davy and Denton. Denton was telling them about his latest adventure as Ace War correspondent, Jack was a little confused since there were no wars happening right then, but he tried to forget about it. He glanced up as the door to Tibby’s opened and saw his good friend Spot enter. Spot was smiling to himself and seemed to be in a good mood. Spot noticed Jack and Davy and walked over to them. Denton stopped mid sentence to say hi to Spot as he sat down, and then continued. Davy listened intensely, asking questions frequently about Denton’s ties to the government and such. Spot sat quietly for a few moments then whispered to Jack, asking him if they could talk. Jack nodded, and they both got up and left the table. Denton hardly seemed to notice. Jack and Spot went to a booth in the back and sat down. “What’s up?” Jack asked Spot. Spot smiled slightly thinking of the girl he had run into on the street, but tried to wipe the thought from his head.

“I got annuder threat de udder day.” Spot said, seriously. Jack’s eyebrows went up.

“From who?” He asked.

“Who do you think? Derek.” Spot said, with little emotion. Jack shook his head.

“When is that guy going to realize that he’s all talk?” He said, laughing slightly. Spot shrugged.

“I don’t know, but if he really wants a fight, Brooklyn’ll give it to ‘im.” Spot paused. “I’m beginning to think we oughtta fight an’ get it over with, he’s such a pain in the ass, maybe if we soak da shit outta ‘im he’ll leave me alone.” Jack smiled at Spot.

“Always lookin’ for a fight.” He said, shaking his head at his best friend. Spot smiled at Jack.

“Yep. Almost got into one tonight on the way here.” Spot said thinking of the mysterious girl who had a temper that matched his own. Jack looked at Spot disapprovingly.

“With who?” Jack asked, sounding a bit like a mother. Spot sat quietly for a moment remembering vividly the girl. He smiled at the thought of her, her chestnut hair and endless eyes that danced like emeralds on fire. His thoughts drifted to the paper now folded in his chest pocket, and he searched his memory for another girl who had held him instantly captivated. He found none. Jack watched Spot as if he could see his mind working. He waited silently for an answer, knowing it would be an interesting one. Spot shrugged casually.

“No one important.” He said simply, not yet wanting to share the perfect image of this girl. Jack eyed him suspiciously but said nothing, knowing when Spot was ready he would confide in him. Spot smiled mysteriously, knowing that Jack knew there was more than he was telling, and the two sat quietly for a few moments.

“Got a new goil at the lodgin’ house.” Jack said finally. Spot look disinterested, which surprised Jack, he was usually all for new meat. “Found her sleeping on the roof last night. Very interesting goil.” He paused, looking across the table at Spot. “Think she might be involved with Dice McQueen.” This name got Spot’s attention. He looked sharply at Jack.

“She plays?” He asked. Jack shrugged.

“I guess so. She was here earlier and this guy came in, Race said it was Dice, and she talked to him. I think about a game, but I’m not shoah.” Spot nodded.

“Where is she now?” He asked.

“She left a little while before you came, said she was going back to da lodgin’ house.” Spot’s eyebrows went up.

“Ya think she went to da game?” Spot asked. Jack shrugged.

“I don’t think so. But, maybe.”

“Are ya gonna ask her ‘bout it? Ya know Klopp’s rules ‘bout gamblin’.” Spot began. “An’ if she’s playin’ with Dice, that’s pretty serious.” Spot said, almost disgusted. While both Spot and Jack did gamble occasionally, mostly poker, they both looked down upon addicts. And anyone who played in Dice’s game was an addict. Jack shrugged.

“Yeah, I know, but I probably won’t say anything. I’ll see how she does the first few days. She’s definitely running from something and I would feel bad throwin’ her out on a suspicion.” Spot shook his head at his friend.

“Half tha city’s runnin’ from something. Ya can’t save ‘em all.” Jack shrugged. “Ya always were a suckah.” Spot grinned. “She pretty?” Jack laughed slightly.

“Yah she is. Gorgeous, actually. I was wonderin’ when you’d ask.” Spot laughed.

“I was getting’ to it.”

“Well you can meet ‘er tonight. You’re not goin’ back ta Brooklyn, are ya?” Spot shook his head.

“Nah, not tonight.” Jack smiled.

“Good. We’d bettah go back an’ listen some more ta Denton. He is payin’.” Spot laughed.

“Yer right.” He said, standing up. They both walked back to Denton and sat down.

Casey walked down the street towards the lodging house fuming and muttering to herself. “That god damn asshole…” She couldn’t forget his pompous attitude or obvious ego. By the time she reached the lodging house she had forgotten how he looked and thought only of her hatred for him. She had never met anyone who she had instantly disliked. Even Derek took awhile to hate, but this boy. He filled her with frustration and annoyance. The way he carried himself and acted like he owned the whole god damn city. She entered the lodging house vowing to soak his ass if she ever saw him again. Nodding a hello to the old man behind the desk she climbed the stairs to the bunkroom. It was empty, of course, and she tried to remember which bunk Jack had said was open. It was one by the window, but there looked to be two open. She chose the one on the right and exhausted climbed in and fell asleep instantly.

The newsies walked back to the lodging house in a good mood. They had just finished a good meal, probably that best they would have in a long time, and it was free. It was around 1 am before they left, and most of the older newsies were carrying the younger ones who had already fallen asleep. Both Spot and Jack were fulfilled and content. They all skipped and ran down the empty New York streets, feeling for the moment as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Jack sighed, trying to remember the last time he had felt like that, probably back during the strike last year, he thought, remembering the night at Tibby’s they had planned the rally. Jack smiled to himself thinking of the “good old times”. When they reached the lodging house all the boys except Jack and Spot went in and up to bed. Jack and Spot leaned against the outside of the building, smoking. They stood quietly, simply breathing the New York City night. Jack finished his cigarette and quietly said good night going inside. Spot stood alone for a few moments and then reached into his chest pocket pulling out the wrinkled paper. He smoothed it out carefully and then read the words that were scrawled in a dark black ink.

'cause someone you don't know
is someone you don't know
get a firm grip, girl
before you let go
for every hand extended
another lies in wait
keep your eye on that one

He read it over and over again, wondering exactly what it meant, and came only to the conclusion that this girl was more mysterious than he had thought, but that only intrigued him more and he was determined to find out more about her. Eventually he went inside and slowly climbed the stairs to the lodging house. He entered the bunk room and waited for his eyes to adjust to the blackness. Soon he was able to make out the beds and carefully walked over to the window and “his” bunk. He quickly undressed, taking off his shirt and shoes and socks, pulling random things out of his pockets and setting them all in a heap on the floor. He then slid into bed and instantly fell asleep.

Casey dreamt that night that she was back with Derek, back when it was good. She dreamt of his strong arms holding her while they slept, the way he did when they first got together, the way he did when she gave him her heart to hold thinking he could keep it safe. She felt safe in her sleep, safer than she had ever felt with Derek, even in the beginning. Casey awoke when the sun landed on the bed. She sunk into her pillow, still half asleep and smiled at the dream that flashed through her mind, she could still feel Derek’s arms and she closed her eyes in the warm sunlight falling deeper into her dream and sleep.

Spot opened his eyes slowly raising his arm to rub them. He yawned and something caught his eye. He stared for a moment, shocked, before he realized that the brown thing covering the sheet over his chest was hair. There was someone else in his bed. He reached down and carefully moved the smooth chestnut hair aside to reveal a delicate face resting against his chest. The girl smiled slightly in her sleep and curled up to Spot as if she were dreaming about sleeping with someone. Spot, still half asleep and confused studied her and it was a moment before he realized it was the girl from last night. ‘But how did she get here?’ Spot wondered to himself. He looked around the bunkroom and saw everyone else was still asleep, but he knew soon Kloppmann would be coming up to wake everyone. Not really wanting everyone to find him and the girl in bed together, he tried to gently wake her up. He touched her shoulder and shook her gently, but her eyes stayed shut. He watched her for a moment, she looked so peaceful and innocent sleeping, so different than she had earlier that night. He gently brushed a loose hair of her face and marveled at her pale complexion and dark lashes that fell across her eyes. She shuddered softly at his touch and he was overcome with an urge to kiss her. He slowly bent over, and placed his rough, cracked lips to her soft, full ones that were a deep rose color. The kiss felt like the smooth tip of a paintbrush as it makes its first stroke on a white canvas. Spot lifted his head and the girl slowly opened her eyes. She smiled to herself, thinking of her dream and took a deep breath. Then she noticed she wasn’t alone. Her eyes fell onto Spot and she jolted upwards, a scream of surprise escaping her lips. Casey clutched the tan sheet to her body as Spot, startled from the scream, rolled out of bed. Jack jolted awake at the sound of Casey’s scream as did many of the boys. “What’s wrong? Who’s hurt?” Jack cried out as he tumbled off the top bunk. He hit the floor and pulled on a pair of pants. He ran across the bunk room to where Casey sat in bed glaring at a dumbfounded Spot on the floor. Jack looked from Casey to Spot and back again, he instantly knew what had happened, but he asked anyhow. “Casey, what happened?” Jack asked, calmly. Most of the boys had come over to see what was happening.

“Who screamed?” Race said, yawning. He saw Casey in bed. “Oh. Are youse alright?” Casey just stared at him.

“What da hell do ya think? Would YOU be alright if YOU woke up with a strange guy in your bed?” Casey screamed, furiously. Race’s eyes flew open and he saw Spot sitting on the floor. Jack held back a laugh.

“Spot! What da hell were you doin’ in Casey’s bed?” Race asked. A few boys snickered, but Casey’s glare quickly shut them up.

“She was in MY bed!” Spot said in his own defense. Jack smiled.

“Sorry Case, but he’s right. This is his bed.” Jack said softly. Spot smirked.

“How tha hell was I supposed to know dat? I wake up ta some creep!” Casey paused, looking closely at Spot, who was smiling. In fact all the boys smiling at the situation. Casey felt her temper grow. She quickly got out of bed. “You.” She said pointing at Spot. Spot looked up at her from his place on the floor, thinking only of the kiss.

“Hmm?” He questioned.

“It’s you! You’re the asshole from last night! Fuck!” Casey yelled at him. All the boys, including Jack stared at her. Shocked, Spot slowly stood up.

“I think youse might wanna rethink that last statement.” He said, menacingly. All the boys took a step back. She just smiled.

“You’re right. Calling you an asshole would be an insult to all tha assholes in da woild. What the fuck are you doin’ heah? Did you follow me back? Huh? You just HAPPENED to get into tha same fucking bed as me? My ass.” She glared at him, “Maybe I oughta just soak ya now.” She growled at him.

“I’d like ta see ya try!” Spot laughed at her. Jack stepped in.

“Kay, I don’t know what tha hell is goin’ on heah, but there will be NO soaking in dis lodgin’ house.” Casey glared at Spot, her harsh stare never wavering. Her muscles were tense and her emerald eyes had turned a menacing green that reflected no light. Spot’s stance matched hers, and his eyes took the warmth of steel. “Spot, is this the “person” you almost fought wit last night?” Spot nodded. “Well den. Casey I’d like ya ta meet Spot Colon, da leader a da Brooklyn Newsies, and Spot, dis our newest addition in Mannhattan, Casey.” Casey and Spot both broke their gaze to look at Jack.

“She’s tha newsie?” Spot asked. Jack nodded, Casey unclenched her fists.

“That’s nice and all Jack, but I’m still gonna ‘ave to kick tha shit outta him.” She said calmly. The boys all took another step back.

“Not in here you’re not!” Kloppmann yelled, stepping into the scene. “Take it outside boys!” He said, and then noticed Casey. “I mean…hon, you’re gonna fight Spot?” He asked, shocked. Casey nodded. Kloppmann looked her over. “Good luck then.” He said, shaking his head then leaving the bunk room. Casey turned on her heel and left the bunkroom, Spot hesitated for a moment. He didn’t really want to fight this girl, but he wasn’t about to let his reputation suffer, he followed her out. The rest of the boys glanced at each other, and then ran after them. Casey walked out of the lodging house into the early morning sun. She squinted and stood waiting for Spot, who was seconds behind her. Spot stepped out and smirked at Casey.

“To da alley?” He asked with fake courtesy. Casey nodded, and they stepped into a nearby alley, the boys all following. Spot faced off with Casey and she noticed the muscles in his chest tense, first noticing he wasn’t wearing a shirt, she shook the thought of his well developed pecks from her mind and focused her thoughts on her anger. She took a deep breath and glared at Spot. Jack stepped onto the scene.

“Guys...come on. Is this really necessary?” He pleaded with them. Spot looked at Casey, he didn’t really want to fight, and if she called it off, he wouldn’t mind. She caught his gaze and nodded. Spot shrugged, he cracked his neck to each side and got ready to fight. Jack sighed and stepped back, clearly defeated. He hoped Spot would take it easy, he knew Casey was tough, but didn’t think she could beat Spot. In fact the idea made him laugh. Casey pulled her chestnut hair off her face and into a low bun, then she carefully unbuttoned her shirt and removed it, showing a men’s long-sleeved undershirt that accented her full chest. Spot tried not to notice. She pushed her sleeves up and the boys caught glimpses of her well toned arms. She carefully removed her two rings, wanting the fight to be fair and handed her shirt and rings to Jack, who wordlessly took them. Spot smirked and gave her a look that clearly said “bring it on”. Casey didn’t smile or move. She had learned long ago never make the first move. Spot hesitated, he didn’t like making the first move, it showed impatience. But he felt this would be an easy fight, so it didn’t really matter. He went in for a quick jab to her stomach, keeping his other hand in a fist close to his chest. She swung her arm down in a controlled motion and blocked his punch, his other hand flew out towards her face but she quickly dodged it turning to the right and elbowed him in the ribs, he flinched, but quickly ducked as she turned and punched where his face was. He stood again on her other side and she caught a punch to the face, all the boys groaned at the sight of blood on her lip, but she seemed barely fazed and returned him with an upper cut to his right jaw line. Her other fist pounded into his stomach, directly underneath his ribs. The boys cringed. She came in for a second punch, but he caught her hand in mid air, her second fist went for his stomach, but he caught that one too. He smirked at her and she smiled back quickly sweeping his legs. He fell quickly, but didn’t let go of her. She landed on top of him and quickly kneed him in the stomach and rolled off and stood back up in one swift move. He jumped to his feet and she was ready for him with a kick to the side and a punch to the eye, which he blocked. She took a punch in the stomach and gave him a black eye. He smiled slightly, impressed by her fighting, and took it up a notch. He caught her around the stomach with his arm and flipped her onto the ground. She landed and arched her back jumping onto her feet. He came at her with a few punches that she blocked and she came back at him with kick to the temple. He sprawled out on the ground, and moaning climbed to his feet. He spit out blood and she smiled at him. He caught her off guard with a quick punch to eye and one to the stomach. She knelt over, regaining her wind and he ran at her. She stayed hunched over and when he reached her she quickly stood up throwing him over her back and to the ground. He stood back up shakily and they circled each other. Casey’s lip was busted and her eye was quickly swelling. Her ribs were sore but not broken and she was eager to continue. Spot spit out more blood and felt his eye begin to swell. He had a cut on his right jaw line and thought a rib might be broken, but he too was ready to fight. He could hardly believe this was happening, Spot Colon getting soaked by a girl. The boys were all staring in shock, this girl had held her own in a fight with Spot, and had even inflicted some pain! Casey decided quickly she was ready for the fight to be over and she lunged at Spot jabbing him a couple times in the stomach, he reached for her but she ducked around him and swept his legs out again. He landed on his back and she jumped onto him landing her elbow on his already bruised ribs. He groaned in pain and she rolled over and on to her knees landing a swift punch to his jaw, making the cut bigger, and another to his stomach. He turned his head to the side and spit out blood. She picked herself off and brushed the dirt off her clothes. Spot stayed on the ground, wanting badly to get up, but not able to. He very slowly rolled over onto his knees and pulled himself up. Casey looked at him, and began to regret what she did. She didn’t really need to fight him, though it had felt good at the time, and she didn’t mean to hurt him. She felt her lip and tasted blood. He looked at her, searchingly and she expected to see hatred in his eyes, but she didn’t. She saw defeat and pain. She spit in her hand and held it out.

“Ovah?” Spot looked surprised at Casey and then her hand. He had been beaten by a girl…the boys all looked on in amazement. He glared at her and his eyes changed. He knew he should shake her hand, be a good sport, but he just couldn’t. She looked like nothing was wrong, like there was no reason why they couldn’t be friends. He couldn’t believe it. He had, maybe an hour ago, been completely entranced by this girl and had stolen a kiss while she had slept, and now he couldn’t get over his anger. He shook his head at her hand and reached over shaking it. She smiled slightly, but his cold face didn’t alter.

“Good job.” He said coldly, she shuddered softly at his voice, he gave her one last look then turned and walked away, back into the lodging house. Casey stood looking after him, bewildered. She shook her head and took her stuff back from Jack, who along with the rest of the boys looked like they had just been told pigs could fly. She walked into the lodging house behind Spot and followed him up the stairs to the bunk room. She watched as he gathered his stuff and walked past her and back out the lodging house past the boys who were all still standing there. She looked out the window and watched as he walked away, then shook her head and got ready for the day.

Casey stepped into the dimly lit store off the dusty New York streets. She glanced around and walked up to the desk. She had finished her selling and had some time before she told Jack she’d be back at the Lodging House. An old man came out of a door that led to the back of the store and smiled at Casey. “Ya back fer yer baby Skye?” He asked, chuckling. Casey smiled at the old man.

“Yeah, dat mean ya still got it?” She asked. He nodded and pointed towards the back room.

“Yeah, been keepin’ it back dere, thought ya might be comin’ back.” Casey looked relieved. She pulled out the money she had in her pocket.

“How much ya want fer it?” The old man sighed at Casey.

“How much did I give ya?” She thought about it for a moment.

“Umm…15 dollars, I think.” She counted the money in her hand and cringed. He noticed the slight movement.

“I’ll give it ta ya fer 9 bucks, no less.” He said, smiling. Casey gave him a gracious smile and slid the money across the counter, pocketing the three dollars she had left.

“Thanks Gus.” He nodded and took the money going into the back room and bringing back a tattered guitar case. He handed her the case over the counter. She took it carefully and turned to leave.

“Skye.” Casey turned around.

“Yeah Gus.” She asked noticing his face taking a hard edge.

“Yer a good girl, ya sell that guitar ta me again fer gamblin’ money an’ ya won’t be gettin’ it back.” He said, shaking a finger at her. She nodded and left the store. She glanced at the pocket watch and saw she had an hour before she had to be back. She smiled to herself and walked into Central Park looking for a secluded place to play. She found an empty area and a bench and sat down, opening the case. She carefully took the guitar out and laid it across her lap gently fingering the strings. She strummed a few, and humming, tuned the guitar. She glanced around making sure no one was there, she had never played before people and never wanted to. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as her fingers began to work. They played a nameless tune and she thought back to the fight that morning. She thought of Spots face and eyes as he left, he looked sad, as though he would never forgive her, and was upset about it. She was confused, when the fight was over her mind was cleared of anger. She no longer thought of him as an enemy and all was forgiven. It was the way she worked, she never held grudges. Holding grudges meant holding on to the past, something she never did. It meant making connections with people, remembering them and she wouldn’t allow herself that. She kept herself just close enough to have fun, but never close enough to get swept up in anything, in any feeling. Her fingers began to strum her feelings and make a new song. She stopped suddenly and pulled out a piece of paper writing the music down as she played it. After a while, and a few sheets of paper she realized the time. She packed her stuff up and began a brisk walk back to the lodging house.

Jack looked at the clock again, wondering where Casey was, at that moment she walked in the door carrying the awkward guitar case. She smiled at him and climbed the stairs to the bunkroom. Jack’s eyes followed her up the stairs and soon his body followed also. She entered the bunkroom, which was empty, and walked over, to her bunk. She placed the guitar case on the floor next to it and sat down on the bed. She glanced around trying to think of somewhere she could go to be alone and work on her song. Her eyes fell on the open window. She remembered her first night on the roof, thinking there had to be a better way to get up there than the way she had used that night, she picked up the guitar case and walked past Jack, who was entering the bunkroom, and continued up the stairs to the roof. Jack glanced after Casey, realizing where she was going, but decided against following her. Casey opened the door to the roof and walked to the edge, sitting down she let her legs hang over the edge and she pulled out her guitar and watched the golden sun begin its descent. She played over what she had written earlier and began to put words to the music. Spot sat on the opposite side of the roof and listened intently to the gentle sounds of Casey’s guitar. He had come back that evening, due to Jack’s request. He sighed, wanting to go over, but his pride stood in his way. He just couldn’t forget and forgive. His ears pricked up when he heard her voice begin to sing. He was instantly captivated.

buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
all that steel and stone
is no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks

She thought back to the morning and continued singing, the lyrics forming in her mind as she played.

we are made to bleed
and scab and heal and bleed again
and turn every scar into a joke
we are made to fight
and fuck and talk and fight again
and sit around and laugh until we choke
sit around and laugh until we choke

Spot’s eyes widened a little at the word fuck, he had never heard it used in a song, especially one by a girl, but he wasn’t put off by it. Her music was different than most, it was real and honest; and harsh. He thought about the words she sang.

i don't know who you were expecting
probably some bitch who does not budge
with eyes the size of snow
i may get pissed off sometimes
but you seem like the type to hold a grudge
and in the end, i just let go
in the end I just let it go…

He soon realized she was talking about him. “but you seem like the type to hold a grudge…” She was right, and he wasn’t expecting her to fight. He sighed deeply and got up. She continued to sing, unaware anyone was listening.

buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
all that steel and stone
is no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks

Casey finished singing and smiled to herself. She finished writing the lyrics she had just invented. Spot approached her from behind, trying to think of something to say. Casey put her guitar back in the case and stood up. Spot took a deep breath and gathered his courage.

“You’se got a beautiful voice.” He said softly. Casey turned sharply at his voice, startled and she lost her footing. Her arms flailed out in front of her as she slipped off the roof, Spots arm jolted out and grabbed Casey around the waist pulling her into him. He pulled a little too hard and they fell backwards. Casey suddenly realized she was lying on top of Spot she picked her head up off his chest looking straight in his eyes. They were a confusing blue and studied her marble green eyes. They stared at each other for a moment then Casey broke the intense gaze, she stared downward biting her lip. Spot watched her with interest, noticing her pale full lips trembling with…something. Anticipation? Nervousness? She felt his continuous stare and her eyes slowly moved upwards to meet his. Casey finally came to her senses, and she rolled off Spot. She shakily climbed to her feet and he followed. “Are youse ok?” He asked. Her eyes darted towards him and then looked away. She ran a hand through her hair, and noticed her cap on the ground. She reached down quickly and picked it up, playing with it in her hands.

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” She answered quickly.

“I didn’t mean to startle you, I just heard your singing and thought it was good.” Casey looked at him curiously.

“Uhm, yeah.” She said, slightly confused, still not sure what was actually going on. He took a step towards her.

“Are you sure you’re ok? Maybe you should sit down.” She nodded and dropped to the ground next to her guitar.

“Thanks.” She said, after a moment. Spot nodded.

“No problem. You wouldn’t have fallen if I hadn’t startled you.” He said, slightly ashamed.

“It’s ok.” They sat for a moment in silence. Spot looked over at her.

“Was that song about me?” He asked quickly, before his confidence left him. She looked over at him in the gold and crimson light of the sinking sun that turned the city a dusty brown and her jade eyes studied him. He quickly lost his confidence looking at her face framed by the growing darkness. The golden light of dusk danced on her creamy complexion, giving her cheeks a rosy look and making her lips a deep red. He searched her eyes for an answer, but they gave none. She sighed.

“Partly. I guess you could say you inspired me.” She answered softly.

“You’re right. I was expecting “some bitch who does not budge” and I am definitely the type to hold a grudge.” He said honestly, looking out onto the brown city. She looked up, surprised.

“You’ve never admitted that before, have you?” She asked. He glanced at her.

“Hell I never even realized it before.” He said simply.

“Do you mind? About the song. Don’t worry, no one will ever hear it.” She asked, cocking her head slightly and looking at him.

“Nah, I don’t mind.” He looked at her. “I’m honored.” She looked up, surprised at his words. “What do ya mean, no one’ll ever hear it.”

“You’re the first, and last, person that’s ever heard me play.” She said simply. “I don’t play for other people, I play for myself.” He nodded.

“It’s a shame to let talent like yours hide from the world.” She blushed slightly at his compliment.

“My music is just that, my music. I write it for myself. To play my music for other ears would be like writing my soul down for others to read.” Spot looked over at Casey, who was staring into space. “*Write your soul down word for word, see who’s your friend, who is kind” Spot looked away.

“I’m still here.” He said simply. Casey turned to look at him; she smiled slightly and looked back over the city. They both sat in the falling darkness in a comfortable silence. Eventually it the sky turned black. Spot sighed, the night was cloudy and there were no stars to be seen. “It looks like it’s going to rain.” He said quietly, and the instant he said it a few raindrops began to fall. Casey got up quickly and closed her guitar case, Spot followed and they both went back inside. As they walked through the door a thought struck Spot. “Do you want to know somewhere private where you can play?” He asked. Casey nodded. “Kay. Theres a room in da basement youse could use. I’ll show it to ya, if ya want.” Casey smiled.

“Shoa.” He smiled back and they walked down the stairs. They continued past the bunkroom and down the stairs to the basement. They passed through the large entrance room where many newsies where hanging out. All eyes fell on them as they passed through, Spot leading and Casey following, both silent and ignoring the looks. Jack stood up, confused. He looked over at Blink who shrugged. After they left, Race questioned Mush.

“Didn’t they fight dis mornin’?” Mush nodded, still looking towards where Spot and Casey had just been. Race shook his head in confusion and went back to what he was doing. Casey carefully followed Spot down the dimly lit wooden stairs that led to the basement.

“Kloppman mostly uses this space for storage. But there’s a room that’s basically empty.” He said, glancing back at Casey. She nodded. They entered a small room at the left of the stairs. He pulled the cord to the light bulb overhead. Inside was an old couch, a few folding chairs, a folding table and some boxes. Casey smiled at Spot.

“It looks perfect. Thank you.” He grinned back it her, and for a moment his steel eyes lit up, then as quickly as it came it was gone again and his eyes returned to their normal ice. Casey set down her guitar case. She looked back at Spot. “You can leave now.” She said, simply. Spot looked a little surprised.

“I can’t stay and listen?” He asked, already knowing the answer. Casey shook her head. He nodded, and left, shutting the door. Casey took a deep breath and opened her guitar case. She removed her guitar and sat on the couch, Indian style. She lifted her arm to begin to play, and paused, smiling.

“Spot.” She said loudly. Spot jumped slightly outside the door, and chuckled.

“Ok. I’m leaving.” He said through the door, throwing his hands up in defeat. He quickly climbed the stairs and shut the door to the basement. Casey waited till she heard the door shut before she began to play. Spot paused outside the basement door, but heard nothing. He sighed and walked to the large living room where a fire was roaring and a poker game had already begun. He walked over to join the game and sat down with his friends. Jack eyed him suspiciously.

“Where’s Casey?” He asked. Spot looked up from his cards.

“Huh? Oh, she’s down in da basement.” He answered, simply.

“Why?” Spot looked back up at Jack.

“She wanted somewhere to play where she wouldn’t be interrupted.” He said, and threw some money into the pile in the middle of the table. Jack nodded.

“Didn’t you two hate each other this mornin’?” Jack asked, somewhat confused. Spot thought for a moment.

“I never hated her. I think she mighta hated me, but I don’t think she does anymoah.” He said honestly. Jack nodded. He too threw some money into the pile and dropped the subject. No one else mentioned the change of events that evening. Casey was absent the rest of the evening, working on her music in the basement. Around midnight most of the boys went to bed, but Spot wanted to wait up for Casey.

Casey finished her song and glanced at her pocket watch. She was surprised by the time and quickly put her guitar away and shoved it under the couch. She left the small room and slowly climbed the stairs up to the living room. She looked around the dark room wondering if all the boys had gone to bed. She was about to walk up the stairs to the bunkroom when she heard a small moan. She paused and turned around slowly her eyes scanning the dark room. She made out a figure on the couch; she quietly walked over to it not wanting to wake the sleeping figure. As she neared the couch she recognized the figure to be Spot. She smiled slightly at the sleeping figure wondering why he hadn’t gone up with the rest of the boys. She wondered if she should wake him, but after watching his sleeping body decided not to. She knelt beside the couch and softly pulled the afghan that was thrown across the back of the couch over him. She was struck by his beauty in the dark room. He looked so peaceful sleeping, much more peaceful than he ever looked awake. She smiled sadly, wishing she could be so peaceful, even if only in her sleep. She stood up quietly and climbed the stairs to the bunkroom, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Spot stirred slightly in his sleep and smiled before drifting off again.

The next night Casey was in the basement almost as soon as she got back from selling. Spot decided to stay in Manhattan for at least another night and was hanging around the living room, trying to think of a reason to interrupt Casey. “Why don’t ya bring her some food?” Jack said, as he shuffled the cards. Spot looked up, startled.

“Huh?” Jack smiled.

“Casey. I don’t believe she’s eaten, why don’t you take her some dinner?” Spot shook his head, laughing at Jack.

“Good idea.” He said and stood up. He went into the kitchen and found left-overs from that evening’s dinner. He set up a plate and went into the basement. As he neared the room he heard gentle strings of music waft through the door. He gently knocked, and the music quickly stopped. Confused, Casey got off the couch and opened the door slightly.

“Yeah Spot?” She asked. He held up a plate of steaming food.

“Thought ya might be hungry.” Casey’s eyes widened at the food. She nodded, and let Spot in. He put the plate on the table and she sat down and began to eat. Spot laughed at her and sat on the couch picking up the guitar.

“Careful with that Spot, it’s worth more than yer life.” She said, in-between bites of food. Spot laughed. He slowly began strumming the guitar, and the notes quickly took the shape of a song. Casey stopped eating. “You can play?” She asked, dumbfounded. Spot grinned.

“One a my many talents.” He said still playing. She shook her head.

“Full a surprises.” He smirked.

“Well, I ain’t nearly as good as ya, plus I can’t sing.” He said, continuing to play. Casey shut her eyes for a minute, thinking. The words slowly began to take shape in her mind, and she began to sing her eyes still closed.

i build each one of my songs
out of glass
so you can see me inside of them
i suppose
or you could just leave the image of me
in the background, i guess
and watch your own reflection superimposed

Spot smiled as she sang, taking in her beauty.

i build each one of my days out of hope
and i give that hope your name
and i don't know you that well
but it don't take much to tell
either you don't have the balls
or you don't feel the same

His music fit her words perfectly and he could almost hear her voice before she sang, shaping his music to fit her pitch and tone.

come here
stand in front of the light
stand still
so i can see your silhouette
i hope
you have got all night
'cause i'm not done looking
no, i'm not done looking yet

i search your profile for a translation
i study the conversation like a map
'cause i know there is strength
in the differences between us
and i know there is comfort
where we overlap

Casey stopped singing and opened her eyes smiling. She had almost forgotten Spot was there. He stopped playing, and looked at her. She breathed deeply and stood up, walking over to the couch. He handed her the guitar. She looked up at him with her eyes full of fear and confusion. He looked back, his stormy grey eyes searching her soulful jade.

“Do you wanna hear something I wrote?” Casey asked softly. Spot nodded. Casey took a deep breath. He stood up and pulled the chain connected to the light above them. He stood in the silence until the sounds of Casey’s guitar met his ears. He instantly understood why she couldn’t sing her songs to people; even her music was like a map of her soul. He was filled with pain and loss and somewhere hope. She began to sing and her voice was different than it had been on the song she sang with him. It was angry and searching.

don't ask me why I'm crying
I'm not going to tell you what's wrong
I'm just gonna sit on your lap
for five dollars a song
I want you to pay me for my beauty
I think it's only right
'cause I have been paying for it
all of my life

I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
and I'm gonna go away...

we barely have time to react in this world
let alone rehearse
and I don't think I'm better than you
but I don't think that I'm worse
women learn to be women
and men learn to be men
and I don't blame it all on you
but I don't want to be your friend

I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
and I'm gonna go away...

I was eleven years old
he was as old as my dad
and he took something from me
I didn't even know that I had
so don't tell me about decency
don't tell me about pride
just give me something for my trouble
'cause this time, it's not a free ride

I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
I'm gonna take the money I make
and I'm gonna go away...

don't ask me why I'm crying
I'm not going to tell you what's wrong
I'm just gonna sit on your lap
for five dollars a songs
I want you to pay me for my beauty
I think it's only right
'cause I have been paying for it
all of my life

now I just wanna take
and I'm just gonna take
I'm gonna take
and I'm gonna go away

Spot opened his eyes when she finished and sat down on the couch next to her. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he could see her few tears as they cascaded down her face. Without a thought he brought a hand up to her cheek and gently wiped them away. Casey sniffed and stood up quickly turning the light on. Spot looked up at her confused. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled paper. Holding it out to her he said,

“I believe this is yours.” Casey took it and read it quickly.

“Where’d you get this?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

“You left it by the bench the other night.” Casey folded it and put it in her pocket.

“I’m going to bed. Thanks for the food.” She said, putting her guitar back in its case and leaving the room. Spot sat on the couch for a minute before he shook his head and got up, taking the plate with him. Casey silently got ready for bed and climbed into her bunk. She curled up with her covers trying to wipe Spot from her mind. But all she could think of was how gentle his touch was, the way his smell mixed with hers and how well they made music together. She kept trying to talk sense into herself, reminding herself how it was when she and Derek started out, and how bad that got. Nevertheless, she fell asleep dreaming of Spot.

Casey awoke feeling content. She stretched and smiled at the warm sunlight that bathed her body. “Well somebody’s happy this morning.” A voice called out. She turned and saw Jack standing nearby. She smiled.

“That I am.” She said sitting up and yawning. Jack smiled at her.

“Someone left dis fer ya.” He said, handing Casey a note. Casey took it, confused. She opened it and read the scrawled writing.

Skye, Sawry hon, but Derek knows. I didn’t tell ‘im, but he found out. GET OUT.
~ Dice

Casey’s eyes widened and she dropped the note and watched it flutter to the ground. “I have to go.” She said suddenly and stood up. Jack looked concerned.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. Casey looked up at him with fear in her eyes.

“It’s nothing. I ‘ave ta go.” She said and began to gather her small collection of possessions and left the bunkroom. Jack picked up the note, read it quickly and followed. On the way out he ran into Spot coming in from the washroom. Jack gave Spot the note and kept following Casey.

“Huh?” Spot asked, confused, as the note got shoved at him. He opened it and read it. “Damnit.” He muttered and followed Jack. Jack intercepted Casey in the basement, after she had gotten her guitar. He stood, blocking her way, at the bottom of the stairs.

“Move Jack.” Casey said her tone harsh and her stance vicious. Jack shook his head and Spot joined him at the bottom of the stairs. “Move or I’ll move you.” She tried again, her voice dangerously low. Both boys shook their heads.

“Case, we can ‘elp ya.” Spot said, calmly. Casey shook her head.

“No you can’t. Now move.” She said, her voice changed and showed her fear. Her eyes pleaded with Spot. Spot sighed and passed Jack taking the guitar case from Casey and set it down. She began to object, but he silenced her with a look of concern. Without a warning, he drew her into his arms, at first she rejected him and tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her go. So she sank into him, her tears spilling over. She silently cursed god for bringing Spot into her life, she didn’t need this now, she thought.

“Shh..” Spot comforted her and ran a hand through her hair as she silently cried. Jack nodded at Spot and left the basement. Spot led Casey into the room she played guitar in and sat down with her on the couch. She pulled away and wiped her eyes. He smiled softly and took her hand, gently massaging it with his thumb. “Ya wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asked gently. Casey laughed a little and leaned back into the couch.

“Not really.” Casey said, she glanced at his hand on hers and tried to get herself to pull away, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She sighed. “Spot, I don’t want to get you involved in dis.”

“I’m already involved Case. An’ I need ta know how youse involved wit Derek.” He said, his voice growing serious. Casey sighed.

“Derek is my ex-boyfriend.” Casey said, slowly. Spot sighed. “We broke up awhile ago; at least I broke up awhile ago. He’s pretty possessive.” She said trying very hard not to make eye contact with Spot. Spot sighed.

“How’d ya end up in Manhattan?” He asked. Casey took a deep breath.

“It was aftah one a Dice’s games. Derek taught I was cheatin’ an’ had sum a his thugs chase me…dey chased me ta Manhattan an’ I lost em by climbin’ on tad a roof.” She said. Spot sighed with disappointment. “Now de knows I’m ‘ere so I gotta go.” She said. Spot let go of her hand and ran his through his hair. The instant his hand left hers, she felt her skin reaching out for his it took all her strength not to grab his hand. She felt lyrics forming in her head and tried to shake them out.

“Youse a playah in McQueen’s game?” He asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded, and he stood up. Casey was confused.

“Youse got a problem wit dat?” She asked.

“Where are ya gonna go?” Spot asked, ignoring Casey’s question. She shrugged.

“Anywhea but heah.” She stated.

“How about Brooklyn.” He said, sitting back down on the couch. Casey tried to shake her head and say no. She knew it wasn’t a good idea to stay with him in Brooklyn. But all she could register was how close his body was and the way every pore of her body longed for his touch. She slowly nodded. He smiled. “Good. We’se can go now.” He said, and stood up. Casey nodded again and stood up too, part of her wanting to run away and part of her wanting to stay by this man forever. Spot led her out of the small room in the basement and together they left the lodging house and headed towards Brooklyn. Jack followed them out to start his day selling. He watched them walk and shook his head at the unlikely match.

Casey’s first week in Brooklyn went well. She hadn’t really grown attached to any of the boys in Manhattan, and fit in with the Brooklyn crew better. They, like her, were wary of any strangers and did not search for relationships. She tried her hardest to stay away from Spot, leaving rooms when he entered them and spending as little time as possible at the lodging house. That week, on Thursday, Casey finished selling early and ventured back to the lodging house to work on her music. She climbed the stairs to the attic and sat on a single chair amidst boxes and trunks. The attic had only one window, and she positioned the chair next to it to receive the best light. She began her newest song, and then stopped and thought about its subject. She hated what was happening to her, and how quickly she was falling for Spot. She knew she had to leave soon, or this would become another one of her disasters. Then again, she thought and sang softly “We can’t fight gravity on a planet that insists that love is like falling and falling is like this.” She sighed and then cried out in frustration. ‘How can this be happening?’ She thought. She had constructed herself so carefully since Derek, making sure to never let her guard down. Somehow Spot had slipped beneath her radar and she had fallen into his open arms. She began to play again. Her sweet sounds vibrating off the thin walls and wafting down through the floor, directly into Spot’s bedroom, where he laid listening. Spot had decided to stay home that day and get some work on the lodging house done. He closed his eyes and listened as Casey’s voice joined her guitar. It wasn’t long before he wondered if she was singing about him again. And his eyes opened, in surprise, as she sang.

i'm imagining your frame
every angle
and every plane
i'm imagining your smell
the one that mingled with mine
once upon a time
thoughts of you
are picketing my brain
they refuse
to work such long hours without rest
in unstable conditions at best
they're out there every day
holding up there signs
and thoughts of no other man but you
could possibly get through
the picket lines
to enter into my mind

i'm imagining your laugh again
the one you save for your family
and your very
i'm imagining the way you say my name
i don't know when
i'm going to hear it again
my friends can't tell
my laughter from my cries
someone tell this photograph of you
to let go of my eyes

i'm imagining your frame
i'm imagining your smell
i'm imagining your laugh again
and the way you say my name

Spot smiled when she was done and the guitar stopped. He sat up and debated going up to her. When he heard gentle crying coming through the ceiling he left the room and climbed the stairs.

Casey put the guitar down and cried softly. She felt weak and vulnerable and hated herself for it. She pulled her knees to her chest and gently rocked back and forth, wishing more than anything she had let Derek’s thugs catch her. Physical pain she could deal with, emotional pain she had always run from. Spot quietly opened the door, and Casey flung herself around facing him. She pushed her brown hair out of her face and her emerald eyes were magnified by her tears. Her cheeks were rosy and tear stained and her lower lip trembled. Spot thought back to the kiss and wanted nothing more to stop the trembling with his own cracked lips. He crossed the distance between them in a few short strides and knelt beside her. “Casey,” He started his voice full of concern. He lifted a hand to her face and tucked a rebellious wisp of hair behind her ear. She shuddered softly at his silky touch and closed her eyes, forcing the tears out. She opened them again, and he was still there, despite her silent wishes. “What’s wrong?” He asked. She stood up quickly, knocking him back onto the floor. She tried to speak, but her voice got caught in her throat and she let out a sob. She wanted to tell him to get out; she wanted to rush past him and out the door. She wanted to jump into the river and swim away, but she stayed where she was. All she could think of was his touch, his gentle touch and every inch of her pale, smooth skin ached for it. Spot pulled himself off the floor and stood in front of her, his body only inches from hers. She turned her head and looked down, her chocolate tresses cascading over her face. He reached up and gently grabbed her strong chin, pulling it towards him forcing her to look in his eyes. His eyes were a confusing blue. They rippled like water and she felt herself falling again. He let go of her chin and brushed his hand against her cheek. She felt her pulse quicken and swallowed. Her lower lip began to tremble again. Spot felt himself move closer and he slowly bent his face down to meet hers. She closed her eyes anticipating the kiss, and when his rough lips met hers she felt herself melt. His hand rested on her cheek and he drew her into his body with his other arm. She brought her hands up and wrapped them around his neck. He moved her, still kissing, against the wall. They broke for a moment, both breathing heavily. She ran a hand gently over his cheek and bit her bottom lip. He grinned and moved in again. He pushed her against the wall, the kiss growing deeper by the second and his hand ran the length of her side stopping on her hip. His other hand dropped down tracing the seam of her shirt and then went to the cool skin of her stomach. She smiled through the kiss and brought her hands from around his neck to his shirt and began to unbutton it. She pulled it off revealing his well developed chest and she ran a hand down his stomach. He unbuttoned her shirt as well, and dropped it to the floor, revealing a tank top. His mouth moved from hers to her neck as he gently kissed her collarbone and shoulders. Her body trembled and she drew his body closer, pressing herself to his chest. He kissed the length of her neck and she pulled him up to her lips again. His hands roamed her back and pulled her tank top off. He pulled her away from the wall and they lay down on the wooden floor.

Casey shivered and crept closer to Spot in her sleep. He pulled the old blanket he had found around her tighter. She lay sprawled out on his chest, her dark hair tumbling down her bare back and his chest. He gently ran his hands through her hair and then traced her spine lightly with his finger. She shuddered and awoke, grinning up at him lazily. He smiled down at her and she snaked her way up to him, kissing him softly. He smiled and kissed her back, pulling her down and feeling the weight of her breasts on his chest. He pulled the blanket over them as his hands roamed her body.

Casey pulled her tank top and underwear on and glanced at the sleeping figure of Spot. She sighed and pulled her hair into a pony tail. She pulled her guitar out and began to play softly. Spot awoke lazily to Casey’s guitar and he smiled loudly and stretched sitting up. The blanket fell off of his bare chest and he looked over at Casey, who was sitting cross legged in her tank top strumming gently. He reached over and pulled on his boxers and pants. He crawled over to her, and sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her kissing her softly on the neck. She stopped her strumming and giggled slightly at his light touch that made her neck hairs stand on end. He smiled and she leaned back into him. He took the guitar from her, laying it on the floor next to them and bent down kissing her deeply. She turned in his lap so she was facing him and lifted her hand to his face. They pulled apart and he grinned at her. She smiled back and got up. He looked up at her from his place on the floor. Her strong legs glowed in the early morning light that was wafting in through the window. His eyes followed up her thighs to her firm stomach that peeked out from behind her tank top and on up the tank top that was hugging her full breasts. He smiled adoringly as she pulled on pants and her button down shirt. She began to button it and he stood up walking over to her, taking her hands from the buttons and kissing her deeply. Her hands left his and wandered over his well muscled bare chest. She bit his lower lip softly and then pulled away. “We need ta get our papes.” She said taking a step back and continuing to button her shirt. He pouted for a second and then pulled his shirt on. She laughed at his face and kissed him lightly before putting her guitar away. He pulled his socks and shoes on while she did the same and then folded the blankets they had used and set them on the chair. She led the way out of the attic and down the stairs. He followed close behind, and kept a hand on her waist the whole time. They entered the second floor landing as most of the newsies were leaving the bunkrooms. All of the newsies stopped at the sight of Casey and Spot and a few snickers were heard.



back to the fan fic

Disney owns all the characters except for Dice, Derek, Casey, Jack (Casey's present day boyfriend), Lily and Tom, please don't use the characters without asking. Ani DiFranco wrote all the songs in the story, and the full song and copyright info can be found here .
*line from "You Won't Be Mine" by Matchbox Twenty