
Ok, awhile about 5 years ago, I stumbled across a website, a website that would change my life. This website was Angela's Random Babblings (link is on links page)...and this website introduced me to the wonder that is the word bombos . Yes folks, you right, bombos. Well five years later I've noticed that the word bombos is almost extinct among newsie lovers I'm here to help resurrect the word! I joined the bombos webring and am doing my part to promote the word, bombos.

Just what does bombos mean?? well...i stole this definition from Beth's page, and I think it's pretty good! I actually didn't "steal" it, cause the link is to her page...but oh well.

I also stole this from Beth's's an article she and Alicia wrote for their school paper...I think it promotes the bombos well.

umm...there is a link to Beth's Newsie Banner on the links page case ya wanna visit.