Child Labor

Child Labor, while illegal in the U.S., is still a major problem in the world. Children and adults are forced to work in horrible conditions, for long hours with little pay, all around the world. This page has a history of child labor in America, specifically New York, and information and links to orgs that work to end Sweatshops all over the world.

One of the spinners in Whitnel Cotton Mill. She was 51 inches high. Has been in the mill one year. Sometimes works at night. Runs 4 sides - 48 cents a day. When asked how old she was, she hesitated, then said, "I don't remember," then added confidentially, "I'm not old enough to work, but do just the same." Out of 50 employees, there were ten children about her size. Whitnel, N.C. photograph and caption by Lewis Hine, picture taken from the website: The History Place. Link provided on the links page.

A History of Child Labor in the USA

What Can I Do?

Social Activist and Photographer Lewis Hine (pics of original newsies)

Links to sites about Child Labor are found on my links page. Additional links to sites about what you can do to end child labor are found on the "What Can I Do?" page.

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