Newsie Sites

Red Hook Brooklyn Lodging House
My home away from home. This is the Lodging House that myself and Lightning Own. COME JOIN!!!

The Official SGNTNM Website
The Official Social Group of Newsgirls That Name Manhoods Website. Run by me, the president and founding member of the SGNTNM. Go visit, it's pretty cool.

Brooky's awesome site, great fan fic!

Sharkbait's totally kick ass site! It's got the best fanfic ever and tons more stuff!

Kendall's amazing site. It's got the largest fan fic section I've ever seen-ya gotta check it out!

Raindrops kick ass site, it won an award for most creative site.

Jiffy and Flinch's way cool site, it's got a huge list page, rants, quizes and more!

Angela's bombos site. Full of great newsie stuff, and an interview with Christian Bale's stand-in! Check it out!!

Lightning's Newsie Page
Lightning's Page. it's awesome, it's got fanfic and newsie trivia and other stuff. GO VISIT,NOW!

Me other home away from home!

Other sweet sites

Les Miserables
A really good site about Les Miserables, this is the one I provide a link to in my Les Miserables Series (Fan Fic)

The History Place
A really good site with pics by Lewis Hine of child labor, some original newsie pics too! Check it out!

Absolute Ani
A great Ani DiFranco site, tons of pics, plus you can buy her cds and posters!
Another great Ani site

Free The Children
A site full of info on child labor. Link also provided in the child labor section of the History page.
A great site about what you can do to stop child labor and sweatshops.
A site with info on Fair Trade. Link also provided in the Child Labor section of the History page.

The National Child Labor Committee Collection
A collection of Lewis Hine's child labor pictures.

The Smashing Pumpkins Collection
A great Smashing Pumpkins site, it has EVERYTHING you could want. All of my SP lyrics are from here!

Stop The War: Home and Abroad
A site about the upcoming Anti-War demonstration in DC, also has great Anti-War links.

The Offical Anti-Flag site, a great political punk band.

The Official Propaghandi site, another great political punk pand. Knowledge is power. Arm yourself.

School of Americas Watch
A site about the School of Americas, aimed to shut it down. Don't know what the School of Americas is? You should know, you're paying for it. GO FIND OUT!

Globalize This
A site about the upcoming March on Globalization in DC, a march I am planning on attending.

A network of radical Unitarian Universalist Youth and Adults

No More Prisons
No More is a site about the Prison Industrial Complex and why it needs to be abolished.