**Cosmic Girl**

Hi! My name is Andrea, but most obsessive compulsive newsie freaks (as I like to call us) know me as Star or Estrella (for those non spanish speakers that means Star). I started this page cause, I guess I have WAY too much time on my hands...actually I just wanted to show my dedication to the best movie ever made!!
A little about my obsession...I saw Newsies the first time in late 1993, at my friend's house and have been in love with it ever since. I love to write, so naturally I took up FAN FIC writing. Hopefully this page will soon be full of fan fic (SEND ME SOME!). I also write poetry, so check out my poetry section. I got the name Star from my good friend Scar, because of my love for astronomy and my sparkling blue eyes. Scar appears in some form in almost all of my stories.
Personal stuff...I'm 18 and just started my freshman year at college in New York (yea!!!) where I'm studying astronomy. Along with being a newsie freak, I'm also a Unitarian Universalist and a social action ninja! (want to know more about that? Go here ). I love to write and read and I ski and snowboard. My other fave movies are Empire Records, Reality Bites, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, and anything by Monty Python. My fave singer, if you can't tell from this page, is Ani DiFranco. If you've never heard of her I suggest you crawl out from under the rock where you're living and buy a cd by her! (jk) So that's all, if you'd like to learn more about me, I love email!