Poetry by

Atomic Bomb
On a quest to find a better
Hiding place than before.
Everything written down can be found,
So I write things on my mind instead.
And if it happens to reach a sheet of paper,
I fret about it because
The price of being found is very high,
But it shouldn’t be.
Where’s my privacy?
I shouldn’t have anything to hide,
I know that.
It’s not worth it to write my thoughts;
No one understands them anyway.
But It all builds up in my head
And sometimes it gets too full,
Causing tiny explosions,
That fall out onto the paper.
So I sit, waiting for the day
When the huge explosion will come.

Violin strings vibrate, causing music I can hear.
It’s soft and low, yet strong;
The lone sound I hear.
Notes high and low repeating;
Here comes the melody.
I don’t feel so lonely anymore,
Even though I am alone.
But that’s good because I don’t want to
Share this feeling with anyone.
I’m content, wrapped in the
Blanket of the music for now,
Actually living in the present for once.
I finally stop worrying about future things
And listen to every precise note.
I even forget to dread the moment
When the music stops, but it does.
Should I rewind it, or face the future?

Email Autumn

All poems on this page are by Autumn, do not take them without recieving HER permission!!