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These are the Characters in the film

Sebastian Skywalker

The son of Luke and Mara. A quiet boy who mysteriously keeps his feelings hidden, even from his parents and Seth. Truely clouded his future is. Very powerful, very dangerous.

Seth Kal Joran

Seth Kal Joran was the first Padawan learner under Luke Skywalker, before the academy. He is well trained in the Jedi arts and now tries to train Sebastian with much difficulty....

Darth Bane

Two thousand years after the demise of Exar Kun and the race of Massassi, a new Sith order emerged, founded by renegade Dark Jedi who had discovered the teachings of the Sith. These Dark Jedi recruited followers and dreamed of establishing a Sith empire. However, these Dark Jedi were greedy and power hungry. In their greed they destroyed one another, ending the brief reign of the new Sith. However, one survived: a Jedi named Darth Bane. He vowed to recreate the Sith order, but in a different way. From now on, to avoid any more cataclysmic confrontations that had happened throughout Sith history, there would be only two Sith at a time: a master and an apprentice. This way, the Sith would survive, unbenowest to the Republic, a shadowy menace to rise when the time was right. The fate of Darth Bane is unknown, but his legacy lives on.....until now.