Tony Brownrigg
5511 Charlestown Dr. Eyes: Blue
Dallas, TX 75230 5’10" /175lbs.
(214) 327-7444 H.
REPRESENTED BY Peggy Taylor Talent.
FEATURES (Speaking Roles Only)
"Fled (short)" - Karter - FriskeFish Productions
"Dark Evolution (short)" - Calypso - FriskeFish Productions
"The Revengers" - Fleet - JetreFilms
"The Process of Creative Deception" - Todd - Velocity Pictures
"The Digital Prophet" - Phillips - Process Project
"Hexed" - Police Officer - Columbia Pictures
America’s Most Wanted - Lead Victim
Samsung "Communication Nation" - Thief - Process Project
ButterKrust Bread - Various Spots
ButterKrust Bread Industrial - M.C. - Century Studios
Palm Harbor Homes - Family member - Century Studios
The Juris Group "And justice for all" - Witness - Jay & Associates
"Creation of the World & Other Business" - Angel of Death Pocket Sandwich
"A Woman in Mind" - Tom - Theatre Three
"West Side Story" - Action - Richland College
"McMulligan & Reigh" - Reigh - Richland College
"A company of Wayward saints" - Pantalone - Richland College
"The Emperors Nightingale" - The Emperor - Richland College
Acting for the Camera — Annabelle Weenick, 2 years Acting for the Theatre — Richland College, Over 20 years experience in the production side of film/television.
Tae Kwon Do, Fencing, Singing (Baratone), Jazz, Commic Voices, Improvisation, makeup SFX, graphic design, and animation.