A new horror comedy series by writer/director Brandon Lee Webb. Johnny Zombie follows the lives of a christian zombie named Johnny Zombie and his crew of crazy friends including a gay space vampire, a dead girl who chain smokes from the slit in her neck, an extremely stupid Frankenstein look alike who thinks he looks nothing like Frankenstein, and a wannabe skeleton. Johnny and his friends are constantly being bullied by a group of thugs called the Trundulators. The Trundulators look like 1950's greasers and ride around on BMX bikes terrorizing anything in their path. Nothing is what it seems and normal is a strange word in the world of Johnny Zombie. And to add to the craziness and comedy of the series, Johnny Zombie will also be a drinking game complete with its own set of rules for you and your friends to play by. For instance random killings and keywords when spoken will equal drinks. Johnny Zombie never has a dull moment and to top everything off Johnny Zombie will be an ongoing series with each episode lasting 30 to 45 minutes. Keep checking back for updates, we will be posting behind the scenes pictures and character bios soon!