Superhero Survivor
Superhero Survivor is the first complete movie by team Brandon Webb/Scott Malmquist. It was shot on an extremely low budget and only made it through completion on the hard work and dedication of those involved in the making of this movie, and I thank everyone who helped make this project happen. Superhero Survivor originally started out as a 5 minute entry into a film competition but quickly spawned into a full length comedy. Throughout the making of this movie the cast and crew had to battle it out with weather, budget, and keeping a large enough cast, but in the end we all learned alot and had alot of fun in the process; making it all well worth the experience. To other indy and low budget filmmakers out there I stress it to you to keep with it and to not give up there is always an alternate path if you look hard enough.
Kelly Thurman as a constipated Wolverine.
Brandon Webb as Party Marty.