Madeline's Scalpel (2003)

The Story:

Dr. Cole Reed (Scott) recounts the story of how he winds up shot in the chest, lying in a pool of blood on his kitchen floor. Shocked to learn that his former medical school friend, Dr. Madeline Glossinger, has died of a heart attack at the young age of 29, he is convinced that something other than 'death by natural causes' is in order.
Inheriting her scalpel in her will, and getting her diary in the mail shortly after her death that suggests she was afraid of her nutty ex Herman Burke, Dr. Reed, with the help of his friend Dana (Melissa H. Green) set off to solve the mystery.

Behind The Scenes:

Written by Scott and Timothy C. Arthur in 1996, it was to be 7 long years and a failed production before the film was finally made.
"Originally we were to film this back around 1996 or 1997," says Scott, "but with the falling out of Trans-Atlantic Pictures, I just shelved the idea and pretty much forgot about it for the next 7 years. We were only probably days or weeks away from filming it when the bottom originally fell out."
With the 2003 production, many changes had to be made to the original story. Dana's character was orignally a man named Dale Tyler who owned a septic service business. "His business slogan in the original story was 'Your Shit's Our Bread and Butter!'. With my career in the newspaper business, and with Melissa in the role, we changed it to having her own a print shop and did some good ol' fashioned Guerilla filmmaking after hours one night. 3:30 am, run in, shoot the scenes quick and dirty, and run out. Turned out pretty good."
Another new addition (and one that made this the most explicit of Scott's films outside of CUTTING ROOM FLOOR), was of the character of Pappy Smith, an elderly pornographer who lives with Dr. Reed. "Pappy was a wild character. Takes LSD and bangs big-tittied chicks while Dr. Reed's off at the plastic surgery office. Loads of fun to do."


Dr. Cole Reed: Wilbur Scott
Dana Tyler: Melissa H. Green
Herman Burke: Wilbur Scott
Pappy Smith: Wilbur Scott
Detective Jeff Merleheimer: Wilbur Scott

Produced and Directed by Wilbur Scott
Screenplay by Timothy C. Arthur and Wilbur Scott
Line Producer: Keith Fletcher
Music by I.N. Terlocken, Jr.
Edited by Wilbur Scott
Director Of Photography Wilbur Scott
Art Director: Melissa Green