Zandi Chat 9/7/02

[[logged by Kirsehn]]

<75th Trombone> Hey, Kirsehn!! :-)
> shorah :)
<FahrmBoy> hello Kisehn
<Kha'tie> KIRS!!!
<Congrat JM> hello! :)
<Kha'tie> *big hugs Kirsehn*
> *hugs Kha back*
<Kha'tie> *is on Sabbatical from the Boiler Room*
<FahrmBoy> me amn a goild slpeller tuday
<Kha'tie> :"\
<75th Trombone> Heh, yeah I was on a sabbatical from Mc until about a
week ago
<Kha'tie> *sighs*
<75th Trombone> I was/am thinking about making it a permanent one
<Kha'tie> Sometimes, you just gotta get away.
> I couldnt find it for a while...the redirect is broking
<Kha'tie> awwww
<Kha'tie> 75th!
<Kha'tie> : (
<Congrat JM> :-|
<Kha'tie> Don't go!!!
<Kha'tie> *sniffles*
<75th Trombone> Well not like I'm going to disappear from the
community completely
<Congrat JM> true ;)
<Kha'tie> Kirsehn... I have to leave in about 35 minutes. We are taking
our children to the Fair.
<Kha'tie> : \
> *wonders where TW is* he seemed anxious to come
<Kha'tie> Who's TW?
<75th Trombone> Kha'tie> 7 minutes ago you had to leave in 30
minutes. o.O
<75th Trombone> The World
<Kha'tie> Okay, we have to leave at 2 PM EST... but I have to pack
<75th Trombone> He's not on MSN
<Kha'tie> So, I'm sort of doing that now.
<FahrmBoy> yay, I have 8 conversations going on right now.
<Kha'tie> LOL
[Sat Sep 07 14:01:39 EDT 2002] Congrat JM: *eats popcorn* come on,
Zandi! :)
<Congrat JM> oops
> is 2pm EST
<Congrat JM> sry bout that
<Kha'tie> doh!
<Kha'tie> Oh
<Kha'tie> I have to leave at 3 PM.
<Kha'tie> LOL
> oh's EDT..nm
<75th Trombone> o.O
<75th Trombone> O.o
<Congrat JM> :-D
<Kha'tie> O. ~
<Kha'tie> hee hee hee
<Congrat JM> welp, it's 2:00 anyhow...
<Congrat JM> should we get started? (or did someone anlready say
that? o.o)
<75th Trombone> So HEY! HOW A/BOUT/ THAT ZANDI GUY?
<75th Trombone> ;-)
<Kha'tie> LOL
<Congrat JM> you mean Jeff or BOB???
<Congrat JM> :-)
<Kha'tie> How do I love Zandi? Let me count the ways...
> hehehe
<Congrat JM> *gasps*
<Kha'tie> Congy, what's with this BOB thing?
<Kha'tie> I thought it was JEFF!?
<Congrat JM> ask lon' :-D
<Kha'tie> Oh
<Kha'tie> Do I HAVE to???
<Congrat JM> :-)
<Congrat JM> no
<Congrat JM> i can tell u...
<Congrat JM> :-D
<Kha'tie> argh... *loathes asking lon anything... gets warped answers*
<Kha'tie> ; )
<75th Trombone> Ha
<Congrat JM> Bob is Jeff's brother
<75th Trombone> Yes
<Congrat JM> yep :-|
<Kha'tie> Oh, Congrat? I want to ask you... Have you heard anything
more about Mysterium 2003 yet? *runs*
> when you ask lon...see if he would like to attend the meeting :)
<Congrat JM> ...who leads people to Alaska looking for journeys...
<FahrmBoy> Sure it isnt Mutt? ; )
<Congrat JM> Mutt is the half brother :-D
<Congrat JM> WHAT??? @ Kahtie
<Kha'tie> I just told lonely we're here.
> so...about Zandi...hehe....
<Congrat JM> that's MY line!!
<Congrat JM> *ahem* anyway....:-)
<Kha'tie> lonely's not coming.
<Kha'tie> : (
<Congrat JM> pray continue y'all
> I guess our most recent puzzles are the numbers....and what he is
actually leading us to...and what the DRC aren't happy about
<Kha'tie> But, he did call me "peanut butter"... : D
<FahrmBoy> LOL
<Congrat JM> who/ Zandi?
<Kha'tie> Where are the recent puzzles?
<Kha'tie> No, lonely.
<Congrat JM> or lon? O.O
<Kha'tie> lol
<Congrat JM> oh :-D
<75th Trombone> That's my joke! My joke that lon stole from Mr. B stole
from Tay!
<Kha'tie> Zandi doesn't know me QUITE that well.
<Congrat JM> true
<Kha'tie> Um... 75th? My mother calls me peanut butter.
<75th Trombone> Oh.
<75th Trombone> Well then.
<Kha'tie> hee hee
<Kha'tie> Yes, Kirs, I've seen that.
<Kha'tie> There's a puzzle there??
<Kha'tie> *runs to the site*
<Congrat JM> of course, silly ;)
<Kha'tie> What does preafter mean?
<Kha'tie> That's wild... sort of an oxymoron.
<Kha'tie> Pre is before and after is... uh... after.
<Congrat JM> true
<Congrat JM> u havent been up 2 date have ya? :-D
<Kha'tie> HEY!!! He took his active link off his email.
<Kha'tie> He must have had a scad of emails.
<Congrat JM> yep :-|
<Congrat JM> but ya can still email him...
<75th Trombone> Of course if you change the Latin to English and vice
versa, you get Beforepost, which you can then overanalyze because
the DRC folks said stuff about a "post," and you can post that theory
on DRC and get a big wave of mania started over an asinine theory
that doesn't mean anything
<75th Trombone> Or you can choose not to do that.
<75th Trombone> ;-)
<Congrat JM> hmm...
<Kha'tie> HEY!!!!
> *opens a log*
<Kha'tie> I know that GUY!!!! The one in the 4th pic on the left!!
<Congrat JM> Dave...yep..
<Congrat JM> *grin*
<75th Trombone> .....Isn't that NetWatcher...?
<Kha'tie> Who be Dave?
<Congrat JM> did anybody notice a spike is missing?
<Kha'tie> Holy cow
<Kha'tie> What's going on???
<Congrat JM> Dave Plugge
<Kha'tie> *feels like she just missed the train to the rest of the universe*
<75th Trombone> Yes, the first spike disappeared when the first puzzle
was solved
<Kha'tie> Can anyone tell I don't read the DRC Forum much? *hides in
<Congrat JM> *pats her bacl* dun feel bad :)
<Kha'tie> What was the FIRST puzzle???
<Congrat JM> oh, thats right
<Congrat JM> the Carlsbad one
<75th Trombone> The coordinates on the billboard in Carlsbad
> you click on the place where the spike was originally to see the answer
<Kha'tie> ogh
<Kha'tie> oh
<Kha'tie> um
<Kha'tie> k
<Congrat JM> :-)
<Kha'tie> *head spins*
<Kha'tie> *goes off to sit quietly in the corner and feel dumb*
<Congrat JM> come back in, mate! :-)
<Kha'tie> Can someone tell me who the people in the pictures are?
> aww *huggles Kha* its k
<Kha'tie> ohhh
<Kha'tie> Kirsehn? Are you logging?
> yup
<75th Trombone> Zandi sent us those coords to a billboard, remember?
Those coords led elsewhere, where there was a little metal spiral
buried with the word "preafter" engraved on it ~3 times
<Kha'tie> Yes, I do remember that.
<75th Trombone> I mean, there were coords on the billboard that led
<Congrat JM> and that lead tp
<75th Trombone> They had to take a picture of the people who
discovered the spiral, with the spiral, at the site
<Kha'tie> Alright Kirs, thanks.
<Kha'tie> Who's Netwatcher?
<75th Trombone> Well he's probably recently in the community..
<75th Trombone> Doubtful; they wouldn't solve their own puzzles
<Kha'tie> oh
<75th Trombone> He's been on the DRC forums
<Kha'tie> Those people solved something?
<75th Trombone> Following Zandi
<75th Trombone> Yes
<Kha'tie> oh
<75th Trombone> The second Zandi puzzle
<Congrat JM> yep
<75th Trombone> Has been him posting ISBN numbers
<Kha'tie> ohhh
<75th Trombone> People get the book (hopefully not purchasing it)
<Kha'tie> And have we all read those books?
<75th Trombone> Take a pic of themselves with it
<75th Trombone> And send it in
<Kha'tie> wow!
<75th Trombone> Then the pics end up on Preafter
<Kha'tie> Where are the isbn numbers?
<75th Trombone> With IP-address-looking numbers as captions
<Kha'tie> I want one!
<Kha'tie> lol
<75th Trombone>
<Congrat JM> .html
<Kha'tie> But... someone solved them all.
<75th Trombone> Yes, so far
<Kha'tie> FIRST: Do we assume Zandi is a Cyanite?
<75th Trombone> Maybe another one will appear on Monday
<FahrmBoy> wow. they do look like IP #s.
<75th Trombone> Yeah
<Congrat JM> he could be...
<Congrat JM> yeh
> I think they relate to parts of the books still
<75th Trombone> People have looked up info on the IPs
<75th Trombone> And say they don't correlate
<Congrat JM> same here
<75th Trombone> With the senders
<75th Trombone> I dunno
> I was supposed to have them today...but there were difficulties :(
> one was on reserve, the other was in a special library or something....
> I dunno exactly...ah well
<Congrat JM> "special"?
<Congrat JM> O.O
<Congrat JM> oh, ok
<Kha'tie> Finally finds the pic of the winners of puzzle one!
<Kha'tie> Woohoo!
> maybe I shall check the local libraries...
> LaSalle doesnt have them
<FahrmBoy> I think Cyan and Zandi are related some way. Rand has his
picture on his site. He's a friend.
<Kha'tie> Unless he's a major hakkor... how'd he do that?
> *still thinks Zandi/Randi ;)
<75th Trombone> D'gr did it. :-)
<75th Trombone> Because
<Congrat JM> Rand does have a pic on his site? whoa...
<75th Trombone> It's a Cyan thing
<Kha'tie> oohh
<Congrat JM> of course :-)
<FahrmBoy> yes.
<Congrat JM> *goes and checks it out*
<Kha'tie> So
<Kha'tie> ?
<Kha'tie> He'll take off the puzzle giffie things one by one and that will
lead us into the spiral... just in time to head down into D'ni, I suppose.
<FahrmBoy> he hasnt taken the second one off yet.
> I don't think we've finished the puzzle yet
<Kha'tie> Who's the first guy who won?
<Kha'tie> I mean, the puzzle two guy?
<Kha'tie> Who are these people?
> seems like each puzzle may have two parts
> we have to figure out the numbers
<FahrmBoy> thats a possibility.
<Congrat JM> they're the Plugge family, right?
<Kha'tie> Who's the third woman?
<Congrat JM> oh, u mean on Two?
<Kha'tie> If they aren't IP addresses, what else could those numbers
<Kha'tie> Anything?
> the third is Catherine I think
<Kha'tie> Catherine who?
<Congrat JM> yep
<Kha'tie> Holy cow
> from DRC boards
<FahrmBoy> cow. *sudders*
<Kha'tie> *makes note to go there a LOT more often*
<Kha'tie> LOL @ Fahrmy
<Kha'tie> m00
<FahrmBoy> shudders, evem
<Congrat JM> :-D
<Kha'tie> hee hee
> *really wonders where TW is* he said he would definitely be here b/c
he had a lot of thoughts
<FahrmBoy> mi amn typeeng wehl tuday.
<Kha'tie> Who are Netwatcher's buddies?
<Congrat JM> gud forh yuw
<Congrat JM> :-D
<75th Trombone> I think it's people who helped him come up with the
<Kha'tie> Kirsehn, I have to go really soon... : (
<Kha'tie> So Netwatcher is just an avid?
<Kha'tie> Like us?
<75th Trombone> Think so
<Kha'tie> Could the 4 numbers on each pic be latitude and longitude??
<Kha'tie> Or dates and times?
<Kha'tie> or anything else??
<75th Trombone> There's a lot of that theorizing going on at DRC...
...nothing that makes sense so far.
<Congrat JM> if u add 'em up...
<Congrat JM> ...they look like product numbers from eBay O.O
> *really thinks it has to do w/ pages or words in the book
<FahrmBoy> that could be.
<75th Trombone> Yeah, but do you really think we would just be picking
individual words or letters from these books that have obvious D'ni
<75th Trombone> I mean, maybe it IS that, maybe he's just using
Mudpie-reminiscent books as a way of extracting those words
<75th Trombone> But
<75th Trombone> That seems a little
> yes exactly
<75th Trombone> ....Obtuse, somehow
<Congrat JM> yep
> why else would we need to books
> to have I mean
<Kha'tie> Okay, are part of "James Wilhelm's" Pitching Stats.
<Kha'tie> *giggles*
<75th Trombone> I don't know
<75th Trombone> Haha...
<Congrat JM> hmm....:-)
<75th Trombone> It may be
> one of spyder's puzzles was like this...using the Riven journals
<Kha'tie> james wilhelm is a minor league pitcher.
> we had to pick out specific letters
<75th Trombone> .....*scratches that thought*
<Kha'tie> I remember that.
<75th Trombone> Yeah, but that's another thing-----would they rehash a
puzzle like that
<75th Trombone> ?
<75th Trombone> Everything has been so original so far
<75th Trombone> I thought the additive Braille thing was great
<Congrat JM> maybe Zandi and Spyder'll team up again, too...o.O
<75th Trombone> Heh, yeah
<FahrmBoy> maybe they already have.
<75th Trombone> That will only be if we take ridiculously long to solve a
puzzle like we did Zandi One
<Congrat JM> true
<Kha'tie> What happened with the sign?
<Kha'tie> On the back of the other sign?
<Kha'tie> Thingie... *has no clue how to ask this*
<75th Trombone> It was taken down and put in "The Sign Guy's" barn
<Kha'tie> Right... did anyone go find it?
<75th Trombone> Someone called The Sign Guy and got the
coordinates from it
<FahrmBoy> lonely bought it. added it to his collection.
<Kha'tie> Ohh
> we got the coordinates from it...but never got to see it
<Kha'tie> LOL
<Kha'tie> He DID?
<75th Trombone> HAHA
<75th Trombone> No
<Kha'tie> *figures*
<FahrmBoy> heh
<Kha'tie> That would be AWESOME!
<75th Trombone> Victor Laxman called him asking about buying it,
<Kha'tie> Holy... uh... pig!
<FahrmBoy> LOL
<Congrat JM> :-D
<75th Trombone> Haha
<75th Trombone> But y'know what my biggest problem with the Zandi
phenomenon is..
> I wish I had the books...I could test my theory
<Kha'tie> What theory, Kirs? Words?
<75th Trombone> that we have a lot of people who really resent it,
and those who follow it, because they think Zandi is really some guy
trying to mess stuff up
> yup
<75th Trombone> I have In Search of Schrodinger's Cat, Kirsehn
> I don't believe that...if it was the DRC would have stopped it...I think
<75th Trombone> Tell me what you want to try
> I mean they have never told us to stop
> if they did I would probably stop
<75th Trombone> Yes, and they've very obliquely ENCOURAGED us
<FahrmBoy> did I ever tell you guys about my cleft location theory and
Aitrus map?
<75th Trombone> Creating a new forum for us, for pity's sake
> yes...they have 75th
<75th Trombone> Fahrm> Yeah
<75th Trombone> Or, I've seen it, anyway
<FahrmBoy> on MC, right?
<FahrmBoy> Gordon always suggested there was a lot of meaning in
that map.
<Kha'tie> Aitrus' map?
<Congrat JM> in BoT
<Kha'tie> Or Atrus' map?
<FahrmBoy> bingo.
<Kha'tie> ah
<Kha'tie> *thinks Gordo was too cryptic and all his puzzles have died*
<Kha'tie> : (
<75th Trombone> Yeah
<Kha'tie> Part of the joy of a good puzzle is that someone, somewhere,
some TIME can solve it.
<75th Trombone> And he got restricted on what he could tell in the
middle of his giving us the puzzles
<FahrmBoy> but I need to have some things proven for my theory to be
<Kha'tie> And move forward.
<75th Trombone> Well we know some of the meaning, sorta
<75th Trombone> The pictures on the map look a lot like what we've
seen from Lechuguilla Cave
<Congrat JM> Lechuguilla Cave?
<FahrmBoy> there's more to it than that...... maybe...
<Congrat JM> belhehtsarah?
> I believe they are
<75th Trombone> Well more like the crystalline rock formation thingies
<75th Trombone> Chandelier thingy
<75th Trombone> Other thingies
> 75th...if you try the schrodinger's cat book...that would be cool
<75th Trombone> Oh and at least one of them is a dead ringer for one of
the Rime viewer crystals. :-)
<Congrat JM> hehe
> try different
variations...letters...numbers....words....chapters...pages...maybe they
all mean one thing...maybe they mean different things
<75th Trombone> Kirs> Sure! You want me to try all those
word-paragraph-line-page combination thingies?
<75th Trombone> Yeah, I'll look some
<FahrmBoy> the dni clock tells time in D'ni, and the volcano acts like a
sundial and tells time as well.
<Kha'tie> *has to go*
<75th Trombone> I think we'll get more clues later though
> it could be letter.letter.letter.letter for all we know...maybe the letters
spell words
<Kha'tie> Kirs... have another meeting tomorrow??
<Kha'tie> Same time?
<Kha'tie> Same place?
> or ....or
<Kha'tie> Pleeeeze?
<Kha'tie> *whimpers*
> you are certainly welcome to guys...whether I can come...I shall try..I
DO have homework ya know
<Kha'tie> Homework?
<Kha'tie> Whassat? ; )
<Congrat JM> i wont be there, but, oh well...:'(
<Kha'tie> THIS is homework!
<Congrat JM> :-p
> btw...very cool news...the DArt class is gonna try to get me 3DSMAX
*bounce bounce*
<Kha'tie> Right... Sunday... erg
<Kha'tie> YAY!!! *high fives Kirs*
> they have amazing collections of software
<Kha'tie> Okay, how about Monday night at 8 PM ...?
<Kha'tie> EVERY weeknight at 8 PM?
<Congrat JM> that'll work hopefully
<Congrat JM> that'd be cool! :-D
> that would work....8PM what time zone?
<Congrat JM> EDT?
> sure
<Congrat JM> ok
> are we having ameeting tom?
<FahrmBoy> gah. I cant paste the URL in this chat.
> we could have weekends at 1pm EDT and weekdays at 8pm EDT?
> err...weekends at 2pm EDT I mean
<Kha'tie> Yes!!
<Congrat JM> yep!!
<Congrat JM> that'll work :-D
> I know get what you pay for...and this is a free chat room :P
<FahrmBoy> yay. *throws arms up*
<FahrmBoy> LOL
<Congrat JM> :-)
<Kha'tie> lol
<Kha'tie> I must run...
<Kha'tie> *grug*
> someday soon I might be able to write my own
<Congrat JM> FB could be inc. and be FBI ;-)
> I'm learning Java programming :)
<Kha'tie> Bye folks
<Kha'tie> *sad*
<Congrat JM> tata! :)
<Kha'tie> *Group Hug*
<Congrat JM> have fun!
<Kha'tie> Thanks!
> cya Kha...dont be shall have fun :)
<Kha'tie> : )
> **big hug**
<Kha'tie> I will do.
<Kha'tie> ****hugs everyone****
<Kha'tie> Bye bye all!
<Kha'tie> Good luck!
<FahrmBoy> SBS
<Congrat JM> :-)
<FahrmBoy> have a nice day
<Kha'tie> Thanks.
<Kha'tie> : D
<Kha'tie> *links to Fair*
> *searches for books in Philly libraries*
<Congrat JM> ya live in Philly? :-O
> yeup
<Congrat JM> whoa....
<Congrat JM> i live about an hour from there!
> cool! :)
<Congrat JM> yep!! :-D
> *saved FB's link in her favs and emails it to herself at school*
<Congrat JM> i guess u were at M2002, right? ;-)
> yeup
<Congrat JM> brb
<Congrat JM> g2g soon
<75th Trombone> *back from phone call*
75th Trombone> But yeah I'll try stuff out in the Schrodinger book ASAP
<75th Trombone> It's a really cool book to just read, too
> cool *wishes she could get her hands on it*
<Congrat JM> does anybody have Below Ground, too?
> the only holding is at the central library downtown
<75th Trombone> And about Aitrus's map... can see the spiral
path into D'ni
> *wonders if Lasalle could request books*
<75th Trombone> Which I think is why the spiral is pseudonymed the
<Congrat JM> hmm....that's possible
<75th Trombone> Which has probably been said 23,278,849 times
<FahrmBoy> heh
<Congrat JM> does that number mean anything? ;-)
> hehe...
<75th Trombone> ....
<Congrat JM> g2g now, tho! :'(
<75th Trombone> *isn't Zandi...., really.....*
<Congrat JM> *oh*
<Congrat JM> :-D
<75th Trombone> Oh, see ya', JM!
> lol
> cya Congrat JM!
<Congrat JM> cya hopefully Monday night....'yall O.O
<Congrat JM> :-d!
<FahrmBoy> SBS
> or tom!
<Congrat JM> Tata!
<FahrmBoy> have a good day
> who is coming tom?
<Congrat JM> no, not tom...
<Congrat JM> wont make it :(
<Congrat JM> cya!
> cya
<75th Trombone> I can't be there at this time, I have church and then
church orchestra rehearsal
> k
<75th Trombone> So Fahrmy, do you still think D'ni is in the Middle
> maybe I won't post the time for tom on the boards then
<FahrmBoy> uh... thats a toughy.
> but I'll post about mon
<75th Trombone> Gimme a sec, and I'll prove to you, and I mean
//prove// to you, that it's not. :-)
> *listens intently*
<75th Trombone> No pasting?? Bah
<75th Trombone> Okay, gimme a sec to type this URL
> btw....FB...would you like to be added to the GRID mailing lyst?
<75th Trombone> WAit
<75th Trombone> TinyURL
<75th Trombone>
<75th Trombone> Look at the last post on the bottom of the first page
<75th Trombone> Then go to the second page and read down to
RAWA's response
<FahrmBoy> yes, I read that
> cool! I never saw that
<75th Trombone> Yeah. That confirmation, along with AAAAAALLLLLLL
the evidence pointing to the American Southwest, I think pretty much
disqualifies the Middle East. :-D
<75th Trombone> Yeah I was really crazily excited that I got THAT out of
<75th Trombone> Wasn't even trying
<75th Trombone> That's the only time RAWA says anything
<75th Trombone> Is when people aren't like "RAWA RAWA RAWA!! Tell
<75th Trombone> *cough*
<75th Trombone> Anyway
> so you wanna beon the GRID mailing lyst?
> and 75th..your email addy is still omitted] right?
<75th Trombone> Um, that's [omitted], yes. :-)
> yeah...that's what I meant ;)
> *pokes FB* ;)
<75th Trombone> He's off MSN.. ...maybe he died...?
> I hope not! that would be so sad ;)
<75th Trombone> Yeah.. ...the cows of the world would mourn...
<75th Trombone> Hey speaking of MSN, do you use anything other than
> lol
> at school I have MSN
> but I havent really set it up yet
<75th Trombone> 'Kay. :-)
[Sat Sep 07 15:03:44 EDT 2002] Danni has no profile.
> I also use AOL
<75th Trombone> Dan'ni!
> shorah Danni
<Danni> G'day ;)
<75th Trombone> Well I don't use AIM too much, so as long as I've got
ya' on ICQ... ...unless you use AIM crazily more than you use ICQ.
<75th Trombone> *tugs on Dan'ni's sleeve* We're swapping IM names.
Tell. Tell. :-D
<Danni> lol
<Danni> well I have only Yahoo right now ;)
<75th Trombone> Yahoo is good. Tell.
<Danni> the nick would be daniel_agent
> Danni...we have decided that do to the fun we had at this meeting...we
will try to hold it again
<75th Trombone> Cool. That should help me remember that you're a
guy, since the "Danni" spelling had me confused for a long time
<Danni> lol
> *doesnt have yahoo*
> would you like to be added to the GRID mailing lyst danni?
<Danni> I made the nick out of D'ni ;) just added 'AN' in between lol
<Danni> sure Kirsehn
> (just so gms can send announcements and's not another
email circle)
<75th Trombone> I know, but when I first saw your name was on
Zardoz's site WAY before I knew anything about D'ni
<75th Trombone> We're talking total newbie
> I'll need your email
<Danni> [address omitted]
<Danni> lol
<Danni> I see ;)
<Danni> anyways did you discover anything during the meeting? :)
> not a whole lot...we had a discussion about the numbers...75th is
gonna try to play around w/ page numbers in books and stuff
> we discovered D'ni is almost definitely NOT in the middle east
[Sat Sep 07 15:08:59 EDT 2002] The World has no profile.
> TW! there ya are!
<75th Trombone> Zee world is here!
<The World> shorah everyone
<Danni> Hi TW!
> where were ya? hehe
<The World> yeah, I just got back, I forgot all about this meeting, heh
<Danni> lol
<Danni> I forgot too wanted to be on time... ;)
> its ppl is cool...are crowd was beginning to dwindle
> are=our
<Danni> btw I have a new motherboard!!! and a new procesor!!! color
me happy :D
<The World> any devlopments?
<The World> or decisions....or things
<Danni> dunnpo
> although all of us won't be able to come every time...I think we decided
weekdays at 8pm EDT
<Danni> ask the rest ;)
> would be meetings
<Danni> ouch :(
> so the next one would be mon
<Danni> can't make it then :(
<The World> oh, good, thats perfect for me
<Danni> to late for me (i'm in gmt +1 lol)
> aww :( well logs will be posted
> and if you have any contributions always feel free to email me?
<Danni> but if anytrime you make it earlier I'll hapilly come ;)
<Danni> sure :)
<The World> was anything important discussed so far?
> we are thinking of having it around this time on the weekends
> 2pm EDT
<Danni> oh cool! that's great!
> we also deterimened...thanks to 75th..D'ni almost definitely isnt in the
middle east
<75th Trombone> Eh, wasn't thanks to me
<75th Trombone> URL was thanks to me
<The World> oh darn.....BRB, dog has to go out
<Danni> I see how that hapepned?
<Danni> I mean how did found that out?
<75th Trombone> Something that RAWA said on the DRC forums back
in June
> TW> ok....when you come back..I'm in interested to hear your
ideas...seemed you had some
<75th Trombone> Someone made the remakr that "D'ni is almost
definitely in the middle east"
<75th Trombone> I made the remark that Cyan was giving us
misinformation in the novels
<75th Trombone> And RAWA blatantly confirmed that Cyan DID give us
misinformation in the novels
<Danni> I see
<75th Trombone> As to D'ni's location
<75th Trombone> D'ni could be in Texas in danger of oil drills
<75th Trombone> "I, erm, seem to have developed a habit of lying all the
time.....this guy last night seemed to believe everything I said about my
vinyl record copy of Exile, realRIVEN, 8-foot monitor, holographic
projectors, AI 3d Gehn characters, Wahrks, and the like...."
<Danni> <lol>
<75th Trombone> I think we have to wait for more pics, too, and more
non-pic clues
> hmmm...phgreer and Catherine can't get in
<75th Trombone> Or maybe not, maybe we can figure it out with what
we've got *shrug*
<The World> ok, first thing I wanted to suggest that, or actually offer, that
if DRC somehow stops us from talking about zandi, I have an
ikonboard to offer
> they say they see no one logged in
<75th Trombone> Oh gosh, World... don't honestly think that
Cyan isn't behind all this...
<The World> I do
<75th Trombone> You think Zandi's a real hacker guy with bad
<The World> but......why would they comment on stopping zandi
<FahrmBoy> of course they are.
<The World> I know they are
<75th Trombone> Okay
<75th Trombone> So why would the DRC stop us talking about it, when
they just created a new forum for us?
<Danni> I think that if the guy was a threat Cyan would stop him long
time ago..
<The World> read the "Games" thread
<Danni> and why buy the spiral sign? just to play tricks on Cyan?
<FahrmBoy> Jeff Zandi is one of Rand's friends. His picture is on his
site, for crying out loud!
<75th Trombone> Oh, the Games thread was just a way for them to let
us KNOW they WANTED us following it
<Danni> Rand has a site???
<75th Trombone> The fictional characters throw their fit, and then
RAWA comes in and gives us explicit permission
<75th Trombone> In his in-character way
<FahrmBoy> yes, Danni
<Danni> what? where? when?
<Danni> lol
<75th Trombone> Yeah but it's not exactly public
<The World> rawa posted? oooo, that I didn't see
<75th Trombone> yeah, go check itout
<Danni> oh I see then lol
<FahrmBoy> yes. Rand has made an effort for it NOT to be public.
<The World> ahhhhhh
<75th Trombone> he recently had to password-protect some of it
because of the DRC boards. :-(
<Danni> :(
> aw :(
> how did it get out?
<The World> good 'ol rawa. I've known from the beginning that zandi is
working for cyan. he had clues on spyders site, then theres that rand
site thing, rand and zandi both worked as computer programmers in
texas at one time
<75th Trombone> Morons pointing out Zandi's picture in public
> I mean I know who told me...I'm not allowed to tell who though
> :(
<FahrmBoy> soem one posted a link to it? :O
> what did he password protect?
<The World> why would rand have a password protected site....?
<75th Trombone> It's not all password protected
<The World> ah.
<75th Trombone> There's "Public stuff" and "Private stuff"
> ah
> I liked looking at the photos and stuff
<75th Trombone> Private stuff for family and friends only
> I can't think of anything that would be confidential on there
<75th Trombone> Yeah a lot of his really crazily awesome pictures are
still available
> I mean it isn't like we are
<Danni> maybe you're not looking enough?
<75th Trombone> Not confidential, just.. ...personal
<Danni> lol
<75th Trombone> Heh
<75th Trombone> And yeah, everyone knows there aren't any stalkers
around.... *COUGHarnaldoHACK*
<The World> but, the one thing I've been wondering is......why does
zandi want our pictures.....with books.....the fact that we know what
the books are about should tell him we have them.
<Danni> maybe the publishing company pays him for each copy sod?
<Danni> you never know....
<75th Trombone> No no no no... ...grr.... ....we're NOT supposed to be
buying these books....
<The World> heh, I doubt it, I mean, they are, at least, the subjects of the
books are clues
<75th Trombone> ....we're supposed to be coming up with them other
ways... ..that's why it's a community-wide puzzle, not a private puzzle
<The World> like "below ground" obvious is that
<Danni> yeah...
<The World> but, why's he want our pictures with them......
<Danni> maybe he doesn't..
<75th Trombone> So he knows they're somewhere out there in the
<Danni> I mean many thought the it's picture we wants
<75th Trombone> That's the thing
<75th Trombone> It's not a race to see who can solve it first
<The World> he's posting them, and it would appear we are progressing
<75th Trombone> It's not about competition
<Danni> I odn't think it's what he meant
<75th Trombone> Not about "I got the Schrodinger book!"
<The World> I know, we should get clues and share them
<Danni> exactly
<75th Trombone> But once they're somewhere in the community,
someone can get the info from them
<75th Trombone> That's why I think we'll have more concrete clues later
on as to what to do with the books
<Danni> the numbers are the key but no-one has a clue so far
<The World> but, how does that relate to pictures. we should get the
clues from the main ideas of the books
<Danni> the titles all point one way or another to d'ni actually...
<75th Trombone> The pictures are his proof that someone has them.
He posts them to let us know progress is being made
<The World> could be done in another way.....but, I suppose thats the
reason, it's just....odd
<Danni> that means if he wats someone to have a book the books are
important and the numebers have to do with books
<The World> though, the fact that we're quoting out of books, he should
know we have them.....but, anyway
<Danni> wel we have a year to solve the puzzle lol
> hehehe
<75th Trombone> But he wants something substantial to post at preafter
<Danni> but If we're so slow I mean he'll show us the last journey in 10
years ;)
<75th Trombone> Bah, I don't think there are nine spirals
<Danni> what if... ?
<75th Trombone> Maybe not what you meant, but that thought came to
<The World> I do....or did. the way zandi worded it at the time
<Danni> well if he hides any of the spirals in Poland ask me to find them
lol ;)
<The World> he said there would be another "Journey", which, was
captial, and the sprials are called the "Journey"
<75th Trombone> Hrm
<75th Trombone> What I rather think
<The World> it's only logical the way he put it, but, he may mean
something else
<75th Trombone> Is that these puzzles will culminate in something that
can ultimately be found/solved at Mysterium next year.
> hmmm...that would be cool
<75th Trombone> I don't know why I think that
> maybe...the elevator....
<75th Trombone> YES
<75th Trombone> The elevator.
<75th Trombone> My thought exactly.
<Danni> ?
<Danni> elevator?
> maybe we will get the combination or s omething
<Danni> what elevator?
[Sat Sep 07 15:33:54 EDT 2002] 75th Trombone: STUPID Bravenet
<75th Trombone> Stupid other window, stealing focus just as I hit
<The World> heh
> and then part of it would be to sneak into the elevator and put in the
combo or
<75th Trombone> Anyway, yeah the elevator
<75th Trombone> Heh, yeah
<Danni> OH!
<Danni> you mean *THE* elevator!
<Danni> lol
<75th Trombone> But Cyan's turnaround decision to have Mysterium in
Spokane? Hmmmmm, I think there's more to that than generosity,
although generosity what's behind the entire Zandi phenomenon
<FahrmBoy> In the elevator, Mysterium 2003: "I hope I.... pushed the
right button..."
<The World> of course, they might do something with zandi in spokane
> hehehe
<The World> it's highly likely.
> that would just be so cool.....*hopes she can go*
> I did have a dream about going down the cyan elevator
> and so did Salar
<The World> lol
> and when we went down...we saw the exact same thing...kinda freaky
> and we both had the feeling we had accomplished something to get
<75th Trombone> WHat'd you see? o.O Or is that personal/confidential?
>'s not
<Danni> actually I've been wondering about the elevator...
<Danni> there's 10 D'ni button
<Danni> s
> when I went down...the doors opened...and I saw a pristine white
hallway, floor cieling, walls, that seemed to end in a dead end
> but I was scared to death to walk out
> I just stood there frozen
> until I scared myself awake
<Danni> I mean... did they actually made 10 sub-stories?
<75th Trombone> O.O
<The World> but, of course, 'Prof. Zandi' as RAWA put it, does fit into
the d'ni story somehow. zandi is a memeber of the DRF or KHI, and
he knows some d'ni history, and is trying to expose it though clues.
and the DRC is getting suspicous.
> Susan went down...and saw the same hallway
<75th Trombone> And Salar had the same------------------ wohba.....
> but she walked down it
<75th Trombone> And...?
> and it turned out that very near the end...there was a turnoff that I
couldnt see
> it was white too so from far away it blended in w/ the wall
<Danni> why don't I have such dreams... ...
> the turnoff led to a bolted door of some sort
<The World> both the same dream?
<Danni> o.O O.O O.o that is so cool!
> when opened, it led to a caverunner
<Danni> omg
<Danni> lol
<The World> wow...that is odd.....
> she and her son got on...and zipped off into the tunnels...then she woke
> (her sons was with her)
> err...son (singular)\
> freaky eh?
<The World> yes...indeed
> I dunno what I would do if that dream ever came true
<Danni> very...
> I mean if I went to Mysterium next year...and went down the
elevator...and saw that hallway
> I think I might have a heart
<The World> though, It can't mean anything, I doubt cyan has means to
infuse people with dreams, lol
<Danni> lol
> could it be a prophetic dream though?
<Danni> I'd sooooo much want to come to Mysterium next uear... but it
prooly won't be possible :(
<The World> it could....but, thats not proven to happen. anythings
> Susan had a prophetic dream about Riven
> I dunno if I'm at liberty to talk about it though
<Danni> she did?
> I asked her in advance about the elevator case I ever posted
my IC journal
> yup
> years before she ever knew about Riven
<Danni> now that is weird....
<Danni> now I remember my Msyt IV dream,....
<Danni> I hope it won't be true lol
<Danni> :)
[Sat Sep 07 15:43:45 EDT 2002] K'laamas:
<The World> shorah kla
> shorah Kla
<Danni> hey K'la!
<K'laamas> Shorah!
<K'laamas> Is the meeting over?
> not really
> ack! our log is 20 pages long!
<K'laamas> ...has it started?
<K'laamas> o.O
> lol
> I'll post it Kla
<K'laamas> Did the DRC ppl show up?
> nope
<K'laamas> huh...
<K'laamas> know why?
<Danni> weekend?
<Danni> umm
<K'laamas> *shrugs*
> the DRC ppl werent expected to show up...although they would be
quite welcome
<K'laamas> have *you* guys been discussing Zandi, though?
<Danni> in a way
<K'laamas> elaborate
<Danni> well that he might be a threat to DRC, few things about the
books and numbers
<Danni> and the elevator
<The World> anyway....I was thinking, those numbers that appear to be
IP addresses, could lead to coordinates, again. any thoughts?
> that is a possibility
<FahrmBoy> I have to go now, even though I wasn't really here.
<K'laamas> Shoah
<K'laamas> *Shorah
> its k FB...shorah!
<FahrmBoy> bye all.
<Danni> 4d? words in books? if no I have no idea
> wait..did you give me your email?
<The World> but, zandi hasnt had us do any number manipulation yet,
everythings been obvious
<Danni> by FahrmBoy
<FahrmBoy> have a nice day, everyone.
<FahrmBoy> SBS
> (if you did sorry...I mighta missed it)
<The World> bye
> darn..he left
> ah well...I'll get it another time
<Danni> the journeys might get harder nad harde.r...
<Danni> but then one year will not be enough
<K'laamas> I heard that it seems like the DRC members don't like
Zandi. Any idea what the deal is?
> TW...can I have your email?
<The World> sure,
<The World> the DRC members must be acting that way about zandi
on purpose. it's all part of the story. he is working for cyan, of course.
but, why they are worried about him in cavern, I'm not sure
<Danni> brb gotta eat something
<K'laamas> unfortunately I haven't been following the Zandi stuff very time 4 DRC :(
<K'laamas> How do we know he works 4 Cyan?
> we don't know for sure..just a guess...and actually I probably better
go...ive been here for 2 hours
<The World> rand knows him, he had clues on spyders site, rawa called
him professor
> :/
<K'laamas> Shorah, Kirsehn!
> shorah everyone...feel free to keep discussing as long as you like
<The World> alright, cya, and, thanks for hosting this
<K'laamas> TW> Elaborate
> if someone could log...I would greatly appreciate it...I wanna post the
log online
<The World> I will, if ya like
<K'laamas> I would if I knew how...:)
> thanks'll have to copy and paste into a text file...this chat
room doesnt have a log feature
> cya everyone!

[[logged by TheWorld]]

<Kirsehn> thanks!!
<K'laamas> TW> "rand knows him...rawa called him professor"
> klaa> in DRC, RAWA called him "Prof. Zandi"
<K'laamas> huh....& what about Rand knowing him?
> and, on rands personal site, there is a picture of him. also, I found =
out that=20
zandi is a programmer, and he and rand both worked in texas as=20
computer programmers at one time
<75th Trombone> Oooh
<K'laamas> Rand has a personal site? Where?
<75th Trombone> Private
<75th Trombone> Supposedly
> and, the fact that he had clues on spyders site, he couldn't have =
hacked it,=20
or, it would have been a bigger deal to markd, and the like.
<K'laamas> TW> how do you know there's a pic of him on Rand's site?
> and, I would have heard about it from brice, or chip from brice
<75th Trombone> A lot of people who shouldn't have the URL... =
of the community
> I, personally do not know, but, people have mentioned it, and I have =
reasonto disbelieve it
<K'laamas> hmmm.......
<Danni> back :)
> wb
<75th Trombone> It's there and it looks very...
<75th Trombone> character
<Danni> ooo talking abour Rand's page again I see?
<75th Trombone> He doesn't look AT ALL like the Jeff Zandi
<75th Trombone> We've seen
<K'laamas> wb
<75th Trombone> From the Mysterium and magic pics
<75th Trombone> It's labeled "Professor Jeff Zandi"
<75th Trombone> And he looks professorish
<K'laamas> 75> magic pics?
<75th Trombone> Jeff Zandi is a pro Magic: The Gathering player
<K'laamas> oh yeah...
> I have about 5 picture of him
> is one I found
> *pictures
> he is not a real professor, though, just as RAWA isn't. zandi is a =
programmer, as I already mentioned
> but, in the d'ni exploration world, he is
<Danni> professor Zandi :)
<Danni> cool picture never seen it before
> I think I'm the only that found it
> not sure
<Danni> does anyone feel a sudden need of a new mudpie picture?
<Danni> 'for' not 'of'
<75th Trombone> Hehe...
<K'laamas> YES!
<K'laamas> ;)
<K'laamas> Must......have.............screenshot!
<Danni> I was telling Kha'tie that few days ago... and moments later I =
a new KI pic on DRCsite lol
<K'laamas> *dies*
> I want a new zandi clue...heh
<K'laamas> *revives*
<Danni> might work again ;)
<K'laamas> Danni> Nah. It's like washing your car to make it rain ;)
<Danni> lol
<Danni> btw
<Danni> looky here:
<Danni> a site I made... waiting for a permission from Cyan to make it=20
public :)
> interesting
<75th Trombone> Very interesting, Dan'ni...!
<Danni> thanks :)
<Danni> look at the TELDAHN HUT :)
<Danni> something you probably didn't see :)
<75th Trombone> Have you been able to consolidate any of those maps..?
<Danni> no
<Danni> but I think there is a connection between two areas
<75th Trombone> Hrm
<75th Trombone> Which two?
<Danni> The Y-Crossing and Spot-Path
> I've seen that hut before, and, it looks quite like the one in Rime
<Danni> on both pictures there seems to be a path between the rocks
<Danni> so this might be a connection
> hmm....
<75th Trombone> Oh, I kinda see what you mean
> they look like similar areas
<Danni> yeps
<Danni> I hope tey release more Teledahn pics soon :) I just love that =
<75th Trombone> Why? 'Cause it's the one we have the most pics of? ;-)
<Danni> no
<Danni> Mush-room! get it? ;D
<Danni> Halucinogenic Mushrooms :D:D:D::D
<75th Trombone> o.O
<75th Trombone> O.o
<75th Trombone> *takes a step away from Dan'ni*
> lol
<Danni> %)
<Danni> I'd make a Garden Age map but there's only two pics of it lol
<75th Trombone> Hehe
[Sat Sep 07 16:07:20 EDT 2002] K'laamas:
<K'laamas> grrr...
<K'laamas> Dan'ni> Where did you get that pic of the Teledahn Hut?
<Danni> from this book
<75th Trombone> brb
<Danni> what was it;s name
<Danni> High Score?
<75th Trombone> Yeah
<Danni> Kha'ti ‚
<Danni> and sent it to me some months ago
<K'laamas> oh yeah, that one book...
<K'laamas> how old is the pic?
<Danni> well... as old as the first Teledahn pic
<K'laamas> I mean, when was it first released? like, when was the book=20
<Danni> I have no idea
<Danni> in the book there were two pics the first Teledahn pic and The =
<Danni> so both pics are minimum a year old
<Danni> I'd say year - maximum two years old
<Danni> the area might be no more
<Danni> but still it's good to see a clearer pic that the one from =
"Evolving the=20
vision' movies
<K'laamas> ...well, a fuzzy Teledahn Hut pic was hacked from the =
files, so it's at least as old as realMyst...
<Danni> well then the area is probably really no more lol
<Danni> I'd sooooo want to see the age lol even now! :D
<K'laamas> i know...
<75th Trombone> *back*
<K'laamas> wb
<Danni> wb :)
<75th Trombone> What's with your Area numbering scheme, Dan'ni? o.O
<Danni> ummm
<Danni> weirdness? ;)
<75th Trombone> Random? :-)
<75th Trombone> Haha, okay. :-)
<Danni> numbers yeah
<Danni> letters no
<75th Trombone> Letters not random?
<75th Trombone> Then why the GSP or LP or whatever?
<75th Trombone> FP, excuse me. Heh.
<Danni> lemme look at the page lol
<Danni> F-P =3D First Picture
<Danni> G-S-P =3D GameSpot Path ;)
<75th Trombone> Oh, haha
<Danni> T-L-D =3D Teledahn
<Danni> T-D-H =3D Teledahn Hut
<75th Trombone> I never saw that video
<Danni> UNKN =3D Uknown
<Danni> I can sent it to ya
<75th Trombone> Ooh....
<Danni> it's 8 MB I think
<75th Trombone> .....that sounds... .
<75th Trombone> ....illegal....
<75th Trombone> .....but.....
<75th Trombone> .......rather good.......
<Danni> lol
<Danni> aI have the Garden Hi-res too ;)
<75th Trombone> Send send, I'm on Yahoo
<Danni> lol won;t work on Yahho ;)
[Sat Sep 07 16:23:37 EDT 2002] SpiritTamer has no profile.
<K'laamas> Shorah
<75th Trombone> Hey, Spirit!
<Danni> hi!
<SpiritTamer> hey
<Danni> gotta go! bye!
<Danni> :)
<K'laamas> Shorah!
<Danni> yeah that too ;)
<K'laamas> hehe
<Danni> shorah guys!
<Danni> *linking out*
<K'laamas> "And then there were three..."
<75th Trombone> 'Bout to be two, I have a football game to march
<K'laamas> You in marching band?
<K'laamas> yello?
<K'laamas> *pokes 75*
<75th Trombone> Yeah
<75th Trombone> And just about every other kind of ensemble you can =
of.. *grumble*
<75th Trombone> But yes
<75th Trombone> Marching band
<75th Trombone> :-)
<K'laamas> why grumble?
<75th Trombone> Because pardon the vernacular, but I feel like the band=20
whore around here
<K'laamas> I'm in marching band this yr too.... last yr i was in =
concert, jazz,=20
& pep band, percussion, & band council...
<K'laamas> o.O Band whore?
<75th Trombone> All the directors are like "Well we could really use =
trombone in orchestra"
<75th Trombone> "We could really use a trombone for brass quintet"
<75th Trombone> "We need you in the Jazz Lab Band"
<K'laamas> um...couldn't you say "no"?
<75th Trombone> Not really
<75th Trombone> The orchestra director is also the trombone instructor
<75th Trombone> Meaning he's my private lesson teacher and advisor
<75th Trombone> So um, I kinda hafta do what he asks
<75th Trombone> And other people I still need to maintain good will with
<K'laamas> mmmm
<K'laamas> what grade are you in?
<75th Trombone> Junior in college
<75th Trombone> Whole lotta politics in music
<75th Trombone> WHOLE lotta politics
<75th Trombone> See these teachers are the people I'll want to call for=20
advice when I'm a band director
<75th Trombone> Or I'll want them to teach my students lessons
<75th Trombone> But if they think I'm a slacker and they hate me, =
not gonna be very inclined to do it
<K'laamas> ah....
<75th Trombone> But as it is I'm in seven ensembles
<75th Trombone> I have 40+ hours of rehearsals and classes a week
<75th Trombone> Plus study and practice time
<K'laamas> I'm in marc ‚ Åhing & symphonic band, freshman in college...
<75th Trombone> What's your major?
<K'laamas> uh....lemme get back 2 you on that :)
<K'laamas> what's yours?
<75th Trombone> Ha
<75th Trombone> Music Education
<K'laamas> cool
<K'laamas> I'm bouncing between 3-4 areas...
<75th Trombone> Which ones?
<K'laamas> linguistics, subatomic-chemistry/quantum physics, & computer=20
graphic art
<75th Trombone> Wow
<K'laamas> only thing is, to take the class "Quantum Physics", there's =
12 prerequisite classes. then I saw this other class, & it said:=20
"Prerequisite: Quantum Physics"
<K'laamas> :)
<75th Trombone> O.O WHat class has Quantum Physics as a=20
<K'laamas> I forget what it's called....
<K'laamas> needless to say, it's advanced :)
<75th Trombone> Yeah..... o.o
<75th Trombone> Okay, I gotta go
<75th Trombone> See y'all later. :-)
<K'laamas> Shorah!