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get tomorrows news in a months time right here on wake up to punk

17 march 2002
-that media page is a cunt like, anyway spitroast and clearest day are playing a stepping stone festival thingy on the 25 april at the cathouse in glasgow ma band spitroast will be selling tickets as will all the other bands playing that night (who the rest are i have no idea but im trying to find out). spitroast are also playing a pishy gig at the shitty martell whoop de fucking doo THE MARTELL SUCKS (spitroast rule) goodnight
-i took a big fuckin chunk out my finger with a cheese grater today

1 march still 2002
-just to let you's know, the links at the bottom of the screen (tours, venues etc.) all work except the media one which will take some time to put together as it will probably contain alot of stuff.

23 february 2002
-wake up to punk is now a member of the falkirk punk bands ring (as you might have seen on the front page) join this falkirk punk bands! it is run by emma from the anarchix.
-Punkstravagansa 2 is to be held at the martell on sunday 10th march see the gigs page for details, it look pretty good!. also punkstravagansa 3 is being organised for sunday 6th of october and your band could be playing at, just get in touch with for more info. Punkstravagansa 4 will be on this time next year as well.

21 february 2002
-well looks like has done a runner for one reason or another ah well some folk just can't hack it eh?...ahem... but if your a member of zetland park community thingy then you'll be over the moon as thats what comes up when you try and visit getthegig. (ps sorry if there was just a change of address or something)
-spitroast and the anarchix (or is there a 'the' in that title? dunno answers on a postcard) are going to record a split single/L.P. in march so look oot for that, oh and if you have any spare money lying around so spitroast can pay for this recording it would be more than welcome (sorry tooly's maw)
-i have an interveiw at tsc next week hmm how profoundly irrelevant

16 february 2002
-interesting european news today the price of curries has halved but the price of air freshener has doubled

30 january 2002
-well that was a fun 6 months of completely ignoring the site, i just remebered today what my password is to get onto this site to edit it so i think i'll start running it again. News over the past 6 months, spitroast split then got back together, anarchix formed, tooly fucked his own mother blah blah who cares
-on a lighter note this site is a load of old PISH!


tours - venues - spitroast - media