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Why abortion is murder

In order to answer the question "Is abortion murder?" we must first of all consider the status of the unborn baby, foetus or embryo. You may use whichever term you choose. It makes no difference. The question is, just before the abortion, termination or destruction, is this foetus, embryo or unborn baby alive or dead?

If it is dead then as we know, if it is in the womb, it is almost always ejected naturally. The mother has a ‘mmiscarriage? A doctor, even if present, is not said to have performed an abortion in such cases.On the other hand it is precisely because the foetus is deemed to be alive that an abortion is performed. If it were dead there would not be any point in performing an abortion. If it were dead it could not grow and would just remain in place until such time as it were ejected. Sometimes help might be required but once again any such medical ministrations would never be termed abortion. We must conclude therefore that the very fact that abortion is performed - or in the case of in vitro (test tube) fertilisation, the embryo is destroyed - proves that the foetus or embryo must have been alive and not dead.

Now the second point to be considered is this: Is the embryo or foetus human or not? Is it a human embryo or foetus or is it perhaps that of a crocodile or donkey or giraffe? Now if you posed such a question to a man who had just watched fertilization of a human ovum by a human sperm I would suggest he would probably think you very stupid indeed. “O"Of course it’s human!" He would say, “h"How can it possibly be a crocodile or a donkey or a giraffe?" If you persisted he would probably tell you just to wait and see.

And I’mam quite sure you would get an even sterner reaction if you went to a doctor and said “M"My wife is pregnant but perhaps she’s going to have a crocodile or a donkey or a giraffe!"If you didn’t get locked up you’dwould probably get a severe lecture at least!


Because as everybody knows, if a woman becomes pregnant her offspring is human.. If human sperm fertilizes a human egg (or ‘oovum?to use the Latin word) the resulting embryo is human.

So now we have established that the foetus is alive and that it is human. It is, in other words, human life.

I take it we do not have to point out that the purpose of abortion whether by vacuum pump, chemical or physical or any other means is to destroy this human life.

Now, except in times of military conflict (and even then there are strict rules - not always observed however) and in the process known as ‘ccapital punishment, the deliberate pre-meditated taking of human life is called murder.

“O"Oh no!" you say, “your simple argument is in ruins - murder is the unlawful taking of human life, and abortion is now legal in countries such as the USA and the UK and so it isn't’t murder!?

Now I would agree that this is a possible line of argument. It is of course precisely the line of argument that Hitler would have used to justify exterminating millions of Jews in the Holocaust. I am not aware that he had any of the superintendents of the death camps executed for murdering Jews, as of course under his regime it was perfectly legal, not to say obligatory. So - by your line of argument - it wasn't’t murder.

If you seriously agree with this I would suggest you stand outside the Holocaust memorial in Israel and put your point and perhaps distribute leaflets to that effect. I should be interested to know if you survive - but not exactly heartbroken if you don’t.

You see you simply cannot have it both ways. You cannot say “Murder is lawful when I want it to be lawful, but unlawful when Adolf Hitler wants it to be lawful.?

If you accept the one, you must accept the other and quite rightly place yourself and the abortionist on a par with Adolf Hitler and his assistants.

And that is precisely why this monstrous carnage must stop! Just as forces were brought to bear on Hitler and his evil regime until he was stopped, so too this terrible carnage performed by abortionists at the behest of the forces of evil and corruption must be stopped. The weapons we use may at times be different, but we may still learn from the courage and tenacity of those who were prepared to sacrifice their lives to fight evil.

For make no mistake about it, it is a terrible carnage. The numbers alone - just as with Hitler’s death camps - are staggering.

In round figures the number of individuals destroyed daily by abortionists in the USA is 4000, which is about three quarters of the total number of other deaths in the USA daily from all diseases.

Now you may think that any society which does this to itself has gone completely mad and deserves to end up by destroying itself. At least Hitler was attempting to ‘p"purify" his own race by exterminating another one. And doubtless such defences are produced for the ‘ethnic cleansing?we have so recently witnessed in the Balkans. But for a nation to go about systematically exterminating itself to the extent of deliberately killing nearly as many of its population every day as die from all natural causes put together is absolutely unbelievable.

That those who are thus exterminated should be utterly defenceless, without the possibility even of opening their mouths to speak a word on their own behalf makes this surely one of the most reprehensible as well as unintelligible crimes the human race has ever seen.

As if that were not enough, many of Hitler’s henchmen and many other war criminals defend themselves by saying they were under pain of death to execute the orders given to them. The only compulsion the abortionists operate under is the love of money.

Finally, and most tragic of all, is the fact that however unwanted these tiny babies may appear to be in the eyes of the abortionist, they are not unwanted at all. One has only to look at the numbers of childless parents who crave to adopt a child and who go to all manner of expense and through all sorts of bureaucratic hassle to do so, to realise that there had been a ‘market?for what are now the pathetic bloodstained scraps of the bodies of the little boys and little girls - all of them our fellow human beings - lying in the trash cans of the clinics of the abortionists.

“Open your mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed for destruction.? Proverbs 31:8

Copyright © David Lawrie 1997

This article “Why Abortion is Murder?may be freely copied and distributed, provided that this Copyright notice and permission is included, and that there is no alteration either to this notice or to the text of the article itself.

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