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Dear Mummy...

Dear Mummy,

I know I'm quite safe.

You see I'm not like you. I know you're frightened, just a bit, about being alive - because you might suddenly find yourself dead. And you don't know what will happen to you, do you?

I mean it would be all right if you hadn't sinned: if you'd never done anything wrong. But He knows you have.

But it's all right really!

Or at least it would be if you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because he died for you so that his blood could wash away your sins.

But you don't believe that do you?

It's quite simple really. If you do believe it you'll go to heaven and you'll be with Jesus for ever - but if you refuse to believe it you'll go to hell.

But I know I'm safe, because I'm a tiny little baby and I haven't sinned, and I'm made in the image of God. He made me and he loves me.

So I'm quite safe Mummy darling.

Even though I'm due to be aborted tomorrow.......

Copyright © David Lawrie 1998

This article "Dear Mummy..." may be freely copied and distributed, provided that this Copyright notice and permission is included, and that there is no alteration either to this notice or to the text of the article itself.

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