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Do you understand then what you’re reading?

Acts 8:26-40

And an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying,

“Get up and go towards the south, on the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza which is a desert.”

And having got up he went. And look, an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, one in power under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to worship in Jerusalem, and was returning and sitting in his chariot, was reading the prophet Isaiah.

And the Spirit said to Philip,

“Go near, and join yourself to this chariot!”

And running up Philip heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said,

“Do you understand then what you’re reading?”

But he said,

“How could I unless someone guides me?”

And he begged Philip having come up to sit with him. And the passage of the scripture which he was reading was this,

‘He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb is dumb before the one shearing him, so he doesn’t open his mouth. In his humiliation his judgement was taken away and who will declare his generation, for his life is taken from the earth?’

And answering, the eunuch said to Philip,

“I pray you: about whom is the prophet saying this? About himself or about someone else?”

And Philip, having opened his mouth and having begun from this scripture, preached the joyful news - Jesus - to him. And as they were going along the road they came to some water and the eunuch says,

“Look, water! What prevents me from being baptised?”

And Philip said,

“If you believe with all your heart, it’s permissible!”

And answering he said,

“I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God!”

And he commanded that the chariot halt. And they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch and he baptised him. But when they came up out of the water the Lord’s Spirit caught Philip away and the eunuch saw him no longer though he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus and going through he preached the joyful news in all the cities until he came to Caesarea.

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