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The preacher asked me...

Have you ever loved a girl?

Have you ever loved one madly?

Watching, waiting,

For a smile,

For the touch of a hand,

Just to see her,

Or hear from her?

I know you have.


What is it?

Irrational, crazy, mad?

Just hear this:

The Creator of the universe,

God who made you,

And the butterflies,

And the birds,

And the flowers,

And...yes, everything,

Loves you so much

That he came down from heaven -

The glorious place you hope to go to -

He came down from heaven,

Was born of a virgin, and placed as a baby

In a feeding trough for animals,

Worked as a carpenter,

Was nailed - yes, nailed -

To a wooden cross,

To hang and suffer

Through hours of agony.

He who made the vine,

The grape, and its wine,

Was given vinegar to drink.

He who made our mouths,

And gave us food to taste

And enjoy,

Was spat upon,

And thrashed.

For whom? And why?

For us all:



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