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Memorials in Christchurch, Rawalpindi:

"Sacred to the memory of:
Rintoul Archer Milward-Jones, Lieutenant, 4th Dragoon Guards, who died at Murree October 5th 1897. Aged 31.
Thomas Frederick Newcome
Jones, Captain, 4th Dragoon Guards. Shot on patrol near Jumrood October 10th 1897. Aged 31.
Charles Crosbie, Lieutenant, 4th Dragoon Guards, who departed this life at Rawalpindi from an accident at polo
January 12th 1889. Aged 23.
Erected by their brother officers. Also of
Gabriel Burrell Geach, Captain, 4th Dragoon Guards, who died at Murree 1st July 1899. Aged 37.
Hon William Wrotteseley, Captain, 4th Dragoon Guards, who died at sea 1st Oct. 1899. Aged 36."


"Dedicated by their comrades to the memory of the following NCOs and men of the 4th Dragoon Guards who died or were killed in action during their service in the Punjab from 4 Oct 1894 to 21 Jan 1903.

SSM G. Moore - Private F. Freeman
SQMS F. Clark - Private F. Frenchman
Sergeant A.W. Henry - Private F. Griffin
Sergeant W. Herridge - Private J. Gordon
Sergeant J. Leyden - Private J. Gilmartin
Sergeant H. Lisle - Private J. Hewings
Sergeant C.D. Mendham - Private S. Hallett
Sergeant J.H. Styles - Private G.F. Johnston
Sergeant A.T. Taylor - Private A.V. King
Sergeant G.H. Walker - Private J. Leftely
Sergeant A.R. Wicks - Private W.G. Leney
L/Sergeant R.A. Scrivener - Private W. Lewis
Corporal C. Langfield - Private P. Locke
Corporal S. Lavery - Private E. Lockyer
Corporal J. Walton - Private R. McFarland
Corporal J. Westerman - Private J. McIntyre
Corporal A. Wicks - Private T.A. McWilliam
Corporal SS A.F. Hagger - Private E. Morley
L/Corporal J.J. Towey - Private G.J. Palmer
L/Corporal H. Griffiths - Private A. Parker
L/Corporal L.A. Locke - Private E.T. Payne
L/Corporal T.S. Rutherford - Private W.F. Pirrie
L/Corporal E.J. Sutton - Private M. Quinlin
L/Corporal R. Semple - Private W. Rees
Private H.G. Boddy - Private F.R. Reynolds
Private H.C. Boskett - Private W. Roberts
Private H. Burtenshaw - Private E. Sanders
Private E.V. Burton - Private H. Saville
Private W. Bussey - Private E. Scully
Private A.R. Butcher - Private H.R. Smith
Private W.G. Clarke - Private R. Sparks
Private G.F. Clements - Private R.A. Spitzer
Private E. Clemson - Private M. Sterling
Private B.A. Couzens - Private J.A. Sturmer
Private M. Darcy - Private W. Swan
Private P.S. Dawes - Private W. Taylor
Private S.H. Dean - Private P. Tubino
Private W. Fennell - Private T. Walsh
Private F. Flanagan - Private A. Ward
Private H.W. Flood - Private F.C. Waters
Private F.H. Fox - Private W.J. Webster
Private A. Franklin - Private H.V. Weeks
Private J. Franklin - Private W. Wightman
Private J. Winterson."