50th FOOT
No. 3105 Lance Sergeant Thomas Andrews
- killed at Sebastopol 18 December 1854
No. 3468 Pte James Barry - killed at Sebastopol 31 August
No. 4028 Pte George Bradley - killed at Sebastopol 5 December
No. 2645 Pte J. Bricknell - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4191 Pte James Carmichael - killed at Sebastopol 20
December 1854
No. 1289 Quarter Master Sergeant Thomas Clifford - killed
at Sebastopol 13 April 1855. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Qr Mr Sergt T. Clifford
50th Regiment Killed on the 13th April 1855 this stone was erected
as a token of regard by his brother Sergeants."
No. 3175 Pte James Collis - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 4048 Pte Stephen Connolly - killed at Sebastopol 20
December 1854
No. 3902 Pte Patrick Cooney - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 3789 Pte William Cooper - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4189 Pte John Cotter - killed at Sebastopol 2 December
No. 3819 Pte B. Cronan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4082 Pte Thomas Dalton - killed at Sebastopol 24 April
No. 4099 Pte J. Daly - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4238 Pte John Darragh - died of wounds at Sebastopol
18 December 1854
No. 2488 Pte Samuel Derming - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 3069 Pte Owen Doherty - killed at Sebastopol 2 December
No. 3706 Pte J. Edge - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4072 Pte John Flynn - killed at Sebastopol 24 April
No. 3858 Pte Daniel Heard - killed at Sebastopol 15 November
No. 3079 Sergeant James Howarth - killed at Sebastopol
20 December 1854
No. 3396 Corporal Benjamin Inglefield - killed at Sebastopol
20 December 1854
No. 2999 Pte Timothy Keefe - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 4068 Pte William Lavery - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 4007 Pte James Mailey - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 3734 Pte Lewis McDonald - killed at Sebastopol 2 December
No. 4123 Pte Thomas McNamara - killed at Sebastopol 13
April 1855
No. 3767 Pte R. Mitchell - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 1643 Pte J. Mooney - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3392 Pte James Moran - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
No. 4106 Pte J. Nagle - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3726 Pte Richard Nagle - killed at Sebastopol 2 December
No. 4043 Pte William Perry - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2809 Pte James Reghan - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2858 Pte D. Robertson - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3373 Pte Timothy Rohan - killed at Sebastopol 15 November
No. 1573 Pte Patrick Shelley - killed at Sebastopol 15
November 1854
No. 2309 Pte J. Slattery - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3094 Pte W. Smith - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3994 Pte Patrick Thompson - killed at Sebastopol 20
December 1854
No. 3985 Pte Samuel Thompson - killed at Sebastopol 20
December 1854
No. 3757 Pte Edward Wood - killed at Sebastopol 20 December
55th FOOT
No. 3488 Pte John Anderson - killed
at the Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3398 Pte Samuel Bailey - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2826 Corporal Edmund Baines - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2180 Pte William Barrett - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte John Berry - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20 September
No. 2399 Pte William Berryman - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3272 Pte Patrick Bourke - killed at Sebastopol 6 January
No. 2919 Pte James Brown - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3502 Pte Thomas Brown - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3326 Pte George Burrell - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte Michael Byrnes - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
Pte Thomas Carty - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
Pte Edward Corr - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20 September
No. 2909 Pte John Cotter - missing after the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3303 Pte Robert Craig - missing after the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
Pte Richard Darcy - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3298 Pte Thomas Delivett - killed at Sebastopol 17
April 1855
No. 3336 Pte Joseph Egan - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3421 Pte Michael Farrell - died of wounds at Sebastopol
15 March 1855
No. 3101 Pte Hugh Flannery - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3645 Pte Michael Flynn - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte Michael Foley - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
1591 Colour Sergeant James Furphy - died of wounds received
after the Final Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855. Grave -
"Sacred to the
memory of Cr. Serjt. James Furphy 55th Regt. who died of a wound
recd. on the 8th Septr. 1855. Erected by his brother N.C. Officers
as a token of their esteem."
No. 1499 Corporal Robert Hardison - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3078 Pte Henry Harman - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1686 Pte William Haughton - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3728 Pte George Heavie - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3137 Pte Jeremiah Hennesy - killed at Sebastopol 18
April 1855
No. 3318 Pte Thomas Higgins - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3224 Pte Charles Howe - killed at Sebastopol 24 May
No. 2003 Pte John Jukes - killed at Sebastopol 24 May 1855
No. 2577 Corporal George Kemp - killed at Sebastopol 12
July 1855. Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of Corpl George Kemp 55th Regt .
Killed on duty in the Trenches 12th July 1855. Aged 32 years.
This board is put up as a mark of respect by his brother John
No. 2094 Pte William Mallart - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3619 Pte Peter Martin - killed at Sebastopol 11 June
Sergeant Robert McCoy - killed at the Assault on the Quarries
7 June 1855. Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of Sergt. Robt. McCoy 55th Regiment who fell at
the Assault on the Quarries on the evening of the 7th June 1855.
Erected by his affectionate brother John McCoy Colr Sert 40th
No. 3442 Pte William McDowall - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2646 Pte Thomas McGrath - killed at Sebastopol 23 December
No. 2724 Pte John McGuire - killed at Sebastopol 10 March
Pte William McKay - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3266 Pte John McMahon - killed at Sebastopol 23 December
No. 2284 Sergeant Martin Meaner - died of wounds at Sebastopol
9 June 1855
No. 2284 Sergeant Martin Meard - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Serjt. Martin Meara
of the 55th Regt who fell on the night of the 7th June 1855 at
the storming of the Redan. Aged 28 years."
No. 2825 Corporal George Mekless - killed at the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3209 Pte James Minoge - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3224 Pte John Moran - killed at Sebastopol 20 May 1855
No. 3576 Pte Samuel Morton - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3260 Pte Daniel O'Connors - killed at Sebastopol 25
December 1854
No. 3323 Pte James Paynes - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2837 Pte William Penny - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3465 Pte Patrick Pine - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3307 Pte Isaac Powell - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1462 Corporal Thomas Powell - killed at Sebastopol
2 September 1855
Pte Richard Reeves - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
Pte Thomas Russell - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3471 Pte Andrew Ryan - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3055 Pte Patrick Ryan - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2991 Pte Thomas Salter - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2696 Lance Sergeant Thomas Sayers - killed at the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3757 Pte Benjamin Seabright - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3587 Pte William Sim - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3474 Corporal Arthur Smith - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
Corporal Lewis Steltzer - killed at the Battle of the Alma
20 September 1854
No. 3597 Pte John Summers - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3036 Pte Joseph Taylor - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Sergeant Michael Walsh - killed at the Battle of the Alma
20 September 1854
No. 3609 Pte Michael Walsh - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2848 Pte Moses Ward - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3602 Pte George Watson - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3603 Pte Morris Watson - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte F.A. Whimper - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3271 Pte Michael White - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3003 Pte William White - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3654 Pte Edward Wiley - killed at Sebastopol 12 July
56th FOOT
No. 2458 Pte William Bright - killed
at Sebastopol 5 September 1855
No. 3505 Pte John Buckingham - killed at Sebastopol 1 September
No. 1972 Pte J. Green - killed at Sebastopol 7 September
No. 3748 Pte Jacob Lukey - killed at Sebastopol 5 September
No. 2993 Pte W. Soley - killed at Sebastopol 7 September
No. 2813 Pte A. Woods - killed at Sebastopol 7 September
57th FOOT
No. 2553 Pte Thomas Bennett - killed
at Sebastopol 24 December 1854
No. 1372 Corporal Thomas Blood - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3027 Pte Andrew Broderick - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 839 Pte James Carney - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
Pte William Clancy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3139 Pte John Conroy - killed at Sebastopol 26 August
No. 2232 Pte Richard Corigan - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2414 Pte James Dolan - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3095 Pte Daniel Dunn - killed at Sebastopol 31 May
No. 3176 Pte James Dwaddle - killed at Sebastopol 10 June
No. 1961 Colour Sergeant Patrick Fallon - killed in the
First Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1824 Pte Edward Farrell - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3197 Pte Paul Fennell - killed at Sebastopol 17 July
No. 3156 Pte Joseph Ferguson - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2099 Pte Michael Foley - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3251 Pte Robert Fraser - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2309 Pte John Gallagher - missing after the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2985 Sergeant Stewart Gardiner - killed in the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
Pte William Garner - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2193 Pte Patrick Geeghan - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2226 Pte Alexander Graham - killed at Sebastopol 20
April 1855
No. 1419 Pte James Graham - killed at Sebastopol 24 December
No. 2569 Sergeant William Greening - killed in the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2485 Seregant Aford Gregory - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 1239 Colour Sergeant Hiram Griffiths - killed at the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2031 Pte Hugh Hanna - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2610 Pte Jeremiah Hayes - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1319 Sergeant Adam Hewitt - died of wounds after the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 1689 Sergeant John James - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1833 Pte William Johnson - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1150 Pte William Johnston - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2557 Pte John Jones - killed at Sebastopol 22 March
No. 1947 Sergeant John Kyle - killed at Sebastopol 1 January
Pte James Lewis - wounded 22 May 1855, died of wounds at
Sebastopol 24 May 1855. Grave -
"Sacred to the memory of Private James Lewis Lt. Co.
57th Regiment who was killed in the Trenches on the 24th day of
May 1855. Aged 22 years."
No. 1573 Sergeant Robert Lewis - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3085 Pte Hugh Mackleravey - killed at Sebastopol 2
September 1855
No. 1661 Corporal James Macklin - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1349 Sergeant John Magee - killed at Sebastopol 8 April
No. 2550 Pte Patrick Manning - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2221 Pte Charles McAnnally - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1494 Sergeant Felix McCann - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
Pte Hugh McCasspin - killed at Sebastopol 24 December 1854
No. 2204 Pte Henry Morgan - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2382 Drummer Edward Morris - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2811 Pte John Mullen - killed at Sebastopol 24 December
No. 1410 Sergeant John Mullins - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1523 Colour Sergeant John Mulloy - wounded in the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855. died of wounds 29 June 1855.
Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of Color Serjt John Mulloy 57th Regt who
died on the 29th of wounds received on the 18th June 1855 aged
38 years. This stone has been erected by his brother Non-commissioned
Officers as a mark of their esteem."
No. 1954 Pte Charles Murphy - killed at Sebastopol 14 December
No. 980 Pte Michael Murphy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3253 Pte Foster Murray - killed at Sebastopol 20 April
No. 2596 Pte Edward Neill - died of wounds after the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Pte Edward Neil
57th Regt who died on the 8th of a wound received on the 5th Novr
1854. Aged 27 years."
No. 2795 Pte John Nowlan - killed at Sebastopol 14 December
No. 1813 Corporal Henry J. Palmer - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2594 Pte Martin Ryan - killed at Sebastopol 1 January
Pte Thomas Ryan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann 5 November
No. 3400 Pte John Sheehan - wounded at Sebastopol 10 August
1855. died of wounds. Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of John Sheehan Private in H.Ms 57th Regt Killed
in the Trenches before Sebastopol Aged 18 years. This memorial
is erected by his faithful comrade, Frederick Clark, of H.Ms 14th
Regt who with his loving brother Edward Sheehan of H.M. 57th Regt
deeply deplore his loss."
No. 3125 Pte Felix Smith - killed at Sebastopol 22 March
No. 2297 Pte Alfred Stevens - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2068 Pte William Temperley - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2727 Pte Matthew Twist - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
1768 Sergeant William Waldie - wounded at Sebastopol 17
August 1855. died of wounds 20 August 1855. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Serjt
W. Waldie 57th Regt Died of wounds received in the Trenches 20th
Augt 1855 Aged 37 yrs. 9 monhs."
No. 2313 Pte Robert Walsh - killed at Sebastopol 1 January
No. 2278 Pte Thomas Webb - killed at Sebastopol 24 December
No. 2351 Pte John Whelan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
62nd FOOT
No. 3477 Pte Thomas Allen - killed
at the Final Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3691 Pte John Bailey - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3497 Pte James Bell - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3333 Pte John Boylan - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 1620 Pte John Bryant - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3375 Corporal John Bunn - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3736 Pte Hugh Caffrey - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2250 Pte James Clarke - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2598 Corporal John Cleary - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3277 Corporal Daniel Coleman - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3224 Pte Samuel Costello - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3577 Pte Patrick Donovan - killed at Sebastopol 24
April 1855
No. 3559 Pte John Doyle - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3579 Pte Daniel Driscoll - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3314 Pte William Dwyer - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2240 Colour Sergeant Owen Fennell - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2592 Pte Patrick Fitzgerald - killed at Sebastopol
28 May 1855
No. 2143 Pte John Flynn - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3518 Pte John Furlong - killed at Sebastopol 21 April
No. 2113 Sergeant Matthew Garrett - killed at the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3117 Pte Leighton Gunter - killed at Sebastopol 18
December 1854
No. 1508 Sergeant William Holmes - killed at the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2932 Colour Sergeant Thomas Jones - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2680 Pte William Jordan - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3280 Corporal John Lane - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2819 Pte Michael Lough - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2741 Pte Patrick Lynch - killed at Sebastopol 30 April
No. 3574 Pte Robert Magner - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3673 Pte Michael McLeod - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3814 Pte John Moore - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3284 Pte Edward Murphy - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3530 Pte John Noonan - killed at Sebastopol 4 April
No. 2230 Sergeant George Norman - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3313 Pte John Quigley - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3396 Pte George Reddick - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3760 Pte Joseph Ritchins - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3766 Pte John Sandy - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2571 Pte Henry Strange - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3506 Pte James Taggart - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3051 Drummer Henry Traynor - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3193 Corporal John White - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3417 Sergeant Cornelius Young - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
63rd FOOT
No. 2456 Pte George Bartlett - missing
after the Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3142 Pte Charles Belwood - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
Pte Joseph Brennan - killed 1 November 1854
No. 3645 Pte Thomas Browne - killed at Sebastopol 22 August
No. 3084 Pte Lawrence Coughlin - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2505 Corporal George Dougan - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2862 Pte Michael Green - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2812 Pte Thomas Jeffries - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2766 Pte Edward Jordan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2741 Pte Michael Kenny - missing after the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2977 Pte Thomas King - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3071 Pte Edward Mahon - killed at Sebastopol 23 August
No. 2238 Corporal Edward McCann - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2984 Pte John Murphy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2278 Pte Owen Murphy - missing after the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2617 Pte Martin Norton - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3458 Pte Michael O'Brien - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3018 Pte Thomas O'Donnell - missing after the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
Pte Robert Preston - killed 18-21 October 1854
No. 2245 Pte Patrick Reilly - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3039 Pte William Shea - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2160 Pte John Stringer - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
68th FOOT
No. 2165 Pte Robert Ashby - killed
at Sebastopol 11 May 1855
No. 2838 Pte William Ashford - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2203 Pte Daniel Blakeman - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2220 Pte John Bowers - killed at Sebastopol 15 August
No. 3252 Pte William Calderbank - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
Pte Patrick Carroll - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 2346 Pte Thomas Duff - died of wounds at Sebastopol
11 May 1855
No. 3300 Pte James Forbes - killed at Sebastopol 9 June
No. 3058 Pte William Gaffney - killed at Sebastopol 23
November 1854
Pte Michael Gallivan - killed 25 October 1854
No. 3668 Pte John Graham - killed at Sebastopol 10 August
Pte William Gwyer - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 3439 Pte William Hardyman - killed at Sebastopol 21
May 1855
No. 2862 Pte Anthony Harman - died of wounds after the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 1575 Pte Henry Hitchcock - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
Pte James Hore - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 2913 Pte John Kinton - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3443 Pte George Longworthy - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3379 Pte James Malone - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3199 Pte George Mande - died of wounds after the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 2805 Pte William Manly - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2952 Pte Owen McGeever - killed at Sebastopol 11 May
No. 1388 Pte Joseph Midgely - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2723 Pte William Miller - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2882 Pte Frederick Moyses - killed at Sebastopol 8
June 1855
No. 2710 Pte Stephen Murphy - killed at Sebastopol 30 July
No. 3409 Pte Thomas Owen - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 1391 Pte Thomas Rustrick - killed at Sebastopol 11
May 1855
No. 3049 Pte John Sales - killed at Sebastopol 10 August
No. 3415 Pte Robert Sandys - died of wounds at Sebastopol
11 May 1855
No. 3548 Pte John Simmons - killed at Sebastopol 11 May
No. 3005 Pte William Tailey - killed at Sebastopol 11 May
No. 3626 Pte Thomas Toole - killed at Sebastopol 28 July
No. 3527 Pte James Turner - killed at Sebastopol 10 August
No. 2235 Pte William Watkinson - died of wounds at Sebastopol
11 May 1855
No. 3580 Pte John Wheeler - killed at Sebastopol 26 July
No. 2851 Pte John Wright - killed at Sebastopol 2 January
No. 3015 Pte Charles Gilbert - killed
at Sebastopol 8 July 1855
No. 1127 Pte Alexander Law - killed at Sebastopol 19 August
No. 3044 Pte Donald McIntosh - killed at Sebastopol 13
August 1855
No. 1133 Pte Alexander Merrilees - killed at Sebastopol
5 July 1855
No. 2574 Pte John Patten - killed at Sebastopol 11 July
No. 2336 Pte John Robson - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
77th FOOT
No. 2553 Pte Robert Barr - killed
at the Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 1437 Drummer Owen Bennett - killed at Sebastopol 2
May 1855
No. 2187 Sergeant Robert Bernard - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3380 Pte Thomas Braziel - killed at Sebastopol 22 March
Pte John Bright - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20 September
No. 2925 Pte James Brown - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2629 Pte William James Brown - killed at Sebastopol
17 February 1855
No. 1969 Pte Patrick Bryan - killed at Sebastopol 25 July
No. 2617 Pte Francis Burfoot - killed at Sebastopol 15
March 1855
No. 3534 Pte George Buse - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3118 Pte William Cair - killed at Sebastopol 5 August
No. 2430 Pte John Carty - died of wounds after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Privte. John Carty
77th Regt who died from wounds received at the Redan on the
9th Sepr 1855. Aged 24 years."
No. 2083 Sergeant Daniel Casey - killed at Sebastopol 27
July 1855. Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of Serjt. Daniel Casey 77th Regt who was killed
before Sebastopol 28th July 1855."
No. 1598 Sergeant Mark Castinux - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3083 Pte Charles Charleton - killed at Sebastopol 22
March 1855
No. 2918 Pte James Collins - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3482 Pte William Conelly - killed at Sebastopol 3 August
No. 2116 Pte James Connor - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
Pte John Connors - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 2697 Pte Richard Cook - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2877 Pte Michael Corcoran - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2405 Pte John Costello - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2921 Pte James Cox - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1162 Pte Stephen Davin - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3609 Pte John Davison - killed in the Magazine explosion
at the French Siege Train 15 November 1855
Corporal Charles Dermett - killed 24 October 1854
No. 1025 Lance Corporal John Despard - killed at Sebastopol
21 August 1855
No. 2769 Pte Patrick Dinan - killed at Sebastopol 15 August
No. 3286 Pte Alfred Dod - killed at Sebastopol 25 May 1855
No. 2829 Pte Patrick Doyle - killed at Sebastopol 25 July
No. 2451 Pte Hugh Durney - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3540 Pte Henry Farney - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3055 Pte William Fenson - died of wounds after the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3412 Pte Denis Fenton - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3056 Pte James Field - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2426 Pte John Finlan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2648 Corporal William Fox - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3229 Pte John Freeman - killed in the Magazine explosion
at the French Siege Train 15 November 1855
No. 3392 Pte Hugh Gallaway - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1731 Pte John Greer - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3148 Sergeant John Hanlan - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3661 Pte John Hanlon - killed at Sebastopol 19 July
No. 3320 Pte Thomas Harrington - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3478 Lance Corporal John Heartley - killed at Sebastopol
1 July 1855
No. 3559 Pte Thomas Hines - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3657 Pte John Hutchinson - killed at Sebastopol 31
August 1855
No. 1716 Pte Thomas Hyde - killed at the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3350 Pte George Jackson - killed at Sebastopol 19 April
No. 2701 Pte David Johnson - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3500 Pte William Jones - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2247 Pte James Joyce - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2388 Pte Thomas Kenna - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
Pte Thomas Kennedy - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3437 Pte Thomas Kimble - killed at Sebastopol 19 April
No. 2025 Pte James Leahy - killed at Sebastopol 19 April
No. 911 Pte John Loughlin - killed at Sebastopol 3 September
No. 852 Pte Bernard Lynch - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2103 Pte Patrick Lynch - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 1736 Colour Sergeant Thomas Maher - killed at the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855. Grave - "In memory of Color Sergeant Thomas Maher
77th Regiment who died on the 9th Sepr from wounds received at
the attack on the Redan aged 32 years."
No. 2391 Sergeant William Mann - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte John Mason - killed 22 October 1854
No. 3460 Pte John McCart - killed at Sebastopol 6 September
No. 2339 Pte Patrick McGrath - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3087 Pte William McGrath - died of wounds after the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1855
No. 3344 Pte Thomas Murphy - killed at Sebastopol 30 May
No. 3358 Pte John Murray - killed at Sebastopol 27 February
No. 3339 Pte George Parker - killed at Sebastopol 19 April
No. 3110 Pte Richard Prior - killed at Sebastopol 22 March
No. 2392 Sergeant Thomas Riches - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1503 Pte Stewart Richey - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 1973 Pte Pater Scullin - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3074 Pte William Sharpe - killed at Sebastopol 3 September
No. 3318 Pte Alexander Stewart - killed at Sebastopol 19
April 1855
No. 1960 Pte John Strange - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2064 Pte Michael Sullivan - killed at Sebastopol 19
April 1855
No. 3076 Pte Thomas Taylor - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 2806 Pte Thomas Tivingstone - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3169 Pte Charles Watson - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3524 Pte Joseph White - killed in the Magazine explosion
at the French Siege Train 15 November 1855
No. 2556 Pte Thomas Wiggins - killed at Sebastopol 10 June
No. 3096 Pte George Williams - killed at Sebastopol 3 September
No. 3604 Pte William Wilson - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3687 Corporal Thomas Wilton - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3081 Pte James Wise - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1855
No. 3507 Pte Henry Wolbridge - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2711 Pte George Woodward - killed at Sebastopol 29
May 1855
No. 3993 Pte John Auld - killed at
the Final Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte John Baird - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20 September
No. 3893 Pte John Beaton - killed at Sebastopol 23 June
No. 3932 Pte George Conn - killed at Sebastopol 13 August
No. 3109 Pte David Marshall - killed at Sebastopol 27 June
No. 3860 Pte Leslie McBean - killed at Sebastopol 27 June
No. 2368 Pte John McCormack - killed at the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte James Watson - killed at the Battle of the Alma 20
September 1854