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Captain Bent BALL - 63rd Foot
"At the Residence of his daughter, (Mrs T. Boles), Bent Ball, Esq aged 80 years, formerly of Roxboro', co Cork, late Capt 63rd Regt one of the few surviving officers who served in the Revolutionary War in America, where he particularly distinguished himself and received no less than three muskets balls in different parts of his body, one of which never could be extracted."
(Limerick Chronicle 17 October 1832)

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry BALNEAVIS - 65th Foot
At Malta on 16th July 1857, Lt-Col. Henry Balneavis, CMG & KH, 65th Regt, Aged 77 years. (New Zealanderer 10 October 1857)

Captain Henry Colin BALNEAVIS - 58th Foot
"Died 26th August 1876, Henry Colin Balneavis, late Captain HM 58th Regiment, aged 58 years. Buried St Stephen's Churchyard Cemetery, Parnell." (New Zealand newspaper, 1876)

Lieutenant Robert BAYLIS - 2nd West India Regiment
At Kingston, Jamaica, on 15th September 1857, Lieut. Robert Baylis, 2nd West India Regt (formerly of H M 99th Regt), third son of the late Capt T.H. Baylis, 17th Regt. (New Zelander 6 February 1858)

Major Henry BELLINGHAM - 1/1st Bengal Native Infantry
"On the 26th of May last at Mooradabad, Maj Henry Bellingham of the 1st Battalion, 1st Bengal Native Invantry, commanding Officer at the above station and nephew of Sir William Bellingham Bt." (Freemans Journal, Ireland 24 January 1821)

Henry Cole BOWEN -
"At Prospect Row Stephens Cole Bowen Esq son of the late Henry Cole Bowen Esq of Bowens Court co Cork originally of the Royal Irish Artillery and late of the Roy Vets Battn. This lamented gent served with credit in America & the Peninsula war & 39th & 90th Reg." (Limerick Chronicle 17 January 1835)

Lieutenant General Sir Eyre COOTE -

"Yesterday Charles Coote Esq Knight of the Shire of the County Cavan, was by Order of His Majesty invested at the Castle by his Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, with the ensigns of the most honorable Order of the Bath, for the Great Services rendered by him to his King and Country. the numerous and splendid appearance of the Nobility and gentry who attended this occasion, from its novelty, exceeded expectations." (Freeman's Journal, Ireland 14 January 1764)

"At the age of fifteen, left his studies at the College of Dublin to embrace a military life; he served with high reputation in the whole American war, and was taken prisoner with Lord Cornwallis at the unfortunate Convention of York-town. Early in the present war we find Brigadier General Coote commanding the light brigade, which, under the present Lord (then Sir Charles) Grey reduced the valuable West Indian islands of Guadloupe, Martinique, St Lucia, St Vincent's, Tobago, &c his admirable conduct was, during this arduous campaign, most highly applauded. On the appearance of the French in Bantry Bay, in 1796, General Coote, fortunately for his country, held the command of the Southern district; his conduct at that time is within our own knowledge and recollection, and the British Empire cannot forget that to that conduct it was owing that the spirit of sedition which actuated the Southern peasantry was not only awed into tranquillity, but even assumed the appearance of most ardent loyalty. After this fignal service, General Coote was appointed to command at Dover, from whence he volunteered in the expedition to Ostend; in which, having effected the great purpose of destroying the communications by water between France and Holland, he was by the accident of chance of wind, taken prisoner. When exchanged, General Coote was again appointed to command Dover, which he once more surrendered in order to obey the call of honor, when chosen to serve Sir Ralph Abercrombie." (Freeman's Journal, Ireland 23 July 1801)

"We lately announced the death of Lt Gen Sir Eyre Coote, of West Park, Hants, which took place on the 10th inst in Brooks St London. Sir Eyre was in the 63rd year of his age. He had 'faithfully served king and country' says a correspondent 'in various climates for forty years, and with distinguished merits as an officer having received the thanks of both houses of Parliament for his conduct'. His loss will long and deeply regretted by an amiable widow and son, and numerous attached friends who knew his worth and in him the poor of his neighbourhood have been deprived of a most kind and liberal benefactor." (Freemans Journal, Ireland 18 December 1823)

Captain Edward CROKER -
"On Saturday night last at Grange Hill in this county sincerely regretted by his very respectable connexions and acquaintances Edw Croker Edq formerly a captain of a troop in the first or Royal Blues." (Limerick General Advertiser 14 October 1808)

Captain Henry CROKER -
"Henry At his residence, Quartertown, co Cork, on the 23 inst, Henry Croker, Esq, aged 78, brother of the late Edward Croker of Ballyneguard, in this co, Esq, one of the last surving officers who fought in the battles of the first American war and one of the oldest Capts of the army - having obtained that rank in 1779. He was appointed to the situation of Brigade Major of Yeomanry in the year 1798 which he held for thirty years and was also an old and upright Magistrate of the county Cork." (Limerick Times 30 May 1836)

Lieutenant John CROKER - 48th Foot
"At Madras, John Croker, Esq, Senior Lt of the 48th Regt, eldest son of the late William Croker, Esq, of this city." (Freeman's Journal, Ireland 17 May 1828)

Lieutenant-General John CROKER - 15th Foot
"On the 13th instant, in Baggot street, Dublin, Lt Gen John Croker, he survived his wife but two months and four days - he for many years commanded the 15th Regt and was brother of the late Edward Croker, Esq of Ballynegard, in this county." (Limerick Chronicle 23 October 1833)

Major DENNY - 19th Foot
At Queen's, of apoplexy, on 4th June 1850, Major Denny, 19th Regt of Foot, commanded  Light Company of the 58th Regt during the native dissipations at the Bay of Islands. (New Zealander 28 December 1850)

Liutenant-Colonel Paul Frederick De QUINCEY - 70th Foot
"On April 16, at Cambridge House, Vincent Street, Lieut.-Colonel Paul Frederick de Quincey, late H.M. 70th Regiment."
"It is with widespread regret that it will be learned that Lieutenant-Colonel P. F. de Quincey, the Sergeant-at-Arms in the New Zealand House of Representatives, died on Sunday, April 15. The deceased gentleman had been many years in India, where he contracted malarial fever. The effects of this never left him. The arduous duties of the last session of Parliament told on him visibly, and he was laid up in Wellington for a little while. On coming to Auckland he became better, and was able to get about. But about a week ago he was compelled to take to his bed at Cambridge House, Vincent Street, where he resided. On Saturday evening he was in a moribund condition. Dr Robertson was called in consultation, but nothing could be done, the patient sinking gradually, dying about a quarter to eight on Sunday morning."
(New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Captain George ELLIS - 4th Light Dragoons
It is now our privilege to speak of one who has been more intimately associated with us, who has lived among us, and gained our respect in his private as well as public capacity, who has recently died amongst us full of honours but not of years who has departed this life at the age of fifty years, thirty four of which were spent in the service of his country ­ a period sufficient to cover him with honour, but too brief for that country's benefit. We now speak of Captain George Ellis, late of H.M. 4th Light Dragoons , the first officer ever interred here who's funeral took place this 10th instant whilst our last impression was in press. And (en passant ) we must express our disgust at the turbulent and indecent crowding round the procession , of a number of ill behaved boys and girls whose conduct, however much actuated by curiosity and not by premeditation, was a disgrace to the innate feelings of natural village peasantry and which misbehaviour is utterly disavowed by the decent and respectable portion of the community. This Captain Ellis was a native of Birmingham, of very humble origin; a man of most estimable piety, a good soldier, a strict disciplinarian, thoroughly conversant with the minutest details of his profession , beloved by his fellow officers and regarded by his men as a father and a friend. In addition to his claims on our respect for having served his country in India (he was at the taking of Ghuznee in 1839)  and for having served in the Crimea, whence he was invalided after being present at Alma and Inkermann he suffering from illness at the time of the Balaclava charge; he demands our further admiration from the fact that without being possessed of the adventitious aids of birth or wealth (he rose from the ranks and was formerly a private soldier in our very barracks) he elevated himself by his merit to the proud position of Captain in one of her Majesty's most distinguished regiments. To persons acquainted with the difficulties and obstacles in the way of attaining such a position, the extraordinary merits of the man will be at once apparent. His minister, the Reverent Incumbent of the Trinity Church, spoke most feelingly of him, on Sunday last ­ of his earnest piety and of his constant attendance at the services of the church. The writer himself has often noted there his devotional and unassuming bearing; and it is not too much to say of him that he was one of natures worthies, a man who became "in rank what he was in heart ­ a gentleman" a man who rose with moderation and filled his every station with becoming dignity but without ostentation, a man to whom belonged the rare merit of bearing prosperity with modesty, ever mindful of others feelings whose rise excited no envy amongst the soldiers with whom he had associated and over whom he was called on to command; and who was welcomed by those officers and gentlemen who had been his former superiors. Whether the day will ever come when promotion shall become more frequent from the ranks, and when most assuredly more of the younger sons of the clergy and gentry will enter, bringing with them the "elan" and "esprit" of public schools and colleges, this writer is not prepared to argue nor even venture an opinion on its desirability, but this can at all events be asserted that the conduct of Captain George Ellis is an instance in its favour. We now have a few words to address to our fellow townsmen:- for years past, as great poet, the Rev. George Crabb, has slept his last sleep amongst us. To his memory a fit monument has been raised. It would be but a grateful tribute to the departed worth if we raised, by public subscription, a tomb over all that is mortal of Captain Ellis. It would be a monument to which our descendants might point with pride saying "behold the grave of a Christian , a gentleman and a soldier!. Our fathers in honouring him honoured themselves for amid the strife of a busy world they found time to perpetuate his memory and raised with willing hearts the record of a British hero". (Trowbridge Advertiser 18 October 1856)

Major T.L. GRACE - 57th Foot
"In arctic weather and amid drifts of snow, which recalled earlier days in the Crimea, Major T. L. Grace died on the 14th January, 1895. He had served in the 57th Regiment, better known, perhaps, as the old 'Die-hards' - and to quote from his record, "was present at the battles of Balaclava and Inkerman, storm and capture of the quarries, commanded a leading detachment at the storming of the Redan, present at the final assault of the forts and fall of Sebastopol, also at the bombardment and capture of Kinburn, assisted on three occasions in repulsing night attacks on the advanced trenches, promoted ensign for service at the battle of Balaclava, and captain for services in the field (medal with three clasps, and Turkish medal)." In later years he was Secretary to the Corn Exchange." ('History of the Dublin Catholic Cemeteries' 1900)

Lieutenant-Colonel John GRAY - 40th Foot
At Wynstead near Otahuhu, on 7th April 1859, John Gray, Lieut-Col, unattached, late of H.M. 40th Regt, aged 60 yrs. (New Zelander  9 April 1859)

Captain J.H. Rogers-HARRISON - 58th Foot
"In our obituary column appears a notice of the death of a veteran in a double sense - veteran soldier and a veteran colonist, Captain J. H. Rogers-Harrison,, at the ripe age of 76 years. Captain Harrison was born in Hertfordshire on the 26th December , 1820, and in 1839 he joined the Chatham division of marines, but he bought out his discharge, and in 1842 he joined the 11th Regiment of Foot, with which he arrived in Hobartown in 1846, and reached Sydney the same year. Here he was transferred to the 58th Regiment, and coming on with the regiment to New Zealand in 1847, he obtained promotion to the rank of ensign in January, 1851, receiving the Queen's good conduct bounty of £100. He served on detachments in the Bay of Islands from 1853 to 1855, and then proceeded to Taranaki as paymaster and quartermaster to the detachment under Major (now General) Nugent. From thence he returned to Auckland in the same year. In the following year he was appointed he was appointed captain of the Auckland militia. At the commencement of the Maori war he was sent to Sydney by the then Defence Minister, the Hon Thomas Russell, to raise some men for the Waikato Militia, and on his return he was appointed acting-quartermaster-general to the colonial forces. This office he held until the end of the war. He was then appointed a commissioner by the Government to arrange accounts between the Imperial and Colonial Governments, but after the settlement of the war difficulties Captain Harrison retired into private life, and took no further prominent part in public affairs."
(New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Lieutenant A. M'Leod HAY - 58th Foot
On Monday 18th September 1848, after a short but painful illness, in the 30th year of  his age, Lt .A. M'Leod Hay, 58th Regt, eldest son of the late Col Hay of Westerton, Morayshire. This officer served with his Regiment during the operations in the north and south of New  Zealand and died universally lamented by his brother officers. (New Zealander 20 September 1848)

Lieutenant-Colonel HULME - 96th Foot
At Auckland on Tuesday 21st August 1855, in the 68th year of his age, Lt Col Hulme, late of HM 96th Regt., Postmaster and Manager of the Bank of Issue. The deceased officer at  one time commanded the troops in New Zealand. His death is lamented by a large circle of 
friends by whom he was beloved and respected.
(New Zealander 22 August 1855)

Captain John INGRAM - 69th Foot
"Saturday in Cecil St. of Cholera, John Ingram Esq formerly Capt 69th Regt, a gent of unblemished honor." (Limerick Chronicle 29 August 1832)

Captain Robert KELLY - 83rd Foot
On 9th June 1862, aged 57 yrs, at his residence, Remuera, Robert Kelly Esq, formerly Captain, H.M. 83rd Regt and late Registrar of Deeds, for the Province of Auckland.  (New Zelander 11 June 1862)

Lieutenant James William KINGSLEY - 28th Foot
At his residence, Parnell, on 16th July 1860, aged 26 yrs, James William Kingsley Esq, formerly Lieutenant in Her Majesty's 28th Regt with which he served in the Crimea and late of the 5th Fusiliers, son of the late  Major Charles Kiingsley of Black Rock, Co. Dublin, Ireland, leaving a widow and child to mourn their loss.  Since Mr Kingsley's residence in New Zealand he held a Lieutenant's commission in the Auckland Militia. (New Zelander 18 July 1860)

Major LAMBERT - Military Train
"Our readers will note with regret in our obituary column the decease recorded of Major Lambert, formerly of the Military Train, and an old colonist, who passed away on July 13,, at his residence, Epsom, at the age of 77. Major Lambert arrived in Auckland in 1864 and took part in the New Zealand campaigns. He was vice-president of the United Cricket Club. Deceased leaves a family of four sons and two daughters, both widows, Mrs Robert Hunter and Mrs Bruce Morpeth. Major Lambert was all through the Crimea war, and was present at the battles of the Alma, Inkerman, the attack on the Redan, and the fall of Sebastopol, September 8, 1898. He took part in the expedition to Kinburn, and was present at the surrender of the garrison. Major Lambert was employed in the demolition of the docks at Sebastopol. Subsequently served with the expedition in North China in 1860-1, and was at the capture of the Taku forts, under Sir Hope Grant. He came to New Zealand with the Military Train, serving in the Waikato and West Coast campaigns, under General Cameron and Sir Trevor Chute. Major Lambert held the Crimea medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol, and also the Turkish Crimean medal, the China medal, with clasp, for the Taku forts, and the New Zealand war medal. Interment of deceased is announced to be private." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Captain Henry Augustus LANGLEY - 6th Dragoon Guards
"In Dublin, Henry Augustus Langley of Brittas Castle, co Tipperary, Esq late Capt 6th Dragoon Guards." (Limerick Chronicle 30 August 1834)

Captain Anthony D. LEE - 17th Foot
"On the 4th Aug 1813 near Calcutta, Anthony D. Lee Esq senior Capt of the 17th Foot and eldest son of the late Arthur Lee, Esq formerly surveyor of Excise in Clonmel." (Limerick General Advertiser 18 March 1814)

Captain John LEE - 3rd Dragoon Guards
"On Tuesday, in the 55th year of his age, John Lee Esq, of this city, late the 3rd Dragoon Guards - a gentleman faithful in the discharge of relative and social duty, and deeply lamented by an extensive circle of friends. By his death the eldest son of the late Capt Smith, Limerick Militia, will come into landed property of £6,000 a year. His remains will ne interred tomorrow in the family vault , Killanshan near Croom." (Limmerick Chronicle 6 June 1835)

Lieutenant Falcon Peter LEONARD - 18th Foot
On August 4th, 1864 at Camp Te Papa, Tauranga, of dysentery, Falcon Peter Leonard,  Lieut. H.M. 18th Royal Irish, attached to the Commissariat Transport  Corps. (New Zealand Herald August 1864)

Alexander J. J. MACDONALD - 95th Foot
"(1829 -1889). Son of Captain Ronald Macdonald, a brother of the Chief of Glencoe, and Maria, daughter of Dr. Thomas, of Ballacosnahan, and Ann Cosnahan, was born in Douglas, and was educated, for the most part, at Forrester's school in that town. He entered the 95th Regiment in 1847, and went to Varna and the Crimea in 1854. He was present at the Battle of Alma, where he received a slight contusion, a bullet having struck his breastplate, in which it remained embedded. At Inkermann he was adjutant of his regiment, and was very severely wounded, being struck on the knee by a bullet and knocked off his horse. When lying on the ground he got no less than twenty bayonet wounds, which,marvellous to relate, did not kill him. He went home invalided, and, being retired, as colonel, upon half pay, he was appointed fort major at Edinburgh Castle. On succeeding to the estate of Ballacosnahan, after the death of Miss Anne Thomas, he gave up this appointment and went to live in London, where he remained till his death." ( 'Manx Worthies' 1901)

Ensign Edward McKenna, VC - 65th Foot
"Ensign McKenna, VC, formerly stationmaster at Palmerston North, Wanganui, Gore and other places, died at Palmerston North yesterday. Mr McKenna gained his VC on September 7, 1863, at Cameron Town, with the 58th Regiment. He was 79 years of age, and retired from the railway service in 1903. Colour-Sergeant Edward McKenna (later Ensign), No. 551 HM's 65th Regiment, served 20 years 9 months, of the Taranaki district, acted with great bravery 7th September 1863 and won the Victoria Cross and the New Zealand Medal."
(New Zealand paper)

Captain Richard O'CONNELL - 65th Foot
At Wellington on 18th August 1850, after a short illness, in his 56th year, Capt. Richard O'Connell, H.M. 65th Regt of Foot. Native of Ennis, Ireland. Served in the 42nd Regt  during the Peninsular War and was severely wounded at the taking of Badajoz. He arrived in New Zealand 1846 and took part in the operations against Rangihaeta in the Horowiki Valley.  He was buried with Military Honours, Col. Gold officiating. (New Zealander 21 Sept 1850)
He received the Military General Service Medal.

Quartermaster Thomas PAUL - 65th Foot
At Wellington on 15th July, aged 53 years, Thomas Paul Esq., late Quarter Master of  HM 65th Regt. (New Zealander 27 August 1851)

Lieutenant Colonel Molesworth PHILLIPS - Royal Marines
"On Tuesday last of cholera at his house in Lambeth London, Molesworth Phillips Esq Lt Col of Marines, the last surviving companion of the illustrious circumnavigator Cook, whose death he was eye witness and to certain extent the avenger, Col Phillips was born of a good family in Ireland where he once possessed considerable property." (Limmerick Chronicle 22 September 1832)

Captain Henry QUILL - 32nd Foot
"In April, 1849, the cholera broke out in Dublin, and continued to rage with unremitting violence until late in October, ...... Captain Henry Quill, of the 32nd,......... This distinguished officer died on March 26th, 1849, and the inscription on his tomb records that he "served with his corps to the close of the Peninsular War. At the siege of Burgos his leg was shattered and his left eye carried away by a ball. He received two gunshot wounds in the chest at Waterloo. One of the balls fractured the collar-bone and penetrated the lung, in which it became embedded. The long train of suffering ensuing, and the haemorrhage it induced, ultimately proved fatal." [A bit of red cloth belonging to his uniform surrounded the bullet, and both remained undisturbed until his death, 34 years after. A portly pamphlet on the naval and military services of the Quill family - of whom fifteen fought for their king and country - has been printed for private circulation.] From a fuller account of his services it appears that he was wounded at Salamanca, and on the 16th June, 1815, took part in the action with Ney's column at Quatre Bras. Undaunted by the sufferings of personal experience, this gallant veteran gave his two sons to the service. A tablet further records the death, at the age of 20, of Lieut. Thomas P. Quill, who "served in the 80th Regiment during the Burmese war of 1852, and was present at the capture of Martabar, operations before Rangoon, the capture of the Great Pagoda with a storming party; also at the capture of Promé. He was five years in the service and died at Calcutta, August 25, 1853, from the privations he endured in the campaign. The second son, Lieut. Henry Quill, of the 35 Regiment, died September 25th, 1863."
('History of the Dublin Catholic Cemeteries' 1900)

Captain H.D.M. SHUTE - 57th Foot
At sea, on 28 December 1860, on board the freight ship Castilian on the passage from Bombay to New Zealand, Capt. H.D.M. Shute, H.M. 57th Regt of Foot, aged 24 yrs. (New Zelander 23 Jan 1861)

Captain Augustus Frederick SMITH - 99th Foot
On 16th June 1864 at the Military Hospital, Auckland, from inflammation of the brain,  Capt. Augustus Frederick Smith, formerly of H.M. 99th Regt and lately Inspector of Volunteer Artillery, Southern Division, Tasmania. Tasmanian and English papers to copy. (New Zelander 28 June 1864)

Captain Augustus Frederick SPENCE - 54th Foot
"A few days ago, at Blackheath, deeply lamented by his numberous friends and connections, Augs Fred Spence Esq eldest son of Henry Spence Esq of Malling Sussex. Formerly Capt 54th Regt and son-in-law to the late Maj Barton Bindon of this city."
(Limmerick General Advertiser 3 May 1816)

Major-General Alexander STEWART  
"On the evening of Wednesday 17th inst in London, much and justly regretted, Maj Gen Alexander Stewart, Colonel of the Queens Royal Regiment of Foot and MP for the Stewartry of Kirkeudbright." (Freeman's Journal, Ireland 30 December 1794)

Major-General Arthur St. LEGER - Madras Cavalry
"On the 6th inst, in Jermyn Street London, The Hon Maj gen Arthur St. Leger, brother to the late Lord Donerail. The General served forty years in the Madras Cavalry in India." (Freeman's Journal, Ireland 16 July 1823)

Colonel Joseph SWINBOURNE - 83rd Foot
At Lichfield, 7th February 1860, aged 77, Colonel Swinbourne, late of 83rd Regt, father of Mrs Kelly, wife of the Registrar of Deeds. This officer was present at all the great battles of the Duke, was three times wounded and received twelve clasps. (New Zelander 9 May 1860)
Joseph Swinbourne (or Swinburne) was born in Solihull, Warwick. He was wounded twice at Talavera and once at Orthes. MGS.

Major George Henry TURNER - 17th Foot
"The death has been announced at Loom near Sacramento (South Australia), of Major George Henry Turner. Major Turner served with the 50th Regiment in New Zealand from November 15, 1863, to 1866, and was present at the assault and capture of Rangieowhaia, the repulse of the enemy's attack at the camp at Nukumaru, and the affair at Kakaramoa (medal). Served with the 17th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of Ali Muaji (medal with clasp). Major Turner completed his career as an army paymaster. He purchased a large fruit ranch near Sacramento about 10 years ago, on which he resided until his death." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Lieutenant W. Frederick WEMYSS - 65th Foot
At Wanganui on 5th July 1858, W. Frederick Wemyss Esq, Lieut. H.M. 65th Regt, aged 26 yrs 8 mths. Deeply regretted by his brother officers and numerous friends. (New Zelander 28 July 1858)

Major-General George Alfred WILSON - 81st Foot
"Major General George Alfred Wilson, fourth son of the Rev J. A. Wilson, C.M.S., (the notice of whose decease has already appeared in the obituary column), died at St Heliers, Jersey, January 21. He was born at Tauranga, New Zealand, February 14, 1828, and was educated at Mr Kempthorne's school, Parnell, and at St John's College, under Archdeacon Abraham. In 18.., after six month's "coaching up" in England, he passed 25th out of 96 successful candidates for direct commissions in the Army. The deceased officer first served as cornet in the 2nd Dragoon Guards,"The Queen's Bays," and after having been connected with this regiment for four years, was posted to the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (then the 81st), at present stationed in Jersey, and with whichhe remained 18 years. He then joined the East Surrey Regiment, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and after having been in cammand of this regiment for some time, retired with the rank of Major-General. While serving with the 81st Regiment he commanded a company during the last Afghan campaign, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjed, and other operations in the Kyber Pass under General Sam Brown, for which he received the war medal. In 1869 he married Frances, daughter of Mr J. Clayton, of Preston. It may also be mentioned that in 1860-61 the late General Wilson served as a subaltern in the Auckland Militia, and that, when the 43rd Regiment was under orders for service in new Zealand, he volunteered to join them as interpreter, but could not obtain leave out of India. He was, probably, the first New Zealander born who commanded a British regiment. The deceased officer was, by permission of the Governor of Jersey, at the request of the officers of his old regiment (the Loyal North Lancashire), buried with military honours on January 24." (Auckland Weekly News)

Major Walter WOLFFE
"At his house in Great Booter Lane aged 85 yrs Major Walter Wolffe who served the whole wars under the victorious Marlborough and was in every siege and action during that period in which he acquitted himself with singular reputation. No person was more eminently distinguished for military knowledge and perhaps the world is not a little indebted for the unparalleled actions of his nephew the late Gen Wolffe who fell before Quebec to the instructions of this gentleman. His late Majesty was graciously pleased from this consideration to make him an half pay major of horse upon this establishment: his whole life was one of continued benevolence and charity; he fought every opportunity of relieving the distressed which makes his death a real loss." (Hoey's Dublin Mercury 30 April 1771)

Died 22nd January 1852 while bathing in the Lambton Harbour, Wellington, Bandsman John Balmer, of H. M. 65th Regiment, aged 19 years 6 months. Buried Bolton Street Cemetery in the Garden of Remembrance." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

John BATES -
"The present wintry weather is proving fatal to the aged, and among those who have just passed away are two very old and respected settlers in the pensioner settlements, who had been non-commissioned officers in the New Zealand Fencibles. The first is Mr Bates, who died on Saturday last, at the ripe age of 92. He had formerly belonged to the 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot. These old veterans were much respected and esteemed by their comrades, and during the old days of provincialism exercised a good deal of political influence in their respective circles." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)
"On July 10, 1886, at his residence, Onehunga, John Bates, late corporal of H.M.'s 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot, in his 92nd year. Home, Australian and Bombay papers please copy." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

John CHARRINGTON - 58th Foot (No. 2173 Corporal John Charrington)
"The gumdigger Charrington, found dead in his whare at Ngapipito, a few miles from Kawakawa, was a man on in years, and was well-known in the district for fifty years past. When a young man he fought with the 58th Regiment at Ruapekapeka. He was mixed up with the Maoris, and had been married to Maori women, having half-caste children. He was of a quiet, sober, and retired disposition, generally found fencing, gardening, etc., with the natives of Waiomio, or gumdigging when occasion required." (New Zealand newspaper, 1892)

Thomas CLEARY - 70th Foot
"On January 18, at his late residence, Panmure, after a long illness, Thomas Cleary, late Colour Sergeant of the 70th Regiment, aged 63 years." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

James COFFEY - 58th Foot
"Another veteran colonist in the person of Mr James Coffey, of Vermont Street, Ponsonby, passed away at his residence suddenly yesterday morning, the cause of death being heart disease. The deceased came out to the colony nearly 50 years ago with the 58th Regiment, under the late Colonel Wynyard and Major Nugent. On his arrival here, the deceased was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and was engaged with the troops in road-making in the North. He shortly afterwards purchased his discharge, and settled at Onehunga, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, also as a carting contractor, during the Maori war, under the Commissariat Department. Subsequently he entered the service of the Department of Justice, being appointed as warder of the Mount Cook Gaol, Wellington. He was afterwards removed to Auckland, and served here for 27 years at Mount Eden Gaol. He retired on reaching the age limit, about three years ago, since when he has resided at Ponsonby. The late Mr Coffey was a man of exemplary character, and was highly respected. He owned a considerable extent of property at Onehunga, where his remains will be interred today at the Waikaraka Cemetery. The deceased leaves a widow and five daughters." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Patrick COYLE - 58th Foot
"On January 15, 1885, at his son's residence, Fernleigh Street, Ponsonby, Patrick Coyle, late H.M. 58th Regiment, aged 75 years.
This man became a Fencible after taking his discharge from the regiment."
(New Zealand newspaper, no date)

DAVERN - 58th Foot
"On October 4, at his residence, Te Kopura, William, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Davern, and late of the 58th Regiment, aged 59 years. Requiescat in pace. Home and Jersey papers please copy." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

James DEVLIN -
"A group of veterans, some of whom bore scars, attended, in February, 1892, the burial of James Devlin, late of the Adjutant-General's office, one of the survivors of the "Six Hundred " in the cavalry charge of Balaclava. That he should have escaped what Tennyson calls "The mouth of hell," and nearly 40 years after found a grave in the peaceful seclusion of Glasnevin Cemetery, was a blessing which his family gratefully recognised." ('History of the Dublin Catholic Cemeteries,' William J. Fitzpatrick 1900)

W.F. DONALD - 58th Foot
"In our obituary column will be found recorded the death of an old settler, Mr W. F. Donald, one of the old "Black Cuffs," who, as a colour sergeant of the 58th, took his discharge in order to settle here. He was at one time captain of the old City Company of Volunteers." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

W.J.F. DONALD - 58th Foot
"On May 16, at his late residence, West Street, Newton, W. J. F. Donald, late Colour-Sergeant of 58th Regiment, also, late Captain Auckland City Company Volunteers, aged 60 years." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

James DONNELLY - 70th Foot
"Died 3rd December 1914, James Donnelly, late of the 70th Regiment, aged 81 years. Buried Shortland Cemetery, Thames." (New Zealand newspaper, 1915)

"Death of a Crimean Hero - Francis Duffy, an old Crimean veteran, and a twenty years' resident in the vicinity of Helensville, passed away one day last week under what may be described as pitiable circumstances. This hale old soldier has led rather a hard life of late, living in a whare by himself at Maeretahi, near Shelly Beach. The late very inclement weather had told on him with his scanty attire in his miserable and cold dwelling, unable to light a fire through his matches being soaked with the rain, too ill to seek food, the poor old fellow gradually sank and expired alone, and his emaciated condition too truly and too sadly tell the tale as to the cause of death. He was found lying dead across the door of his shanty, clad only in a shirt and one sock, by a rough but kind-hearted gumdigger named Henry McGoldrick, who had been his last earthly friend, and who has told at the inquest held before Mr Sinclair, coroner, at Helensville on June 18, facts concerning the old man's condition. He had latterly found him sick in his bunk, and without food, and he had travelled 14 miles in order to procure some for him several times, but on one occasion was prevented through stress of weather from returning with his boat for nearly ten days. He had recommended the old fellow to try and gain admission to the Home, and had given him a letter to Constable O'Brien, setting forth his condition and wants, but Duffy refused to partake of public charity, and the well-meant letter was found amongst his belongings by the constable. Four days before being found dead he had sought McGoldrick's help in the latter's whare, situate one mile from his own. The visit was made during the night, long before daylight, and during a heavy thunderstorm and downpour of rain. In reply to enquiries he said he had been "marched there by old Tom." His mind was wandering. Refreshments were given him, and he returned home. McGoldrick saw him once again only before his death. Frank Duffy, - such is the irony of fate - was awarded a pauper's funeral, and interred in the Helensville Cemetery. He joined the British army at the age of eighteen." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

John Jospeh FLOOD - 48th Foot
"Crimean And Mutiny Veteran Died In Natal 30/01/1915. A Kildare Man. The gallantry of our soldiers participating in the tense European conflict of today should make us hold in renewed and lasting honour the brave warriors of past campaigns, campaigns which have built up, as on a sure, concrete foundation, the glorious traditions of the British Army. One of these heroes, Mr. John Joseph Flood, who fought in the Crimean War and Indian Mutiny, passed away at Durban Natal, on Sunday, December 27th, at the rare old age of 90 years. He long outlived the rigours of the Crimean winter, and the no less trying experiences of campaigning under a blazing Indian sun. Mr. Flood was born in Ireland in 1824, and when 22 years of age enlisted in the 48th Foot (now the 1st Northamptonshire regiment) at Newbridge, Co. Kildare. After being stationed at Dublin, Belfast, Enniskillen, Londonderry and Brecon, Flood embarked with his regiment for Corfu, Ionian Islands. There they remained from 1853 to 1855, when they were ordered to Crimea, where they took part in the famous campaign of sixty years ago. During the Russian sortie from Sebastapol, Sergt. Flood was struck on the on the top of his head with a bullet, which came near to shortening his days very considerably, and made him feel glad he was not a taller man. In 1858 Colour-Sergt. Flood and his regiment proceeded to India and took part in the suppression of the Mutiny, during which they engaged the rebels at Lahore and other places. At Jelung, the "City of Palaces," in Central India, the Colour-Sergt. was for three months in charge of a fort, and his small garrison had to be continually on the alert, as the enemy, like the angels, were hovering round. The regiment after being stationed at Lucknow and Calcutta embarked for home and landed at Dover in April, 1865. Colour-Sergt. Flood was appointed to the staff of the Queen's Co. Militia as musketry instructor in the following year, and he held this position on the militia permanent staff for ten years. Going out to Natal in 1879, Mr. Flood was for many years in the Durban Corporation, and was also for a considerable time drill instructor to the youth of that seaport. Mr. Flood held three medals - the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, the Crimean War medal with clasp for Sebastapol, and the Turkish medal. Singularly enough, he did not get an Indian Mutiny medal, the antiquated reason for this being that a General was not in command of the force in which he served, nor did his take part in a general engagement. In a press interview a few years ago the veteran said that "the Crimean War had a great levelling influence upon the officers. Prior to that time the officer was an arrogant aristocrat, but he had to share the hardships of the common soldier, which had a salutary effect upon him." The funeral took place at Durban on Monday, December 28th., and it was attended by a large and representative gathering of townspeople. There were very many beautiful wreaths. The coffin was carried from the house by four veterans; over the coffin was the Union Jack. Three medals hung attached to the deceased's coat, and a few veterans and a squad of the Durban Garrison Artillery followed. By a regrettable omission, however there were no military honours accorded by the authorities, and there was a consequent absence of gun carriage firing, party and band. The Rev. Father Viellard, O.M.I., conducted the service at the Catholic Cathedral, and also at the graveside." (Obituary in the 'Kildare Observer', Jan. 1915)

William Kiernan FOSTER - 58th Foot
"A very old settler, Mr William Kieran Foster, aged 79 years, farmer, Karita (should read Kereta), died at the residence of his son in law, Mr J.G. Morris, Tiki, on Tuesday evening. About a fortnight ago, Mr Foster got an attack of paralysis, and has been during the whole time, unconscious. Mr Foster served with the 58th regiment and with his regiment was in a number of engagements during the Maori war, for which he holds the New Zealand Medal. After taking his discharge, he took up land at Karita, and was a true pioneer settler. He leaves five sons, four daughters and 22 grandchildren to mourn his loss."
(New Zealand Herald, Thursday 8th August 1901)

Peter GANLEY - 65th Foot
"The remains of Mr Peter Ganley, late 65th Regiment, were interred in the Catholic Cemetery, Panmure, on July 30, Monsignor Macdonald officiating. The cortege was the largest ever witnessed in the village, except that of the Very Rev Dr Mcdonald, the revered brother of Father Walter. Mr Ganley, by his kindness of heart, his unobtrusive manner, and devotedness to his church, gained the esteem of all irrespective of denomination." (New Zealand newspaper, 1899)

Thomas HEATH - Royal Marines
"Mr Thomas Heath, who died at Howick on January 3, aged 87 years, was a native of Wiltshire. He was one of the Royal New Zealand Fencibles. Arriving with his family in this colony in 1847, he was posted to Howick. Here he served seven years with the Fencibles, and has been a resident in Howick from that time till the day of his death. Mr Heath was highly-respected, and was for some time, a Vestryman of All Saints' Church, and he, being the last of the old Fencibles at that place, his death has created a blank in that settlement. His funeral took place on Monday, and was largely attended. The coffin, covered by the Union Jack, was followed to the grave by his children, grandchildren and many old soldiers, the neighbouring settlers also attending. The Rev R.G. Boler was the officiating clergyman. The late Mr Heath in his young days had seen active service in the Royal Marines, his ship, the Hastings (72 guns), being with the Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford in the operations on the coast of Syria, against Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, in 1840. One of the first fights of this campaign was on the 12th of July, when a frigate and two sloops attacked the strong tower of Gebail. After bombarding the place for an hour, they landed a storming party of 370 marines and mountaineers under the command of Captain Austin. The party, after scrambling over dykes and through cactus fences, arrived under the castle. Here they discovered that the strength of the enemy had been greatly underrated. When within a short distance of the castle the party became exposed to a heavy discharge of musketry from loop-holes nearly level with the ground. The assailants were now brought to a standstill, and as they could only fire on the loop-holes, it was judged necessary to retire to the boats. The British loss upon this occasion was five killed and 18 wounded. The bombardment was continued for four hours. In the night, the garrison, from want of provisions, evacuated the place. It was now found that the Castle of Gebail was sufficiently strong to have withstood the whole of the Mediterranean fleet. Amongst the wounded upon this occasion was the late Mr Heath. He was afterwards retired from active service, receiving a pension and a silver medal for Syria." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Thomas LONERGAN - 58th Foot
"In our obituary column will be found recorded the death of one of one of Auckland's identities, in the person of Mr Thomas Lonergan, tailor, of Wyndham Street. The deceased, who leaves a large family, most of whom are grown up and settled in life, arrived in the colony in 1845 with the 58th Regiment, and took part in the engagement at Ruapekapeka, in Heke's war being all through that trying campaign. Desiring to settle in Auckland he purchased his discharge from the Regiment, and engaged in business, which he has carried on for over 40 years. He leaves a widow, six sons, four daughters, and 43 grandchildren to mourn their loss. Mr Lonergan married a daughter of the late Mr Lorrigan sen., who arrived in the "Westminster", the third immigrant ship to Auckland. The deceased was a well-known figure in our streets, and was noted for his kindness of heart and sympathy with others in bereavement. Thus another name is added to the death roll of Auckland's first citizens who endure the hardships of early colonisation. The funeral of the deceased took place on Tuesday, June 19, and was largely attended there having been at least 400 persons in the cortege. Amongst those present were many old colonists, conspicuous amongst them were some of his former old comrades of H.M. 58th Regiment. The body was carried from the deceased's late residence by six of his sons, to St Patrick's Cathedral, where the first part of the service was held. The Rev Father Hackett officiated at the Cathedral, and on the conclusion of this part of the obsequies addressed the congregation. After the sermon and while the corpse was being carried out of the church, the "Dead March" from "Saul" was played by Mr Hartwell on the organ. The corpse was carried by relays of relatives and friends from St Patrick's Cathedral to Symonds Street Cemetery (the hearse, which was in the procession not being used, such being the esteem in which the deceased was held), where the latter portion of the service was conducted by the Rev Father Downey, O.S.B., the Rev Father Hackett being also present. A prominent feature in this funeral was the number of wreaths and floral crosses, the gift of friends, which were borne by the numerous grandchildren and nephews of the deceased. Mr Rout of Wyndham Street, wore the uniform of a soldier of H.M. 58th Regiment in compliment to the deceased, as he had served in the same corps as the deceased only a few years ago. Monsignor Macdonald, who had celebrated a requiem mass for the repose of the deceased's soul at Panmure, was also present at the funeral cortege."
(New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Charles McCALL - 58th Foot
"In our obituary columns will be found the announcement of the death of a very old settler named Mr Charles Harth McCall, who died in Coromandel last week. He was born in Longford, Ireland, and enlisted when quite a youth in the 58th Regiment, and came to New Zealand with his regiment in 1842. He served in Heke's war, at the Bay of Islands, and was one of those who took part in the capture of Ruapekapeka on the 11th January, 1846. Some years after, he obtained his discharge, settled in Coromandel in 1865, and resided there up to the day of his death. He was a great sufferer latterly, and for the last 10 years has been totally blind. Deceased leaves a wife and two sons and two daughters to mourn their loss." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Bernard McDonald - 58th Foot
"Mr Bernard McDonald, better known as Barney McDonald, who passed away at the residence of his son in law, Mr Thomas Garnaut, Gibraltar Crescent, Parnell, at an early hour on the 2nd October, was at one time a very prominent figure amongst Auckland's old identities, and his career in the colony has been a varied and remarkable one. At the time of his death he was 84 years of age, perhaps more. On the 22nd of April, 1845, Mr McDonald arrived in New Zealand with the 58th Regiment, and was present at all the engagements with the natives at the Bay of Islands. He went to Sydney towards the end of 1846, but returned to New Zealand the following year, when, having severed his connection with the Regiment, he became wood contractor for the military forces, and had built for him two vessels, which bore a conspicuous part in the early coastal trade of this port - the Lady Wynyard and the Three Sisters. He subsequently entered business as a general contractor, and prospered well, becoming a considerable shareholder in the Bank of New Zealand. But he entered largely into mining ventures on the Thames Goldfields, and, like many others, he lost all his capital as well as the property which he had acquired, and disheartened by his losses in his advancing years, his health broke down, and he had to give up all business pursuits. Since then he had lived with his son in law and his daughter, Mrs Garnaut. His wife died in their house at an advanced age 14 months ago, and since that time the old man's health rapidly broke up. He had, however, only been confined to his bed for a short time. Mr McDonald leaves three daughters - Mrs Garnaut, Mrs McShane, and Mrs Heath, 18 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. The funeral took place from the residence of his son in law, Mr T. Garnaut, Gibraltar Crescent, Parnell, on October 3, and there was a considerable attendance of old residents. The coffin, surmounted by floral wreaths, was taken into St John the Baptist's Church, where the first part of the burial service was given by the Rev Father Lenihan, who briefly referred to the deceased. The cortege then moved off to the Symonds Street Cemetery, the Very Rev Monsignor Macdonald attending as one of the chief mourners, and the final service was read over the grave by one of the Benedictine fathers."
(New Zealand newspaper, 1892)

Matthew McGUINESS - 57th Foot
"On November 22, 1907, at the Coromandel Hospital, Matthew, the beloved husband of Nora McGuiness, late of the 57th Regiment (HM Light Infantry), in his 82nd year." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Samuel MITCHELL - 65th Foot
"Died 6th April 1862 at Camp Drury, Samuel Mitchell, from injuries received from falling off a bank, aged 21 years 9 months. A Private in HM 65th Regiment." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Neil MORISON - Royal Artillery
"On 12th March 1856 in the Military Hospital from a wound on the head received at the  battle of Inkermann, Gunner Neil Morison of the Royal Artillery." ('New Zealander'', 15th March 1856)

Joseph OVERDON - Royal Navy - Crimea (medals), New Zealand (medal), Long Service Good Conduct Medal)

"A sad death occured on Wednesday last, Joseph Overdon, Boatswain's Mate on HMCS Nelson, while on board the ship on Tuesday, took a bottle of carbolic acid from his cabin in mistake for beer, a bottle of which was close by, and drank it. An emetic was promptly applied by the dispenser, but Overdon became unconcious and died at two o'clock on Wednesday morning." ('Williamstown Advertiser', 9 October 1886)

Patrick SCULLY - 40th Foot
"Died 9th October 1862 at Auckland, Patrick Scully, private 2nd Battalion 40th Regiment, of Phthisis, aged 21 years. Informant - Cornelius Sorrell, Sergeant 40th Regiment, Auckland." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

James SHEGOG, DCM - 5th Dragoon Guards
"On Friday last there passed away at the ripe old age of 85 a Crimea veteran of no mean distinction in the person of Sergeant-Major James Shegog, late of the 5th Dragoon Guards, whose death took place at Glen, near Lefroy, where he had lived since his arrival in this colony. It is not given to many men to hold such a record for distinguished service in the field as was possessed by the late Sergeant-Major. Born in County Monaghan, North of Ireland, in the year 1811, he served five years in the Royal Irish Constabulary, after which he enlisted in the 5th Dragoon Guards on December 21, 1834 and served in that celebrated regiment 21 years and 103 days, securing his discharge on March 22, 1856. At the outbreak of the Crimean war in 1854 Mr. Shegog had completed service sufficient to entitle him to his discharge, but he volunteered to go out with his regiment to the Crimea, being at that time the rough riding sergeant-major. On arrival at the seat of war he was appointed orderly to General Sir Yorke Scarlett and is several times referred to by Mr. A.W. Kinglake in his 'Invasion of the Crimea.' This writer says that he "had attained to high skill as a swordsman and was a valorous, faithful soldier". At the charge of the Heavy Brigade on that ever to be remembered 25th October, 1854, which took place just prior to that of the Light Brigade Sergeant-Major Shegog was at the head of the brigade in attendance on Sir James Yorke Scarlett, who, accompanied by his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Elliott, and Bugler Baker, rode in front of his troops and, having in the excitement of the charge outpaced the brigade, these four men rode at a mass of cavalry many thousands strong, and were completely engulfed in the Russian columns. "Of course," says Kinglake, " the incursion of the brigadier and the three horsemen with him had more of the 'forlorn hope' that could belong to the enterprise of the squadrons which followed him into the columns; but, upon the whole, these combats of Scarlett's and his aide-de-camp were more or less samples of that war of the one against several which each of the 'three hundred' waged. They cut their way in and they cut their way out." As mentioned previously Sergt.-Major Shegog secured his discharge at the close of the war, and became troop sergt.-major of the Staffordshire yeomanry cavalry, which position he held for 11 years, when he retired from the service altogether. In 1880 he came to Tasmania where he has resided since; it certainly seems strange that a man who has made himself so famous in history should have resided here so long and yet so few knew it. The deceased was recommended for the Victoria Cross by Sir Yorke Scarlett, but was not fortunate enough to receive it. He, however, obtained the medal 'for distinguished conduct in the field' which carried with it an annuity of £20; the Crimean Medal, with clasps for Sebastopol, Inkermann and Balaclava; and also the Turkish Medal. After retiring from active service he made application to be appointed a Yeoman of the Guard but was regretfully refused on account of having exceeded the stipulated age. It has been suggested that a military funeral should be tendered the deceased. Strictly speaking, this is an honour he is not entitled to, but seeing it is so seldom that the members of the Tasmania Defence Force have an opportunity of paying this tribute of respect to so distinguished a soldier it would have been a graceful act to have availed themselves of it when one was offered them." ('The Launceston Examiner', Monday 27 April 1896)

Henry SIBLEY - 70th Foot
"Intelligence has been received that Mr Henry Sibley died at Waihi on the 1st inst. Deceased belonged to the 70th Regiment, to which he was born. He commenced service at an early age as a bugler and band boy. He served in the Indian Mutiny, and in 1863 came down from India with his regiment and served through the war. When his regiment was ordered Home he, with several others, took his discharge and remained in New Zealand, and settled at Te Awamutu, and subsequently joined Von Tempsky's Rangers, and saw a good deal of active service. He was present at the disastrous fight in which his leader was killed, and had on that occasion many hair-breadth escapes. He had on one occasion occupied a tent with ten others, and in the evening after a brush with the natives only two turned up - Mr Richard Bell of Te Rahu, and the deceased. There were nine empty beds, which had previously been occupied by as many strapping young fellows the night before. After the fighting was over deceased returned to Te Awamutu and joined the Te Awamutu Cavalry as bandmaster. Mr Sibley was a man of lively disposition, sober, steady, and reliable. The immediate cause of death was cancer in the neck, and he was in his 59th year. He leaves a widow, two sons, and six daughters, who are all grown up." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

George TAYLOR - 58th Foot
"News has been received today of the sudden death of a very old resident of Auckland, Mr George Taylor, who for over 33 years was stationed in the Auckland Post Office, and made many friends by his uniform courtesy and quiet sense of charity. On the 7th inst. Mr Taylor was at Katoomba, New South Wales, and in splendid health when he went to bed, but just as he was lying down he was siezed by an apoplectic fit, from which he never recovered. Some time ago Mr Taylor broke a blood vessel in the nose, and was then in great danger. Several times since similar attacks occurred, but on this occasion, the blood failing to escape by the former channel, went to the brain and caused death. A sad feature of the affair is that deceased had only been married a week when death occurred. Mr Taylor was one of the veterans of the Maori war, having arrived here in 1845, being then a sergeant in the 58th Regiment, in which capacity he saw service in the Hutt campaign. Later on Mr Taylor was an officer in the Auckland Rifle Volunteers, and served in the Waikato campaign of 1863. He was a native of Suffolk, England, and had attained the age of three score years and ten. His death will be sincerely regretted by numerous friends, to many of whom in earlier days he acted as a benefactor." (New Zealand newspaper, 1896)

R. WAINHOUSE - Royal Artillery
"It appears that Mr R. Wainhouse, whose tragic death at a social at Dargaville, while he was singing a song, was lately recorded, and seen considerable service in the colony. He was staff-sergeant in the Royal Artillery, in the Waikato campaign of 1863-4, and East and West Coasts campaigns during the war. Subsequently he joined the colonial forces as sergeant-major instructor. At a later date he entered the railway department, and was stationmaster at Nelson. After some years of service he was transferred to Rotorua, and thence to Dargaville, where he died so suddenly. He was married to a daughter of Sergeant McMahon, of the "Old Black Cuffs" (HM 58th Regiment). Deceased leaves a grown-up family, three of his sons being in the service of the Government." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Alexander WHISKER - 58th Foot
"At his late residence, King Street, Newmarket, Alexander Whisker, late of the 58th Regiment, in his 89th year. The funeral will leave his late residence at 3 pm today (Wednesday) for St Mark's Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation." (New Zealand newspaper, no date)

Nathaniel WILLMOT - 58th Foot (Died 2 August 1886)
"Another "Black Cuff" has passed away in the person of Mr Nathaniel Willmot. He served with the gallant 58th in the war at the Bay of Islands, and also in the Waikato war. He has been living with Mr John Granger, of Maraetai, for the last 13 years, and seemed quite well on Monday; going about, and took his food as usual, but on Tuesday morning he was found dead in bed. An inquest was held before Mr G. Kelly, and on the evidence of Dr Bewes a verdict of "Died from heart disease" was returned. The body had to be brought by boat to Howick, where the funeral took place. Among those who followed deceased's remains to their last resting place, Mr P. Brady. Deceased had no relatives in the colony." (New Zealand newspaper, 1886)