The Cenotaph, Kumasi, Ghana:
"W.A.F.F Gold
Coast Regiment 1914 - 1918
The first British officer killed in the First World War
Lieut. G.M. Thompson.
Lieut. J.V. Earle
Lieut. L.St.L. Blakeney
Sgt. J. Lake
A/CSM J. Stark
Drummer George Willis
East Africa
Gun Carr. James
Private P.G. Smith
Private A.N. Williams
M.G.Carrier John Labour
Driver Christopher James
Carrier Silverdine
Died in the colony (after serving overseas)
Lt.Col. C.G. Hornby OBE,MC
Capt. H.R. Greene
Lieut. H. Williams
Lieut. W. Huntriss
Lieut. S. Randall DCM
Bandmaster C.T. Leader
Sgt. A.J. Thomson
Private Macarthy
Private John Hackman
Private Reuben Macaulay
Driver Thomas Porter
Died in the Colony
Capt. H.T.C. Wheeler
Lieut. F.P.F. Mayer
East Africa
Capt. F.J. Pye
Lieut. G.G. Duncan
Lieut. G.H. Shields
Lieut. H.E. Eglon
Lieut. B Saunderson
Lieut. R.C. Woods
Lieut. R.A. Viney
Capt. J.F.P. Butler VC DSO
Lieut. T.W. Arnold
Capt. L.S. Biddulph
Lieut. F.J. Bussell
Lieut. J.G. Ironside
Lieut. S. Shaw
Sgt. E.R. Nelson
Sgt. M. Cunneen
Sgt. C.A. Thornett DCM
Sgt. H.L. Mudge
Sgt. W. Flatman
BSM J.F. Cross
Sgt. J. Willis
Sgt. F. Gartside
Sgt. W.S. Lees
Sgt. F.T. Moth
Sgt. W. Dwyer
Priv. Square
Driver Peter Gibson
C.P. Clerk
J.H. Turkson."
(The memorial was erected in 1929
on the site of the gallows where10 Ashanti rebels were executed
25th November 1900, after the Ashanti campaign.)