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Tamiya 1/48 Focke Wulf Fw190A-3


Tamiya 1/48 Focke Wulf Fw190A-3



Like most Tamiya models I have built, this one went together well with minimal filling. I  used Waldron's placard set for the cockpit. This set comes highly recommended. It is time consuming to complete, requiring about 12 hours to add all the switches, dry transfers, etc., but the result is worth it! I also used Waldron instruments and bezels and seat belts. All in all the cockpit was good for around 20 - 25 hours.

I dropped the flaps, an easy job on this aircraft,  and did a little extra detailing in the wheel wells. I added a few details on the engine but found it to be wasted effort. Once the prop (and it's integral cooling fan) are added, essentially all engine detail is obscured. Tamiya did fall short in the homework area when it came to the landing gear though. They left off the inboard MLG doors. These doors were present on versions up through and including the A-3. They were removed in subsequent versions. I scratch built them from sheet styrene. They also included wheel hubs that were solid. A-3's had ones with holes in the. Fortunately I had a pair in the DML A-3 kit I have yet to build. Resin copies were made and substituted for the kit ones.

Finishing was done with Model Master enamels and the kit decals. The eagle decal was quite large and had to go over a number of compound curves and recesses. It was a bit of a chore to apply and required liberal amounts of solvent to get it to conform. It does however, serve as the focal point of the markings. Weathering was done with pastels and a light wash of burnt sienna for the panel lines.

 The base is made of oak with static grass added.