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Hasegawa 1/48 Bf-109E4 and Tri-master 1/48 Me-262A


Hasegawa 1/48 Bf-109E4 and Tri-master 1/48 Me-262A


This set was done as a tribute to one of the greatest fighter pilots in history, Generalleutnant Adolf Galland. The two aircraft depicted are the two he was most known for flying, the Bf-109E "Emil" and the Me-262 "Schwalbe".

The Bf-109 is Hasegawa's excellent kit. The flaps and slats are already dropped, saving a lot of work. Most of the work I did was in the cockpit, using Waldron's instruments and bezels and their seat belts. I also added some switches and levers. Little else was done to the kit as it is excellent.

The Tri-master Me-262 is likewise an excellent kit. It comes with two frets of PE, rubber tires and white metal landing gear, 30mm cannon and form fit weights for the nose. There was about 20 pieces of PE for the wheel wells alone! I did drop the flaps and slats (these, like the Bf-109 are aerodynamic so they should be down on the ground) and use Waldron instruments and seat belts for the cockpit.

Both aircraft were finished with Model Master II enamels and kit decals. History buffs will notice that there is a yellow "7" on the Me-262. Galland did indeed fly a white "3". At the time the photo was taken I could not find the correct number. I have since found it and have made the aircraft historically accurate.