Five years, FIVE YEARS, and just when it's thisclose, when they're just about to finally kiss, along comes one damn bee! JUST ONE DAMN BEE!!! We think we might have an episode...
Now is the time for all Beekillers to unite! Take up your swatters, your bee spray, your rolled-up newspapers, and your heavy books!! Smash their little bee-bodies with a resounding crunch of chitin!! Release your anger!!
the creators of this page do not condone the senseless killing of bees that are an important part of the ecology and that perform a vital function by pollenaing plants. However, we wholeheartedly endorse the vigourous smashing of any and all bees that are genetically engineered to carry any manner of alien virus and transmit it to corncrops and/or humans. It is this webpage's creators' opinion that these bees are a great danger to the public and should be erradicated as soon as possible, preferably with great zeal by the populace.