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Backstreet Boys Rule

Here are some common insults we unfortunatly hear about BSB and some witty comebacks so we can but thos BSB haters to shame.

1.The Backstreet Boys suck

1)If a guy says that they suck, let me just remind them of who gets all the girls (ummm, bsb?). Obviously the guys that are making fun of the bsb don't have NEARLY as many girls drooling over them, so the bsb has got what it takes. so if I were them, I would SHUTUP!!!- Megan Alderson

2)~ Creative. Call me when you stopped taking notes from your little brother and we can tango -Jen Garceau

3)They have accomplished more than you ever will- Andrea Williamson

4)Gosh you should have told me you were jealous sooner, then I wouldn't have even brought it up - Andrea Williamson

5) First of all, they are five talented, sweet, and hot guys, and making fun of them doesn't make u look better, it just makes u look jealous. Come back to me when u get a platinum album and millions of fans - unknown

2.The Backstreet Boys are gay

1)When ever the guys at school tell me this all I is turn around and say ; Why do they turn you on?-Leilanie Villasenor

2)Ok, first of all, there is nothing wrong with being gay (no, I am not gay) but, when people say that the bsb are gay, they think that they are insulting them. second of all, they aren't gay, so it shouldn't be an issue. So, lemme get this straight, just because they are talented, young men, who can sing and dance, that classifies them as being gay?? There is definately something wrong with this. They all (or most) have girlfirends, and they are very happy. - Megan Alderson

3)Whatever helps you sleeep at night- Andrea Williamson

4)They're not and if they are they must really be threatening YOUR manhood.- unknown

3.N'Sync is better than Backstreet Boys

1)N'Sync is only copying BSB- Tina Francke

2)Don't even get me started on the 'N Sync thing. But, bsb were the first boy band (since NKOTB), and they opened a lot of doors for n sync. The bottom line is that they are wannabes.- Megan Alderson

3)When someone tells me N'SYNC is better I just tell them god made rivers, god made lakes, god made N'SYNC, hey I guess he makes some mistakes. - Krista Chavez

4.They can't sing

1)Then the people that you listen to must be hella great because these guys send chills down my spine just by singing one word.- unknown

2)All right, where do people come off saying that they are not talented? lets compare Brian Littrell with Jonathon Davis (the frontman for KoRn) they both sing (personally, I think Brian has a much better voice) They both write music (oh, and how hard is it to write feelin like a freak on a leash, and repeat that over and over with a few other lyrics that you can't understand, compare that with the perfect fan, and well, I think you get my point) ok, well, that just about does it for 'ole Jonny boy's talent. Brian dances (ever seen Jon dance?) and Brian plays the guitar (well, Jonathon has a band, but he's not the one who actually plays...) and the 4 other guys in bsb are just as talented.- Megan Alderson

3)~HELLO!! Wake up call... anybody order a reality check? Are yah def? Anybody can figure out these babes have talent.- Jen Garceau

4)They can't be that bad if they have platinum albums across the country - Andrea Williamson

5)Don't critisize people for things you only wish you could do- Andrea Williamson

5.Why would you waste time and money to see them

1)Why not?If I could waste money and time to see your a** being kicked then I would because you need a good a** whipping- Leilanie Villasenor

2)I waste my time and money on them, because they have talent, and you don't!, and when you get as talented as them, maybe I'll do the same for you!- unknown

3)~ The exact same reason you would pay to see your favorite band.- Jen Garceau

4)That's not the question, the question is why should i waste anymore time on you -Andrea Williamson

6.Boys bands suck

1)Well what do you call Korn, Orgy and Kid Rock- Meena Kumar Thanx to everyone who e-mailed us. Please continue e-mailing us with good comabacks you come up with. Main Menu
