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March '98 Chat With BSB

BBIHost_JS says, "OKAY FOLKS>>>> Here's how it will work..."

FeaturedArtist says, "TEST"

BBIHost_JS says, "I'll let you all know which artist(s) are on the chat stage, and then you should submit your questions at that time."

BBIHost_JS says, "We'll get to as many, and the best,.... so think before you ask!"

BBIHost_JS says, "We're not sure who is dropping by the chat room next so sit tight.... could be anyone!"

BBIHost_JS says, "We're trying to get A BSB! Hold tight! Don't submit your questions until we let you know who is here."

BBIHost_JS says, "As you can imagine things are crazy here! But all the bands want to come and talk to you folks so we'll do our best to get everyone on!"

BBIHost_JS says, "OK gang, the bands are shooting through here. We'll try to keep them on longer but you can imagine how wired they are"

BBIHost_JS says, "And we'll try to get them back on as well"

BBIHost_JS says, "I know you all want to see your BSB, and have more time with NSYNC, and we're gonna do our best!"

BBIHost_JS says, "Alright Gang! We're rolling along.... si tight and we'll see who we can grab!"


FeaturedArtist says, "Hey this is Howie D. From BSB ... how's everybody out there?"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #28 from nickcraze: what's the next Backstreet Boys single?

FeaturedArtist says, "In America it will probibly be I'll Never Break your heart"

FeaturedArtist says, "*"

BBIHost_JS says, "If you have a specific question for Howie, ask it now!"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #532 from bsbrules: BSB HOW DO YOU FEEL HELPING OUT SO MANY PEOPLE IN FLORIDA?

FeaturedArtist says, "Awesome .. this is Orlando ... it's our hometown .. when we heard about the tornado we thought that this is our oppotunity to give back"

FeaturedArtist says, "so here we are"

FeaturedArtist says, "and this is just too cool"

FeaturedArtist says, "*"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #821 from jen143: does it feel like being able to help out the people from your own town?

FeaturedArtist says, "Great"

FeaturedArtist says, "we're fortunate to be back here to help out"

FeaturedArtist says, "*"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #860 from Erin: Hey this is Erin from Atlanta. Howie, who influenced you while growing up???

FeaturedArtist says, "My older sister Pollyanna .. she's in the Business aswell"

FeaturedArtist says, "*"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #938 from Kendra: How do you cope with the fan hysteria that comes with being in the BSB?

FeaturedArtist says, "Very carefully ... actually it's lots of fun .. we love it"

FeaturedArtist says, "*"

Pamt presents the speaker with question #959 from MelM: howie.. how does it feel to touch so many people's heart and souls with your music? and how is the situation with brian and nick going in the band?

FeaturedArtist says, "Hearts and souls ... very overwhelming"

BBIHost_PT says, "Hi Guys! It's Kevin from the BSB"

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #946 from angel_rose: Do you guys get along all the time?

BBIHost_PT says, "Of course not...we're like any family...sometimes you fight alittle bit."

BBIHost_PT says, "Gotta have conflicts every once in awhile"

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #652 from nessa: how did you get into the music business?

BBIHost_PT says, "Since I was little, I have been singing in church..."

BBIHost_PT says, "my whole family has been in music my entire life."

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #678 from stephanie: WHAT WILL BE YOUR NEXT SINGLE?

BBIHost_PT says, "Our next single Backstreet Back and I'll never break your heart"

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #693 from BrianLover: How does it feel to be helping so many people?

BBIHost_PT says, "Feels good!! It's just started as an idea...we raised a great deal of money for the victims...I am so glad we could help out"

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #796 from Meg: What have you enjoyed most about performing?

BBIHost_PT says, "Just being in front of the audience...feeling their energy and getting feedback from them"

BBIHost_PT says, "It's a great feeling to have a couple thousand people singing your music"

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #874 from Marian: Which artist(s) influenced you the most while growing up

BBIHost_PT says, "I had a lot of musical influences..."

BBIHost_PT says, "one of the first was Michael Jackson, Jackson, KC and the Sunshine Fan"

BBIHost_PT says, "Prince, Billy Joel, Elton John...a little bit of everything. The disco era..."

BBIHost_PT says, "I just love whole family is just a huge part of my life."

BBIHost_PT presents the speaker with question #923 from Andi: what advice do you give to people who want to be singers?

BBIHost_PT says, "To sing and continue. If you get positive feebback and go with it from there. Just work hard."

BBIHost_PT says, "The entertainment industry is not easy...there is a lot of work involved. :)"

BBIHost_PT says, "Writing, promoting , staying healthy..."

BBIHost_PT says, "We want to thank everyone for all their support!!! You guys have been great!!" Main Menu
