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Colleen's First Day

Whoa, was my current thought train as I entered Cheyenne Mountain. What the hell was I doing in the U.S air force? I'm English, for god's sake, and most certainly not a soldier.

I'm still not sure about what happened, to be completely honest. One minute, I'm sitting in a mythology class in Oxford University, quietly minding my own business. Or at least, I was, but then the lecturer said the most stupid thing. I mean, come on, learn your Greek! Aphrodite came out of the sea on a rock, not a whale! Teachers today.

It was when I called her an unrepeatable word, and got thrown out of class (to the amazement of my classmates-I'm normally an angel), that this woman came up to me. She said to meet her at this bar in town that night. So I did. She told me that if I ever wanted to become an expert in mythology, I had to come to Cheyenne Mountain Complex. I got aeroplane tickets and everything. So off I went, as I was majorly pissed off at my teacher.

And now I'm here, and I don't know what to do with myself. I knew nothing-it was 'classified', said the woman. I mean, come on, I'm working in a place that involves classified. What is this, Area 51?

"Area 52, actually," said a petite blonde woman next to me. I looked up, blushing furiously. Had I been thinking out loud? Oh the shame.

But then I realised exactly what was talking to me. It was the real life Aphrodite. I personally never used to bat for that team, but I was changing my mind real quick. Thank god I'm such a drama queen, I don't think she noticed.

I smiled, and tried to talk to her.

"Err… hi. I'm Colleen Cheetham. Um… what the hell am I doing here? I mean, I'm in Oxford, so why am I in America? In a milatery base?"

She looked at me, and then realisation dawned on her face. "Oh! Daniel's new study buddy. Come on, I'll show you around."

Study Buddy? I had only just finished translating her sentence when she strode up, and I struggled to keep up. "So… you know who I am, so can I find out who you are? And don't tell me its bloody classified, because last time I checked, it's not the X-Files. I hope not, anyway, I hate that show."

She smiled. "Yep, Daniel's going to love you. Well, I'm Major Doctor Samantha Carter, but as a civilian, you can call me Sam. I can't tell you any more; the general will fill you in. So what part of England are you from?"

"Well, I'm from a place called Lancashire."

She looked blankly at me. I sighed, and tried to fill her in. "Well, ever heard of Liverpool…."

Some time later…

I still can't believe it, to be honest. I don't think what I've been told is real. Or I wouldn't, if Sam hadn't of convinced me. And shown me. This place is amazing. I get to see mythology as it happens.

It's a bit shell shocking, to be honest. The only thing that I find too weird is that all the gods are really evil aliens. Freaky.

That, of course, as well as my nickname.

The Liver Bird.

I'm not form Liverpool for god's sake!!! I'm from Lancashire!! It seems to fit though. I could be called worse. Apparently Daniel, the only person more into mythology than me on the planet, appears to be called the Space Monkey, so I've got lightly, I guess.

And on the upside I've switched to Sam's side of the football game…

Or is it soccer over here?

The End

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