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DrJ's First Day

This was written by me [Dan] - but expect Dr J to add his own version ASAP... I hope!

I looked at the piece of paper and the scribbled room number for the umpteenth time that hour. No matter where I headed, I simply could not find this 'Dr Daniel Jackson' character! And it wasn't just that...

"Hey, Daniel!!" I turned around, to be greeted by the sight of a blonde woman jogging up to me. "About the colonel's birthday..."

She paused as she got close enough to really have a good look at me. "Wait a second, you're not Daniel!" she said, half in amazement, half in bemusement.

"Uh, well, my name is Dorian actually," I stammered, looking down at her - she was considerable shorter than me. "Who did you think I was?"

"Daniel Jackson," she replied with a sheepish grin. "From a distance you look exactly like him."

"So I've noticed," I said in my dryest tone. "You're about the fourth person to say that today."

She raised her eyebrows in amused astonishment. "I am? Holy Hannah, you must be wondering about everyone's mental state by now!" She grinned and stuck out her right hand. "By the way, I'm Major Samantha Carter."

I took her hand and shook it vigourously. "I'm Dr Dorian Jackson, otherwise known as Dr J." I smiled. "Pleased to meet you."

A look of consternation flitted across her face as I said my name. Then a look of understanding lit up her blue eyes. "Your our new anthropologist, aren't you? Daniel's been grouching around his office like a bear with a sore head because you're so late!"

I couldn't help but smile at her description of the enigmatic Dr Daniel Jackson - it rather sounded like me, which was mildly worrying.

"I've been trying to figure out where he is for the past two or so hours," I admitted with a wry grin. "But all the people who mistook me for him didn't have a clue where he was. Mind you, they nearly had coronaries when I told them my name."

Sam chuckled. "Tell me, how many directed you towards the nearest coffee pot?"

"Including you, five."

She laughed again. "They're just about right, except that now the nearest percolater is now located in his office. I gave it to him for Christmas last year. Come on, I'll show you the way."

Gesturing over her shoulder with a flick of her head, she turned and started back down the corridor.

Walking along beside her, I asked all manner of questions about the base - the people I'd be working with, where everything was, whether or not I could have a coffee percolater in my office too...

"By the way, what field do you specialise in?" she asked as we reached the door to Dr Jackson's office. "Well, I'm something of a 'Jack-of-all-trades'," I replied. "But I suppose you say that I'm primarily an anthopologist. I'm mainly interested in the Southern American Indians. You know, like the Inca and the Aztecs."

"Sounds interesting," Sam replied, grasping the doorknob and turning it. "Daniel, I found him!"

The man at the desk looked up from whatever he'd been examining. "Finally," I heard him mutter acerbically as he stood up. He stepped around the desk and held his hand out. "Hi, I'm Daniel-" He broke off as he finally had a good look at me, his eyes widening in shock. I couldn't help but grin broadly - no wonder people were mistaking me for him, it was like looking in a mirror!

"Pleased to meet you Dr Jackson," I filled in, pumping his hand. "I'm looking forward to working with you, I've read all about your theories on the cross- pollination of ancient civilisations. Although, for some strange reason, quite a few people thought I was responsible for them!" I was really having a hard time trying to stop myself from laughing at the completely shocked look on Dr Jackson- Daniel's face. He glanced over at Sam - who shrugged slightly in response. It looked like I was in for something of an interesting time at the SGC.

The End

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