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Katie & Jacky's First Day

"I don't believe this!" Katie said to me, as the shuttle took us back to Earth. "How can they kick me off the GSA?"

"Perhaps the fact that you were, ahem, how do I say this, breaking the RULES? And it says right in the rulebook 'At no time shall officers engage in public displays of affection while on duty.' And then Stanton found you kissing Mike in the Control Room."

"Well, there was that. But at least he didn't catch us in the agricultural building, now that would have been embarrassing!" I narrowed my eyes and looked at my friend.

"And what were you doing there?" I asked, now curious.

"Well, ah," Katie turned bright red. "Let's just say it involved Mike, myself, and a thing of that bottled whipped cream.."

"Besides," I added. "It's not like you were actually kicked off GSA. Just this assignment."

"Yeah well, what's the point of being in the Galactic Service Alliance if you're on Earth?" Katie asked. "And you didn't have to come back with me, you know." I shrugged.

"I know. But I also know that life is a lot more interesting with you around than without you," Grinning, I picked my bag up from the floor and stood up. "Well, my friend. Now that we're back on Terra Firma, what kind of trouble shall we get ourselves into now?"

As we exited the shuttle, the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen was standing in the reception area. His eyes were this incredible shade of blue, and his wavy hair was the adorably mussed kind that never stayed in place.

"Oy..." I breathed slowly. "Katie, Katie look!"

"Jacky, what are you all worked up abooooooh wow!"

"Don't faint! Don't you dare faint!" I glared at Katie. "Because he is coming this way!" And indeed he was.

"Ah, excuse me. Is either of you Jacky Desaulniers or Kate Yancey?" He asked. Oh! His voice. He had a wonderful voice...

"That would be us," I squeaked. Were we in trouble or something? I certainly hoped not. After all, we'd only been back on Earth for a total of five minutes, causing mayhem already would be a bit of a stretch, even for us.

"Well, ah, I'm Dr. Daniel Jackson. But call me Daniel. I'm supposed to meet you two here, and take you to your new job." I frowned, confused.

"New job?" I asked. "Already?"

"Oh, Jacky, didn't I tell you? Some guy I dated had connections who had connections who got us a job on some secret project," Katie grinned at me.

"My God, Katie, how many guys have you dated?" It was an ex who had connections who had landed us, so to speak, on Terra Venture with the GSA in the first place.

"Are you two coming?" Dr. Jackson asked the two of us.

"Oh hell yeah!" we answered in unison. And so we went. Little did we know how much trouble we were going to get ourselves into, this time.

"We're here," Dr. Jackson announced. 'Here' was a big tunnel, with the words 'Cheyenne Mountain Facility' engraved on the archway. He drove on through the archway, showing an identification card to what seemed to Katie and I a hundred different guards. After a loooong car ride of twelve hours (not that I really minded, see, being in close quarters with the adorable Doctor).

Once we actually got inside the Stargate complex, we were greeted by the rest of Daniel's team. The commanding officer, a Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Sam Carter, and a Jaffa named Teal'c (Daniel had, fortunately, explained what a Jaffa was.). The Colonel looked the two of us over for a minute, then frowned quizzically at me.

"I have to ask. What is with the hair?" I assumed he meant my unusually coloured hair. My natural hair colour was brown, but for the last year or so I'd been bleaching four half inch stripes of hair white blonde.

"Would you beleive it's natural?" I asked.

"Ah, no," the Colonel replied.

"Well, I dyed it. It's a...long story." Was all I offered. "Ah, so, are Katie and I going to get any more info on our assignments here?" The Colonel responded by handing us each a thick file folder.

"Normally, General Hammond would be handling your orientation. However, he's busy in a briefing with SG-3. So I'll explain anything you need to know."

"Alright, thanks," I said, opening the folder. As expected, it was mostly orientation stuff. I'd received a similar package way back when I'd joined the GSA. Floor maps, regulations, procedures, etcetera. I continued to flip through the papers, until I found the one with my assignment.

"Forgive me if I misunderstood, but wasn't I supposed to be placed on a Stargate team?" I asked, confused. Nowhere in my duty roster did it mention which team I was now assigned to.

"Well, your situation is a bit different. You have medical training, don't you?" O'Neill asked. I nodded. "Good," he continued. "Basically, you're a temp. If a team is heading into a potentially dangerous situation.." he trailed off. "No, let me rephrase that. We're always heading into a potentially dangerous situation. What I mean is, you'd go with a team that is heading into a situation that should need a field medic, you'll be there."

"What about Katie?" I asked. I really really didn't want to be by myself with a bunch of strange people I didn't know. Perhaps the general who was in charge of the SGC knew this, because it turned out we'd be going as a Med team, unless something incredibly drastic came up.

"Well, what about our uniforms?" Katie asked the Colonel, guesturing to her blue, grey and white GSA uniform.

"You'll have to trade those in for standard SGC issue," Sam Carter piped up. "But you're supposed to keep your GSA arm-patches."

"Morphinominal!" Katie and I said in unison, and headed off to the locker room to examine our new uniforms.

Yep. This was going to be one hell of an adventure!

The End

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