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Siobhan's First Day

Lieutenant Siobhan Gormley walked through the busy corridors of the SGC, still marvelling at what she had seen. This base was more than she had ever dreamed possible, and she had some pretty lofty dreams. And that control room! A computer geek's dream! But she hadn't really seen much beyond a quick peek since she had been quickly ushered away by a couple of well-armed airmen. She really shouldn't even be wandering around, but she had been waiting for Dr. Jackson, her boss, and he hadn't shown up after fifteen minutes. Applying the old high school 'rule' of if the teacher hasn't shown up after fifteen minutes, the students get to leave, she did just that. And boy was she glad she had.

Turning another corner, Gormley ran right in to another female officer, a rarity here, as she had quickly noticed.

"I'm sorry!" she apologized. When she looked up at the woman she had bumped in to, she felt herself blush. The tall blond was a major. 'Great, run down your superior officers on your first day on base,' she chastised herself.

"It's okay, my mind was elsewhere," the major replied, giving the young lieutenant a reassuringly brilliant smile. Gormley felt sure she was going to melt. She may not swing her legs on that side of the fence, but for this woman she would certainly consider it. "You're new here, aren't you lieutenant.." the major trailed off briefly as she searched for her name, "..Gormley?" The lieutenant nodded dumbly, then realized it might be a good idea if she talked.

"Yes m'am..sir." The major laughed, but not in an unfriendly manner.

"M'am is fine, lieutenant. Where are you working, if you don't mind my asking?" Gormley couldn't help feeling surprised at how friendly the major was being. Her last assignment had been hell on Earth. She eagerly began explaining her work.

"I'm supposed to be working on some translations with Dr. Jackson, as well as making up computer models for new language family trees, although I'm not sure what new languages he could have encountered here on Earth, unless that's part of why he's in a top secret military base...I'm sorry, major, am I babbling?"

Gormley questioned, certain she had annoyed the major with her non-stop talking. But the major surprised her again by chuckling at her question.

"A little, but that's okay. I tend to go off on a tangent myself. I'd be interested to see your computer work, when Dr. Jackson hasn't got you tied up."

Gormley brightened at this. "I would be happy to show it to you. Actually, do you know where Dr. Jackson is? I was supposed to meet with him."

"I think he went topside in search of someone. He shouldn't be too long."

Suddenly a loud klaxon rang out through the corridors, causing the major to groan.

"Oy, I hope it's not that Aussie again. Sheesh, a little teasing and she goes balistic." At Gormley's confused expression, the major replied, "Long story. You'll find a lot of interesting characters around here." The lieutenant simply nodded, assuming she'd find out sooner or later what the major meant.

"Major Carter to Bio-lab 5!" someone cried out over the intercom. Major Carter sighed.

"Great, what now?" she muttered to herself, then, looking at Lieutenant Gormley, said, "Gotta go, but I'll talk to you later." She gave Gormley a quick smile and was off down the corridor to Bio-lab 5.

"This is going to be one interesting assignment," Gormley commented quietly, turning back toward Dr. Jackson's lab to wait for him once again.

The End

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