1. "quoted" comments are from the book Ask Your Angels, by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, and Andrew Ramer, 1992). Recommended reading, available from: Ballantine Books.
2. ^quoted^ comments are from the book Do You Have A Guardian Angel? by John Ronner, 1985. Recommended reading, available from: Mamre Press.
3. [bracketed] comments are from the book You Are Becoming A Galactic Human, by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle, 1994). Recommended reading, available from: Spiritual Education Endeavors (408) 245-5457.
4. *quoted* comments are from various other sources which will be identified with each occurence.
5. italicized comments are comparisons to my notes on the subject from earlier studies, and other observations or questions during this study.
"In the Dead Sea Scrolls Michael emerges as the 'Prince of Light' fighting a war against the Sons of Darkness in which he leads the angelic battle against the legion of the fallen angel, Belial. Most recently, in 1950, Pope Pius XII declared Michael to be the patron of all policemen."
^Michael is the protector of the Christian Church, guardian angel of Israel, and commander-in-chief of God's angel armies. He led them during a war in heaven in which Satan and his fallen angels were driven out of the clouds. In Moslem lure, Michael is described as having hairs of saffron, wings of green topaz and a million faces, each face with a million eyes, each eye shedding 70,000 tears. Even though he lives in the seventh heaven.^
Christian art and iconography shows Michael with a sword or with a scale weighing the souls of the dead. His feast day is September 29.
[ Washta:...The most important for all of you is Archangel Michael, who sits with Metatron and many others on the councils that control your planet and its many dimensions. Archangel Michael guides the life energies down through the eight great dimensio ns to Earth, so that planet Earth can have a living biosphere...the Spiritual Hierarchy has appointed archangels Michael and Gabriel as the two official overseers to coordinate with the Sirians under the auspices of the Galactic Federation...Archangel Mic hael and Gabriel are more of an interdimensional angelic form and not attached to the physical energy of a specific solar system and planet, so they cooperate with the Time Lords who control physical reality (matter). ]
[ On the question of Archangel Michael's "lost war in heaven;" Washta:...This relates historically to the original creation. In this physical creation, you see, there was established one basic concept. It was the idea that a great darkness would exist, from which would eventually come a great celestial light. That is why in the creation stories from many sources, including the Christian Bible, there is darkness indicated in the very beginning. -- For the purpose of this creation was to prove that dark ness is not as great as light. Archangel Michael was given the divine task of acting as the chief intermediary between the Time Lords, who were given instructions by the Supreme Creative Force on how to create this present physical creation, and the dark force that was created to be the supreme test for this creation. Archangel Michael therefore set out to aid in putting the eight dimensions together and to make sure that all the various dimensional angelic and archangelic forces were put in the proper pla ces. In order to create this pattern for the divine plan, it was necessary to create a being within that darkness. Hence, the Archangel Michael established the energies that would create a being of darkness, as called for under the divine plan. That is what the so-called "war in heaven" refers to. This being of darkness was created by God's plan so that eventually the dark energy patterns could be transformed back to light after many physical lifetimes lived on planet Earth. This transformation would eventually lead to a great series of immortals living in light. This is what Michael's energy patterns, and all the stories about him, are about. ]
[ On the question of 'identity of the dark force'; Washta:...This energy was created by him as part of the divine plan which he was given permission to do. He will be merging these two energies of light and dark as part of the upcoming ascension process . That is why the Age of Light has been forecast by many Sirians and others in the Galactic Federation who are Time Keepers. We understand the energy patterns that now surrounds this physical creation of bringing dark into light...This [does not have] a name that is recognizable in itself to humans on your planet, since many different names for it have been given, such as Satan, the devil, etc. However, know that this name will be given to humans when the process of the landings [Sirian] occur, for Arc hangel Michael will make a formal announcement of what is occurring; and he will explain what the time patterns are that will allow him to re-emerge and create the great light in your galaxy. ]
"Jewish mystics used Ariel as a poetic name for Jerusalem. In Gnostic lore, that first- and second-century melting pot of revelation, Ariel is the angel who controls the demons. Ariel has also been associated with the order of angels called the thrones and is known to have assisted the archangel Raphael in the curing of disease."
"John Dee, magician, occultist, and court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, reckoned Ariel to be a conglomerate of Aneal and Uriel, which sets him among the overlighting archangels!"
"Ariel makes an appearance in William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', which may well have been the source of why Percy Bysshe Shelley, the nineteenth-century poet, liked to refer to himself as the angel Ariel.