My Awakening Story
Hello! I am Eri-EL. I hope that by sharing my journey, it will assist you on your path of awakening....
I am a natural empath and healer, and was fully "awake" as a child, able to see energy, UFO's and communicate directly with animals, fairy beings, Devas and angels (just like most of our children know how to do!). This did not seem strange or unusual for me at that time, I thought everyone could see and hear these things, but when I started pointing out the ships in the sky, or talking about what the animals were saying, adults either laughed, sushed me, or got very angry, demanding to know why I insisted on entertaining these "fantasies". Teachers wrote on my report cards, "She has so much potential, if only she weren't DAYDREAMING all the time..."
So, I closed off these psychic abilities as a teenager, trying desperately to "fit in" in a world where I felt very different. I would do readings for friends with tarot cards, and spent endless hours "ghost hunting" with friends in high school, trying to communicate with the "other side"!
I kept most of "who I was" hidden beneath layers of fear. I didn't realize it then, but even while denying my abilities and self, I was still completing a path of service in the readings and advice I gave, and preparing for my work as a professional speaker and workshop facilitator through my love of theatre and the forensic/debate team, even years of dance training would come into play later on as Sacred movement in my workshops. My dearest soul-brother Thunder Hawke first showed me how to work consciously with energy and light, and made me aware of the Universal Laws governing those gifts...
I used to look at the stars as a little girl and feel an intense lonliness, a feeling that there was something I was here for, only not sure why or how to complete it so that I could return home.
It took some major shattering changes in my life to begin my awakening to my life's mission of embodying the Elohim/Angelic vibration, assisting and empowering others in fully realizing the highest expression of their Divine Being.
In the early 1990's, I was going through a bitter divorce, and having intense dreams of contact with angels and higher dimensional beings. I did not understand what these dreams were, I was seeing interdimensional doorways and crystalline elevators and cities of light. I began to ask around at the local new age bookstore for answers, and a close friend there gave a copy of Tony Stubbs "Ascension Handbook", channeled by Serapis Bey. He said it would answer any questions I had....
As I read this book, I remember thinking, "THIS is what I came here to do, this is who I Am, and I want to create this new world he is talking about!"
I felt powerful energy surges as I read the book and followed the exercises within it. Now I look back and recognize those "surges" as being channeled energy, I believe the Elohim connected energetically with me while reading 'Ascension Handbook'. I realized years later that Serapis Bey had mentioned he had an "Elohim Function" in the book, but I had no idea or knowledge of what Elohim even was. I thought it must be a kind of angel, but as to what kind, I was clueless.
The next couple of years were powerful awakening and activating times. I moved to the U.S. Virgin Islands for a year, and experienced profound connections with the Goddess/Earth energies, actually leaving my body and shape-shifting into a Cat-Goddess on one occasion, which at the time was so mind and heart-expanding, I had to take off work for a couple of days! The problem is, how do you call in sick for a shape-shifting experience?!
I also began experiencing conscious E.T. contacts that became more and more frequent. These were not frightening experiences, many of the beings were Light-Beings, and were showing me how to use crystals in healing, taking me to ancient temples in the higher planes. I had seen ships as a child frequently over our farm, and began to have memories of actually visiting these ships in the dream state and out of body as a young girl, again I would travel to wonderful and beautiful places. Not meeting anyone with like-minded ideas in the islands, I prayed to the Goddess one full-moon night to please send me a sister-friend, someone to share my life and deepest dreams with. Three hours later, I met who was to become my closest and dearest friend and sister, Star. Her loving support of my path led me to trust more deeply what I was feeling and experiencing. She played a major role in my awakening, always guiding me into deeper awareness of myself.
In 1995, I went through the eye of Hurricane Marilyn, which totally reversed my polarity. For about the next six months, I blew out lights, set off car alarms, street lights, garage door openers, and blew out computers, watches, radios and anything electronic. When I asked a healer I knew locally for assistance, she took my hands, and her eyes got HUGE and she would not work with me. I thought something must be terribly wrong with me! I found out a year later from a friend that the healer had told her about the experience, saying, "Something is strange with that girl, she is wired all backwards!"
This "backwards time" was an important time for me, for in losing a romantic relationship, and belongings in the hurricane, a custody battle for my son, I was thrust into the "Dark Night of the Soul" to face everything inside which needed to heal and release. It was such a low point, I knew I had to reach down deeply, to discover once and for all Who I was, and begin to live that Truth...The hurricane had awakened a strong desire in me to be of service, to help humanity and Earth in some way I could not yet define, but felt called to do.
I began to read like crazy, absorbing every book I could get my hands on to find out what was happening to me. Meditating at night, I sent out a psychic message to the stars, asking to be reunited with my star-family, telling them I loved them and wanted to consciously know them. I promised that if we could meet consciusly, I would teach and share whatever I learned in the experience. I had a full blown physical contact within a month, with brilliant blue Pleiadian light beings in my bedroom, and began to have Star memories and memories of Ancient Egypt and the Order of Melchizedek Teachings begin to surface.
I began to remember temple teachings and initiations in the order of Ancient Egypt, often not knowing WHAT it was I was remembering until later on a book, or teacher would put it all into context. Drunvalo Melchizedek is one of the most beautiful teachers here today, and hearing him speak opened my heart like a flower, recognizing what he was teaching to be truth.
I felt consistantly throughout my journey I was going to "channel" a higher-dimensional being, or act as an "ambassador" of sorts. I somehow just knew my path involved doing so, although I realized I had to be able to come from the clearest place within my heart to do so. I kept being faithful to my personal Spiritual Growth, meditating and intending that I would "Be a Clear and Open channel for Divine Light and Wisdom", making sure my intent was clear that I was only available for the HIGHEST energy of love and truth that I could physically embody.
In the summer of 1996, I had a dream where I was instructed by my Spirit Guide, Grandfather Wolf, to attend a conference on an Indian Reservation called the "Star Knowledge Conference". I didn't know much about it, even for sure how to get to it, but trusted this dream and we miraculously made it to South Dakota, picking up a hitchiker along the way who was also going, and just happened to have a Map to the well-hidden conference! We ended up speaking at that conference, (SEE the STAR-KNOWLEDGE Conference Directory on this site for more info on this!) and it changed my life, for I suddenly was "public" with my experiences, and we received invitations to speak around the world.
Since then I have traveled and spoken at WHOLE LIFE EXPOS, Star-Conferences, Awareness Festivals and Conventions, doing workshops and readings for thousands of people, some alone and some with a partner, but always in service to awakening and empowering others.
The Star Knowledge Conference changed a lot of lives, I now consider people I met there to be family, as if we have always known each other. (It was in truth, a family reunion!) It also propelled my Spiritual Growth and lessons into fast-forward!
I opened fully to the Elohim energy while taking a nap. (after all that meditation and preparation, and it happened while resting!) I was laying in bed, with warm sunlight coming in through the window, thinking of how wonderful I felt there in that warm light when a powerful energy moved across my body, and ever so gently merged with me totally, feeling like the essence of pure joy and unconditional love. The light was so brilliant with that merging, I cannot even describe it through words. The energy introduced itself with a musical sound, stating that it ws Elohim, and that I would be embodying that energy, that I was that energy. Coming out of the bedroom, dazed, I asked my roomate, "WHO is Elohim????!"
Over the next few weeks, I aligned with the Elohim/Angelic energy more and more easily, raising my physical body to a slightly higher vibration involved a little integration, and some getting used to. I had to be aware of lights and electronic equipment again, lest I blow them out walking by, like I did after the hurricane. I learned how to maintain a matrix of light connecting me through to Elohim, and how that matrix interconnects with the Earth, and humanity's mass-consciousness. I also had to learn how to bring the language of Elohim, a language of Light and Sound, into physical words. This took some practice!
The Elohim told me how they are Creator Consciousness, a part of the wheel of creation, and I remembered through them the origins of my soul, Who I Am, truly, as One with All That Is. I moved into a state of One-Heart, and began to no longer consider my work as "channeling", for as a part of the "One", I am simple accessing the Elohim part of self, and allowing that energy to flow into this plane.
More guides began to merge with Elohim's energy during sessions, Metatron, Ascended Master Jesus Christ, Divine Mother, Council of Elders, and Archangel Michael, Gabriel (among others). Each became greater parts of One Whole in my reality. Each one was a new level of clearing, acceptance, and awakening.
Contacts with Star beings are just another level of the ONE, meeting friends that just happen to exist in another vibration or world. I began to receive teachings out-of-body regarding the Crystalline Merkaba of Earth, DNA, and Cellular Coding. My work began to switch from just "channeling" the Elohim & Angels into activating and awakening other Angels. I received my Angelic-Self name of Eloha Luminara, (represented by the EL in my name now) and Morning Star. Workshops focused on introducing people to their Golden Solar Angels, merging with I Am, and learning how to fully anchor higher-dimensional energies into the Earth Plane.
I am now bringing these teachings and the wisdom of Elohim into a book called, "The Emerald Keys of Elohim". It is a book of the Emerald Tablets of Creation. Some would call it a Mystery School, I would call it an "Awakening School", a Map for the Journey Home. This book has brought me deep into my heart, the heart of Creator and the heart of All That is.
I truly believe that the doorway to everything lies within the heart. It is our temple of Creation, the place where our Soul's light anchors and illuminates. Thank you for joining me on this heart journey of awakening. It is up to us to remember that we have already reached our destination, and it is called Love.