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What Dreams May Come

Sitting in the theatre, watching What Dreams May Come, I was struck by the power and love that was present in the room.

The Higher Selves of each person present were there within the space, filling the room with light and love, supporting their consciousness as it absorbed the Truths presented in the film, and leading each person to find the truth within their own hearts...

I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry, I was filled with such joy, and was this joy from the film itself, or from the overwhelming love and awareness of the crowd there, as each understood what they were watching was MORE than just a movie, it was a reflection of their own knowing....

Try to watch or rent this movie, with a friend, with a Soulmate, with someone you love, and as you watch it, remember....
Remember what it is to CREATE your worlds, to DREAM your life, to LOVE so powerfully, ANYTHING is possible.

In What Dreams May Come, The main character, Chris, (played by Robin Williams) meets his earthly demise, and passes into the afterlife. Upon arriving, (slightly disoriented) he discovers that he is within a world created out of the colors and images of his beloved wife's paintings...

Chris then discovers:
A. He is dead physically, but is an eternal Soul
B. He is creating his own reality, and how does this work anyway?
C. Things are subjective to each Souls picture of reality and Creation.

Chris starts to get the hang of this, as he journeys back through people and events in his earth life, finding the gifts and healing present, he becomes aware of his true form and vastness...

I don't want to give away the plot here, but what happens took me by suprise, AND for the rest of the movie, you are taken right along on a Journey of the Heart, as Chris tries to overcome the greatest odds imaginable to be reunited with his Soulmate, his twin flame, the one true love of his life and Spirit.

And in What Dreams like all life, sometimes we do not understand the Divine Plan, the way things work out, or the choices we make on a Higher Level that interplay in this Earth life.

But, it is always LOVE. We are always ONE. And so it is.

While making this film, the production crew actually invented entirely new ways of combining art/artists paintings and work within a digital environment. They talk about this whole process on the main website, so I won't go into detail here, but as an artist myself, I find it FASCINATING! The virtual worlds of Chris have such profound COLOR and PASSION, it is very much like the dreams I have of the higher dimensions, where color is so much more than we imagine it to be here in the third.

What Dreams May Come Main Website

This is a beautiful, beautiful website to explore!!!!!
If you have Microsoft IE or Netscape 4.o or higher, you can actually travel through Chris' worlds, and play with a program that allows YOU to paint and CREATE a world of your own. What Fun!

If you have an older browser, you cannot paint, but you still are led on a beautiful journey of love, and can discover some fascinating information about the artistry of the film.

May All of YOUR Dreams Come True.

The photos on this page are from the main website, and other internet sites. I did not download any video graphics off the movie that were not already released online. Namaste!