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Fourth Density Relationships - New Models

Light Technology's Sunday Night Salon, June 21, 1992

Germane is a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional levels. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance", or "coming from the same source". Germane chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become like him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All.

Greetings to all of you. This is Germane. It is a pleasure to be with you this day. The type of channeling we do with you is an interactive process, and we want your participation, for we are co-creators of this interaction with you.

When we talk about relationships, first we'd like to say that we're not talking only about the love/mate relationship but about relationships with your family, your children, your mothers, your fathers, your friends, your co-workers. We're talking about the actual interactive process between humans. We may at times structure what we're saying as if we're talking about a love relation-ship. That is for convenience only. What we are saying is applicable in every relationship in your life.


First we will talk about the nature of the change your planet is going through at this time. We reference the change as the transformation from third to fourth density. Third density represents a vibrational reality or a state of mind that your planet has been expressing for several thousand years. The basis of this third-density expression is the idea of separation, which is the idea of not looking at reality holistically, but looking at it in part, seeing each other as separate, seeing the parts of yourselves as separate. Because of that idea of separation, you also view your connection to God as separate - "someone up there," an authority who can dictate your life - who's not you. This is a natural process of human evolution through which you will grow and evolve into the next stage which is where you are at now.


You are moving now into a fourth-density reality. Fourth density is characterized by reintegration. This means that you begin dissolving the boundaries, whether they are symbolic or literal, and that as those boundaries begin to dissolve you begin to see reality holistically, as if it's one big machine entirely supportive of itself. You're also going to find that your points of view about God are different. Instead of seeing Him as existing up there and dictating to you, you see yourself as a part of that creation equal to every other part as a total, perfectly working system. You are moving now into this realm of integration.

There are two models of relationships we'll speak about. One is a third-density model and another is a fourth-density model. Do not think that we are saying one is better than the other, because that is not so. It is simply a choice. However, we will outline these models so that you can recognize where your choices are based. If you want to change those choices, this will make it little clearer. So first we will talk about the third-density model.


Since third density is based on separation, then the foundation laid in third density for relationships will be that of separation. Thus one of the key ideas inherent in it is secrecy. We will define this: If you are in a love affair, it is not telling your partner you're having an affair. That's a blatant example. However, secrecy is also withholding your true feelings from another person. If something someone said made you angry, or if you see how a person can grow, and you don't want to tell either of them, that's secrecy. It cannot exist in fourth-density reality.

In fourth-density reality the polar opposite is honesty - lOO% of the time. In fourth density you will be living the fullest expression of who you are, and that means not withholding from anyone. Anytime you withhold your natural self you help to construct a lie upon which the relationship is based. That relationship is then an illusion, because you never really know your true selves or each other.


The second key idea is that third density supports conditional love. This means that you will extend love to someone only if they meet your needs and expectations. You extend love to them "if..." (fill in the blank). Now, this is not always conscious. It's not like you can sit down and say, "Well, I didn't extend love today because I wanted him to ask me to marry him, and because he didn't, then I'm not going to give any love." It's not that conscious. It's a very deep-seated behavior pattern, and one that you are moving out of.

In moving out of that process, there can be pain as you learn the idea of unconditional love. There doesn't have to be pain, but there can be. The quality of that pain is similar to sitting on your foot until it's asleep, then standing up and feeling the "pins and needles." That sensation reminds you that there's something there to feel. In that sense, when you are learning the idea of unconditional love, people will often choose to feel pain to remind themselves they have a heart. We know that sounds a little bit strange to many of you, but some people need the pain to feel they are alive, to know that they can feel, to feel their heart. That is what frequently happens in the transition from conditional love to unconditional love.

All of you have had moments of total unconditional love. They've been small moments so that you could get a taste of it. The mass consciousness on your planet is not yet strong enough to support that framework for an extended period of time. But this is changing and growing every minute. It is changing much faster than you realize, and you are all part of that changing framework by getting more in touch with yourself and learning to love yourself.


The third key in a third density relationship is the idea of control. Many, many people on your planet feel they have to control in order to feel their life is in order. That means controlling their relationships, and they will use manipulation to do so. That's a third density technique or methodology for relationships. Its polar opposite in fourth density is allowance. Now, you've all heard that word and you can imagine it. But when you make that connection emotionally with what it feels like to truly allow whatever happens to support your growth without needing to control it, you will have healed an important part of yourself.

As you are moving from third to fourth, it's going to be as if you've got one foot in each, and you may waver back and forth. Do not judge yourself, do not chastise yourself for doing that. It's part of the natural plan. Some of you are too hard on yourselves, saying, "Well, I can't be spiritual if I'm feeling this." It is often important: that you do feel, so that you can open your heart, so that you can remember your heart's there, so that you can train it to feel the things you will be feeling -- the ecstasy of the fourth density. You have to open it to feel it.


This is a package deal. For instance, if you are keeping a secret from your friend or your lover and you're attempting to build a fourth-density relationship of unconditional love, it's not going to work. When you choose something from the third density category, you get the package of the third density relationship. And that's quite all right if that's what you want. Just let it be a conscious choice.

Many of you are confused because you're choosing the third- density list and expecting fourth-density results. You can't have both. You must be conscious of what you want -- third or fourth. Make a choice from a place of consciousness and be aware of what experience you will have because of your choice. If you choose secrecy, you choose everything that comes along with it. If you choose honesty, you choose everything that comes along with that. It can work in your favor. More than anything else, let your choices about your relationships be lOO% conscious. It may entail some very deep soul-searching for many of you, and you may find that some of the relationships you had in the past no longer serve you, and you will have to do something about it. That's very painful for a lot of people. But you either stand still, go backward or go for tomorrow. Once you attain a certain level of consciousness, it's very difficult to go backward into the darkness. You must continue to move forward, and in that moving, many challenges await you, but there are also many joys, many freedoms.

People may feel very threatened about the idea of giving up control. However, many of you have experienced "letting go and letting God," as you say it. There is a tremendous freedom, a liberation in that experience. We're not saying to let go and let someone else do it for you; we're saying to let go of your need to consciously control it, to let your natural path unfold and then interact with that natural path. That is the path of free- dom, the path you are all moving toward.

The challenges are mostly in the next 20 years. For some of you who choose to be ground-breakers in this, the challenge is in the next five years. So fasten your seat belt and get ready for a pretty wild ride. But recognize at the same time that you are the driver as well as the passenger, and you can guide the car in the direction you want to go. And you don't have to go any faster than is comfortable for you. But do understand consciously the choices you make about relationships.


We are going to tell you a little story about John and Mary. Mary is afraid of heights. When Mary came into this life, her soul said, "I want to heal this fear of heights." Let's say she gets to adulthood and she still hasn't healed it. Then she marries John. Now, John continually protects Mary from her fear. Every time they drive a steep road he has her close her eyes. Whenever they walk on a steep path, he walks between her and the cliff. He never ever lets her confront the very thing that she came here to do. This is a pattern that happens between many people, where they take responsibility for another person's emotions and feelings.

Let's say you have a friend who is an alcoholic, who drinks far too much. You love him very much and want to tell him that you think he's an alcoholic. You are faced with several differ- ent things here: You don't want to stir up trouble for him; you don't want him to feel pain - so you don't say anything. That's very common. On the other hand, you could march right up and tell him what you think. If you feel responsibility for the feelings of that other person, if you never tell him about what he's come here to change, you enable him to continue this pattern. If, however, you are your natural self and in your excitement you express yourself to this person because you care about him, you actually then allow him to look at himself in the mirror of you and heal the very thing he has come to this planet to do.

If we were to advise you to stop doing anything, we would say, stop protecting each other from their emotions. If these emotions are not confronted, you will always keep yourselves separate from one another. You will always be walking on eggshells around each other. You are all in this together, and as your hearts are opening up you're going to start feeling that connection. And as you feel that connection you're going to want to share with another person. If you withhold out of fear of hurting them, you never really give them your love, moving into fourth density is about your giving love, learning to give and receive love, learning to become a holistic unit, learning to dissolve the barriers between each other. Secrecy will keep the barriers intact; honesty will bring you all together and help to create the world that so many of you have been envisioning.

So make your choices. Think about the people you love and care about, and think about the things that you're not telling them because you don't want to hurt them or because you fear their anger or you fear they will withhold their love from you. Then imagine what it would be like to tell them those things and watch them grow before your eyes because of what you've said. Ultimately, that will be what happens, whether it happens quickly or slowly. You will aim the mirror that you are in their direction, and they will be able to clearly see their reflection if they choose. They may choose not to see it; that's their business. You've all learned that you are reflections for each other, but many of you keep your mirror slight askew; you never really reflect any light in another person's direction, so they can't see their reflection. When you squarely position yourself as a mirror objectively, with no judgment and allow a friend to see her own reflection, she has the choice of moving forward. That choice in and of itself is a very empowering choice.


We're going to talk for a moment about the idea of monogamy, a thing that pushes many of your buttons. There are at least two different types of monogamy. One type is fear-based. Fear-based monogamy takes the following path: Perhaps you've been looking all your life for a love that you didn't get from your parents or whatever. You're looking for that one person who can fulfill you so that you can feel safe. Let's say you get that person and as soon as she's in your life you hold onto her. Both of you are clinging to each other because you're afraid of taking total self-empowerment. Whatever happens in this life, -there is a connection between you- but you try to force a connection even though there is one to begin with. This type of monogamy, based on the fear of being alone or the fear of AIDS or the fear of anything, will adhere itself to a third-density model of rela- tionship. In that type of fear-based relationship, you don't want to do anything that's going to trigger a fear, so you're certainly not going to tell the truth, whether it's your true feelings or what you've done or whatever.

Then there's monogamy by choice. This means that you meet someone with whom you feel a real strong connection and because of that connection, because of your excitement together, you choose to have a type of relationship that does not cover up your fears but takes you on another path. That's monogamy by choice, which can lead to a fourth-density relationship when there's no fear involved. So when we talk about having relationships with each other, give yourself the opportunity to make conscious choices. Examine what your needs are, what needs you want met, and see if there's fear there. If this is something you want to work on, don't put your attention on the relationship put your attention on the fear. If you put attention on those fears within you, whether it's self-esteem issues or fear of being alone or whatever, your relationship will become wonderfully different, very supportive. When a relationship reflects what's going on inside, not causing what's inside, then you have monogamy out of choice. Be conscious of that; keep checking in to see if it's fear or excitement. There is a difference.


Another fourth-density relationship is one that is not monogamous. (Doesn't mean they have to be that way; it's just another choice.) You can have those in third density, of course, but in third density that type of relationship must be in third density concepts, so they're usually secret. How many people on the planet have had affairs? We have heard one statistic saying that at least 50% of the married people have secret affairs, half of the population. Obviously you feel connected with each other. You want to connect with each other, but in a third-density framework it has to be done in secrecy. In a fourth density framework there's a very different point of view. It's done by conscious choice. Just so that you are clear about it, we're not saying that non-monogamous relationships are the only thing that should exist in fourth density. Conscious choices in relationships is what will exist in fourth density, based on honesty, allowing and unconditional love. There are a lot of implications in this. You'll work on them as you work on the relationships. It may be a rough ride as you transition from fear-based to choice-based relationships, but we guarantee that when you make the shift to choice-based relationships, the sense of empowerment and freedom you will feel is unlike anything you have felt thus far. Many people feel that's a thing to fear because it's an unknown. But once you feel it, you won't understand how you could have been fear-based. It will be as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders.

Many of you are familiar with some of the information that we've channeled to your plane having to do with relationships and extraterrestrial civilizations. We like to use the models as an example - not to take you away from the Earth! but to get you to look at yourselves reflected in these other cultures. The Pleiadian type of relationship is a wonderful example: It is basically in the moment. Although they do have monogamy, they call it monogamy-of-the-moment (we are teasing you a little bit). They have group marriages or group matings. They have any number of people involved - two, three, four, whatever. Not all of it's sexual. Sometimes it's just like family grouping; maybe they choose to live together as a mated group and some are not sexual. It really doesn't matter whatever goes is really their motto.

The difference between them and you primarily is that they do not see relationships as a threat in any way. They do not see any issues in relationships as a threat. Many of you on this Earth see a third person in a relationship as a threat, even if your spouse's friend is the same sex and it's a nonsexual relationship. The Pleiadians do not have any of this. They feel the connection with each other so totally that there's no such thing as an outside force. They're all part of one holistic unit. That's an example of the way your closest extraterrestrial genetic family member experiences relationships. Sasha, who has described Pleiadian relationships in her time, comes from approximately 1000 years of evolution beyond you. They had their periods of history just like yours. They have evolved from a place of turmoil in their relationships to a place of empowerment, and you are doing the same.


The most important thing to know is what you want. We're talking about clarity here: Know what you want, know what will empower you. Then seek to feel deserving to create that. The key here is the idea of deservability. That's a heart quality. And that's why in this time period as you're moving from third to fourth density (third density based in the solar plexus chakra; fourth density based in the heart chakra) the heart is experiencing all these feelings it hasn't felt before. Deservability is really coming up. Many of you are in touch with those deservability issues. Some of you are not; you don't even know they're there.

From birth on your planet you are conditioned to put other people first, to sacrifice, to be a martyr; to believe that it's okay for you to feel pain as long as somebody else feels better because of it. It has gotten you in trouble and will continue getting you in trouble until you can see yourself as equal to all others. All you really ever have is you. Your relationship is with you; you'll never get a divorce. This relationship will never end because of death. It is the only relationship that's permanent, the only one that really counts. If you can't have a relationship with yourself, you cannot have one with anyone else - and you can't have one with God, either. You will continue to keep yourself from God; you will be subservient.

As we all know, that time is ending. A loving relationship with yourself means empowerment. That is a most important thing, so pay attention to when you make a sacrifice; when you do, ask yourself why and be very honest with yourself. If you learn that you're sacrificing because you don't want to lose someone's love, then let that answer be okay. You don't have to judge it, thinking you're unspiritual. Feel it; know that's what's inside, and until that's let out, you won't ever feel the true heart energy, the true love that is there. Let it be okay. Don't judge it, and you are well on the road toward healing. Relationship with yourself is primary. We absolutely guarantee you that when your relationship with yourself is based on self-trust, self-love and self-respect, then all the relationships in your life will be based on those qualities. It cannot be otherwise.

All of you are pioneers because you have chosen to lead mass consciousness through the shift from solar plexus to the heart - third to fourth density. The role of the pioneers in your America was one of hardship - not that it had to be, but sometimes it was. If you feel pain, do not assume you are doing it wrong. Feel it from the depths of your being and let it go. If you refuse to feel it, it's not going away; it will be buried. Is it any wonder that the major killer is heart disease? What does this reflect? That without that heart energy to go into fourth density your bodies cannot survive. Is it also any wonder that another killer is AIDS, where you're eating yourself up from the inside? Your immune system is shut down because that energy, that life force, that heart energy is not coursing through your veins. Those are choices people have made for themselves and through mass consciousness. Those reflections will not continue when you learn to love yourselves. They will be a thing of the past. Comments or questions?

Can you give us an example of a fourth-dimensional conversation? [Laughter]

Fourth density is not linear, so when you speak you have a certain rhythm and pattern to what you're communicating. Let's say that you're having a really meaningful conversation and each of you are sharing deep-felt things with the other person. Let's say that the first person says, "It's all about arrival." The other person hears that sentence the way he needs to hear it. He interprets it in that way and responds accordingly. The first person meant arrival as in coming and going. The person hearing it interprets it as, "It's all about a rival." So he responds based on his interpretation, and the synchronicity of the conversation is tremendous. Even though the person "misinterpreted" what the speaker was saying, the exchange is perfect. That is a fourth density conversation.

In that both parties receive something from the conversation that is a gift, not having planned upon that gift?

Exactly. If you had thought A plus B equals C, as you do in third density, you never would have seen the gift. However, if you go out of that linear thought and experience a different type of communication and from your excitement answer back, you create conversation or communication outside of time. Now, in a fourth density relationship with your friends or your lovers, this happens all the time. In fourth density the interchange that was just described is in the moment and there's no expectation. So in each moment the full meaning on all levels is achieved.

Let's give you a third-density version of this conversation, all right? Let's say you are the speaker. You say, "It's all about arrival" and we say, "A rival? No, it's not! I don't have any rivals!" That's third-density version. See the difference? The misunderstanding triggered a fear and anger was expressed outwardly. So your shifting from third to fourth is about releasing the fear, releasing the anger and getting hooked into the synchronicity, the heart energy. It's about communicating on many different levels that you're receiving and sending from already.


Here's a little homework assignment for you: Pay attention the next week to your normal communications with people. When you feel yourself lapsing into a fourth density type of communication, see the different quality that exists between that and third-density relations. Third density is about reaction: I don't have any rival!" Fourth density is about response: "Ah, a rival." Reaction is usually based on fear or anger. Response is based on reflection. You'll see a lot more changed in communications between yourselves. So do not be surprised.

In some ways there are some blinders that limit your vision. That's not a major thing, but it's what you've chosen in this reality. From a bird's-eye view, what is happening to all of you is miraculous, astounding and incredibly beautiful. Have faith and know that what you're moving toward in your lifetimes will be unlike anything your planet has experienced in the past. You all have heard about the light at the end of the tunnel, but you're not seeing the light yet. If you can't see the light, then at least feel the heat. That heat, that warmth, will guide you. You're going to feel the heat in the heart, in the chest. Let it guide you. Know that you're not taking any wrong turns on the path, and that the most difficult and challenging relationships you have that are exasperating you are all part of the miracle that is occurring. We can't convince you of that; we can't give you proof. But you'll have to feel the heat and guide yourself and know it is so by looking at the miracles that happen in your own lives.

Can you talk about the third kind of interaction contrasting third and fourth density?

Ah, you mean like one person?




Oh, fireworks. Whenever you are in a relationship with someone, it's a co-created relationship. It's not like this person's in third and this person's in fourth, and you constantly clash. Instead, the interaction that occurs between you is part of a dance. When one person is more interested or is expressing herself in fourth density and the other person is expressing in third, the communication is the challenge. As we've just demonstrated, the third-density person may totally misunderstand the communication coming from the fourth-density person and react instead of respond. Any time you react you may as well put on a blindfold, because you will see only your own loops playing.

It's very difficult for people to maintain relationships when one operates from third density and the other operates from a fourth density philosophy. It's not impossible, but very difficult, especially around the honesty and secrecy issues. The fourth-density person is going to be totally honest, and each time she is, the third-density person is g