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Am I ready for a Twin-Flame Relationship?

(Excerpts from the book "Twin-Souls, a Guide to finding your true Spiritual Partner, by Joudry/Pressman, along with Eri's notes in parentheses)

When are we ready for our twin? How can we prepare? Before we can unite as twin souls and become whole, we must first attain a relative wholeness and completeness in ourselves. The smaller completion mirrors the larger....

Content within ourselves, we have passed beyond neediness while recognizing our soul-need for one another. We need to be at a place where we are satisfied with our lives yet continue to urge ourselves forward. The inner urge is called the divine discontent and is quite unlike dissatisfaction.

We will have gone a long way toward resolving our emotional problems and will have learned forgiveness for what has been unforgivable in ourselves. We need to learn love and accept ourselves for what we are shile striving ceaselessly for self-improvement.

How can we become ready for our twin?

1. We can resolve to cultivate our inner joy. The reach for true self will help us to realize we are whole beings, capable of finding satisfaction in our lives with or without the help of another.

2. We can accept our matierial things as they are, without feeling we will never be happy unless we have a better car, clothes etc...

3. We can cultivate a discipline that will open us to our spiritual selves. This could be meditation, yoga, study under a spiritual teacher, or attendance at some of the many growth seminars now available.

4. We can work toward finding our lifepath and devolping our God-given talents, honoring our gifts in whatever direction they lie.

5. We can care for our bodies, respecting them, listening to them, purifying them through clean habits, good food, exercise, and avoidance of gluttony. We can purify our emotions by turning our feelings toward love and away from fear. And we can purify our minds by avoiding the crude and the violent, and raising our thoughts to appreciation of the beauty and bounty of life.

6. We can pay attention to the images and ideas that we are exposed to, realizing that everything we take into our minds becomes a permanent part of us and reflects itself in our lives in some way. It is particularly imprtant in this age of excessive noise to be attentive to the sound stimuli we are exposed to, for the ear is the gateway to the brain and entire nervous system.

7. We can take the time for some involvement with nature, that great source of food for the Spirit, whether it be gardening, walking in the woods, swimming in the sea, enjoying the rain, turning our face up to it and feeling the connection between earth and sky. As Emerson said, We cut ourselves off from nature at our peril.

8. We can find individuals or a group needing our help, whether it be tutoring students or driving those in need of transportation, sharing our talkents in some way, there are hundreds of ways to develop soul satisfaction of service and to grow through contact at the level of human need.

It's also important to work in ascending our personality/ego. AS the mind goes, so goes the personality. This means we train our minds to create a map that we follow leading to higher and higher stages of personal development.

1. In order to complete our development and become ready for our twin, it is necessary to love the other for the person that he or she is, to love that person despite their failings. This we can do if we train our minds to sustain patience and tolerance, managing the bad times that assault us, tolerating the emotions of anger, anxiety, hurt, and disappointment (eventually transmuting them entirely), while at the same time keeping good sense, self-control, and logic. By conditioning and disciplining our minds, we lead the way for our heart.

2. We work to develop empathy, which comes from identifying with another person, until we can feel and understand what the other is feeling.

3. We can strive for clear communication, trying our best to understand the other and avoiding the implications of criticism.

4. We can control our agressive needs...We can apply the energy of anger in useful ways: defending our truth, exercising energy of the mind in learning, as well as energy of the body in activity. (Through Love, we are able to transmute these energies into a state of peace and grace).

5. We can control our sexual energy...As the personality matures and sexual drive becomes melded with love, sexual energy is directed toward one person and combined with tenderness, protectiveness, receptiveness, and care...(Tantric practices are very helpful in this area, and prepare you for ecstatic union with your twin-flame!).

The man is now using his feminine side in appreciations of the woman's marvelous role, the Goddess role of love, care, creativity and motherly productiveness. He can pursure life without fearing this sensitive side of himself.

The woman, in harnessing her yang energies, adds strength to her love and reveals her intuitive leadership and creative power.

All these things bring us closer to the unconditional love of twin-flames. Love is conditional while we remain seperate. the wider the separation between two people, the more conditions we attach to the love. It becomes a transaction. I have expectations of you, and you of me. IF we fufill each others expectations, love is exchanged, but it is not REAL love. Conditions are added as seperation widens, and the seperation always widens, when it has widened enough between two people, the love turns into it's opposite.

In true, unconditional love, there are no conditions at all. Twin lovers say, in effect,"It is not that I love you for your virtues and despite your faults, I love you for your faults as much as your virtues..."

Remember...We wil not all meet our twin in this lifetime, (it is a rare and beautiful gift to have two twins incarnate together to share a lifetime), but if not in this life, then another, for we are ETERNAL!

Our twin-flame is a representation of reuniting with the true Divine, the ONENESS of Creator...