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ISRAFEL: The Burning One!

"Israfel, whose name in Arabic folklore means -- "The Burning One, -- is both an angel of resurrection and of song. By these same accounts, Israfel paved the way for Gabriel by serving three years as a companion to Mohammed, whom he'd originally initiat ed into the work of being a prophet."

"In an Islamic variant of the Genesis account of Adam's creation, Allah sends Israfel, Gabriel, Michael, and Azrael -- the Angel of Death -- out on a mission to fetch the seven handfuls of dust needed to make humanity's progenitor. According to legend, only Azrael returned unsuccessful."

"Edgar Allan Poe, writer of mystery tales and verses, footnoted a poem with a cryptic reference to 'the angel Israfel, whose heart strings are a lute, and who has the sweetest voice of all God's creatures'. Elsewhere Israfel is described as a four-winged angel who, 'while his feet are under the seventh Earth, his head reaches to the pillars of the Divine throne'."

RAZIEL (Power): Secret of God!

"Raziel, which means -- "Secret of God," -- is believed to be an 'angel of the secret regions and Chief of the Supreme Mysteries'. There is a legend that Raziel is the author of a great book, 'wherein all celestial and Earthly knowledge is set down.' W hen the angel gave his tome to Adam, some envious angels stole it away and threw it in the ocean. After it had been recovered by the primordial angel/demon of the deep, Rahab, the book passed first to Enoch, who apparently claimed it as his own, then to Noah, who learned how to make his ark from it. Solomon, too, was thought to have possessed the book, which allowed him his unusual knowledge of magic and control over the demons."

"The Zohar, the major work of Jewish mysticism, claims that set in the middle of Raziel's book there is secret writing 'explaining the fifteen hundred keys [to the mystery of the world], which were not revealed even to the angels.' Other Jewish mystics report that 'each day the angel Raziel, standing on the mount of Horeb, proclaims the secrets of men to all mankind'."

"What we didn't know when we began this book, but what Abigrael, our recording angel, told us later, is that Raziel is its boss."


"The sonorously named angel prince Sandalphon, who some say, Elijah became after his death."