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Metamorphic Rocks/Prof. S.Nasir

Major Textures of Metamorphic Rocks Under the Microscope

Granoblastic polygonal texture (triple jucntions) in granulite

Acicular texture (actinolite schist)

Decussate texture (mica schist) interlocking platy crystals of muscovite

Porphyroblast in phyllite

Mylonitic texture

Porphyroblasts with ribbon texture

Relationships between internal and external schistosity

(a) and (b) post-tectonic porphroblast (parallel internal and external schistosity)

(c) and (d) Pretectonic porphyroblast. notice pressure shadow in (c)

(e) and (f)Syntectonic porphyroblasts. Notice snowball garnet in (c)

Syntectonic (snowball) porphyroblasts in schist

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