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Welcome to the "Misbegotten Son Saga" site...
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"Salome" by Siryn

Enter and make yourself at home...
This site is dedicated to the promotion of my Creator's Series, "Misbegotten Son Saga."
It will feature stories by Jenna and related artwork by many talented artists.
This is a new site and still under construction, check back often as it will be updating regularly. For now, here are a couple of pics of the characters that are to be featured in the stories.
More to come soon.
Click on the thumbnails to view the full image.
Salome by Flynt Kali by my husband Mike Salome by Silver Titan by Mike Salome; Turkish Drop by Mike Thunder Runner by Mike Whisper by Mike

Shiva and Kali by Flynt Shiva by Mike Salome by Eden Nagaina by Mike Darth Maul by Mike: rough sketch. .. Cairo by Mike

Cairo by Flynt Cairo by Silver

Leave your comments at the COMMENT ROOM!

Click here to read the "Misbegotten Son Saga Chapter 1" ^_^

*Added on 03-27-00; Here is Misbegotten Son Saga Chapter 2: Matters of Fate

Here is a short story I wrote on the origin of Gargoyles. . .Gargoyle Genesis

Mars 2158: Thicker Than Water the first installment in the "Mars 2158" saga...

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All original characters, ideas and stories are ©Jenna 1999 and may not be used without permission.
Gargoyles is ©Greg Weisman and Buena Vista/Walt Disney Pictures 1999.

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