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Stuff About moi!!

Here's a lil background on me.
My name is Antoinette Andrews and
I'm a 21 year old Junior
where I major in Computer Engineering.
I'm also participating in the
co-op program here which
I must say was worthwhile
but at the same time-
I was ready to come back to school
to get my study on!
I'm currently co-oping
with Raytheon Systems Company
in McKinney, Tx (suburb of Dallas).

I'm a classic Cancer born on
July 2, 1978 so watch out!!!
Here's a picture of me.
I'm the type of person that likes to watch sports,
talk on the phone,
dance-party, sing, computers,
go shopping, and just stuff.
I also like to argue about
certain issues of the world like
"why would someone get an abortion?",
"What is the purpose of prayer?",
"Why don't certain people wear their


"Why won't everyone just agree that either the
49ers or the Saints will win the superbowl?",

and "Why not kill a killer but
kill an unborn child?"
If you're on #black a lot then you know about
these little convos that we have
cause it's just very interesting!!!
Here's a little more background information about myself .
I'm the oldest of what used to be 4 children.
(my 13-year old sister
died in a car accident on
January 29, 1996-
((she didn't have on a seatbelt))
I have 2 other brothers, one 17 and the other 11
and I just love them to death!!
I was born in McComb, Ms
but I lived in Tylertown (pronounced "Ta la town"), Ms
where I graduated from
Tylertown High School. I was 6th out of 111 of my
my graduating class
which is also good.
I won't go into detail about my high school life
because that is a period in which I would like to forget!!!!!
and plus it's boring anyway
but I will tell you that I got star student!!!!!
(My only academic award
in high school!)
=-) *snicker*
