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Poems written by me and my boo

Time Tell

Was it meant to be or was
It by chance that something
So wonderful took place in
The mental portion of who
I am. Can this be so true
That someone is to come along
And fill the emptiness that
Was once taken by evil, deception
And envy?
Pacing alone but feeling that
Someone was out there to pace
With me even though I was
Blinded by distance and opportunity
The opportunity of sharing my
Heart and laughter with, so it can
Be seen who I really am.
When there was thugin',acting foul and
Unclean moves alone I stood. But
By keeping a strong heart
And mind alone is no more
Changes within my self are vital
In order to feel wanted and emotionally
needed once more

By Marquet McBride {Puppy}



There i was once
More, unhappy and unsettled
For I knew somewhere
whether here or there,
There was someone out there
For me
I looked and found
But what I found was not me
It was not who I wanted to be
Or who I wanted to be with me
I realized a lot of myself
My impatient mind,
My unhappy soul,
My unsatisfied body,
were like a trilogy of
Heartaches that could
Not Be joyful
Then, that's when I stopped
And who found me?
Would I have thought a
Man to make me happy?
All wrapped into one, in fact?
Who knew my blessings?
I am happy and yet I wonder
Is this really true?
Am I dreaming and will sonn
Wake up?
Well for now and forever
Just let me sleep then
For a better man is
Hard to find
And I'll take my chances with this guy

By Antoinette Andrews {TinkerBell} aka MsToInI

Life Cycles

And where do we go from here? What do we learn from here?
Be here, been there, do that, done this
Wish to be nowhere or anywhere unknown
Can't take back the past, not looking forward to the future
Is this destined? Will it get better?
Hear words of forever. Trust it to be so
Doctor says yes. Words of forever are no more
Checks come in but Daddy's gone
No more going here or there, Baby's attention must be filled
Will life go on? Is it this way forever?
Baby grows up, 16 years have past
Drugs in booksack, but no books
Hankerchiefs, gang signs, guns, razor blades
Music is blasting, baby hears not his mother
Gun shots ring out, baby hears no more
Who will come to the funeral? Will mommy go through this again?

by {TinkaBell}

Come on Now!

does your opinion matter to me?
should it or shouldn't it?
were you wrong?
or was it an illusion?
have you sacrificed as much as i?
if not, should i care how you feel?
will you be hurt by my absence
will you be shattered if i left?
so, you ask me to stay, but will you change?
do i even make a difference in your life?
am i in your thoughts most of the day?
when you think of happiness, do you think of me?
i wonder will you ever appreciate me?
do i make you proud, happy, and comfortable?
are you motivated by me?
what am i to you really?
am i just your sex partner?
am i just someone to talk to?
am i just a friend?
or Am i your woman?
if so, where is my respect?
are you threatened by my solidness?
do i scare you with my strength?
if i do, are you really a man?
or are you just afraid?
why am i even with you?
do you think i will pity you?
why should i even care?
what are you to me?
are you a sluggish-ruggish dope?
are you a playa?
are you a coward?
or Are you my man?
if so, why aren't you acting like it?
why don't you show me love?
actions speak louder than words, so why don't you act?
do you think i'm stupid?
do you think i will continue to put up with this?
uh oh, who is that fine man?
hey you! what's your name?
why do you pull me back?
am i your woman now?
do you think i will stay?
are you certain i will put up with your mess?
Well you thought wrong, I'm gone.

by Antoinette Andrews

Since 8/5/99