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Hi, I'm Mary Kay. I sometimes use the nickname Kalee or Cherrah on the Internet. I live in a small town in Michigan, with my husband and two cats. My cat's name is Chaka and her sister is Bo (who was named by our son. . .don't ask *g*).

Not published yet, maybe someday, but for now I just enjoy writing. I write fantasy, mostly the quest type and am trying to work romance into it. I have a futuristic I began quite a while ago and hope to get back to it one of these days. There are several novels in different stages on my computer, along with pieces jotted down in many notebooks. I've written some poetry, which is on my personal page.

I'm just getting started in learning to build web pages and there is much I don't know yet.

Hobbies: Hand crafts when I'm in the mood. Reading, always a favorite pastime.

My favorite authors are, Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, David Eddings, Raymond E. Feist, Terry Brooks, Kathleen Morgan, Dara Joy, Saranne Dawson, Robin Hobb, Mary Higgins Clark, Dean Koontz, among others.

My homepage Friends

Hi, I'm Mary Nour, & I don't have a nickname on the web or at home; but I used to be Yasmine when I did some Middle Eastern dance. My cat Sasha, on the other hand, has about 10 nicknames... including "Short legs" (just a little shorter than most cats, but she's not a munchkin) & "Little stink" (boy can she perfume her litter box!) I have a S/F romance, Love's Captive, published on the web by 1stbooks. A synopsis, chapter excerpts, author bio, & other stories can be seen at my web page: Myra Nour

I also have had 4 short stories & 1 poem accepted by The Storyteller magazine (the 1st story came out this month) for publication, & one story by the Northern Star. I enjoy writing S/F, horror, fantasy, true stories with humor or serious content, psychologically based articles, & non-category stories which may be called literary (I guess?). And my genres are often mixed, as Love's Captive contains S/F & fantasy as well as romance. I am also working on a book about southern traditions, & the book proposal is with a NY agent.

Hobbies/interests: Goes without saying - reading & writing (wouldn't our HS English teachers be proud!); dancing with my husband, Simon; Victorian antiques & antiquing with Simon; camping; selling antique costume jewelry at shows with Simon; and horror/sci fi movies.

My favorite authors are: Stephen King & Dean Koontz; Tanith Lee; Edgar Rice Burroughs & Robert E. Howard; Dara Joy; Kathleen Morgan; Jude Deveraux; Johanna Lindsey; Kathleen Woodiwiss.

Influences on my writing: I started out reading lots of fairy tales & fables; as teen moved into S/F, then the Tarzan & Conan series, & eventually discovered romance (although in the late 60's romance was very tame!). I kinda dreamed of writing in a fuzzy, unclear manner when in my teens, but didn't really start until I began college at 25. Then I started "piddling", writing up partial short stories that never got completed, & wrote 1/2 of Love's Captive in 1978 (I was very influenced by Star Wars). I kept jotting down stories through the years & even completed a few & kept talking about "the novel I'm going to write one day".

I did it!! Simon & Chris, my daughter, kept urging me to write the novel. Finally, when my time clock rolled past 40, I realized time was truly slipping through my fingers...and I made up my mind I was going to wite my book. I worked full-time at a stressful job, so I had to schedule my writing, thereby making myself do it on a regular basis. I knew I'd never get it done if I left it to "when I feel like writing". Quite often, I didn't feel like writing, but by promising myself I'd try to write a chapter a week, I forced myself to sit down almost nightly & pound out a few pages. Good news - I found that after two weeks, my writing became a habit & I missed it when I didn't write. And I discovered that for those times when my mind was dull from exhaustion, I still could write - by simply start typing something, anything. I might get a page of something I hated & would trash later, but then my creative juices would kick in after about a page & I'd be back on track.

Hi, I'm SeaSiren (a.k.a. Suzi Kosturin)

Homepages: still working on it.

I've been published In Dogwood Tales, Purple Mist, Seductive Torture, Black Petals, Burning Sky, Anotherealm, Jupiter's Freedom, Lucy, Green's Magizine, Literary Journal A Writer's Choice.

I also write several book reviews as well as write timely articles on writing matters.

Last year I won an Honorable Mention in the National Writer's Association Novel Writing Contest for my hard-boiled private eye novel, A Tough Lady To Kill, featuring Cory Purchase.

The genres I write in are: fantasy (all types), mystery (hard-boiled private eye), horror, erotica, suspense and mainstream.

Hobbies: I'm an avid cross-stitcher, like to go on long hikes in the mountains, am an amateur astronomer, have an avid interest in physics and calculus, am a pianist.

I read everything I can get my hands on so I can't say I have a favorite author.

Hi, my name is Dawn Seewer. As long as I can remember I have always loved to write. I began writing poems and short stories in grade school. In high school some of my pieces were published in the school paper as well as the school literary journal. Sadly, due to many moves I have lost those works.

I started out writing contemporary romance shortly after my son was born (April of 1998), but in June of 1999 tried my hand at a fantasy romance just for fun. It was at this point I fell in love with fantasy and decided that this was what I was meant to write.

My husband Kevin, my son Andrew, and I live in southern Indiana. I am currently majoring in Visual Communications at Ivy Tech State College (We can't all be the next Nora Roberts ). I work part time as a receptionist at a storage center (which works out perfect because I can write there when it is slow).

When I'm not writing, working or doing homework, I enjoy surfing the net and playing with my web pages. I currently have two web pages in the process. One is Writerstown (a community for writers) and the other is my own personal site, Dawn Seewer's Realm of Fiction where I shamelessly display my work. Of course I also love to read.

Writing is a very time consuming process and my family and friends are very supportive of my choices. I am very thankful for their love and support.

My name is Elizabeth, and I'm married, mother of two boys and one cat. We live in southeastern PA, in a nice, semi-rural area. I stay home and run my husband's small business office so that I can be with the boys and write. My husband's most encouraging, so I know I'm pretty lucky.

So far, I'm unpublished, but I'm currently working on a time travel and a short contemporary. The plan is to have both of them out in the next couple months. (And there's an editor waiting for the contemporary.) I love paranormal romances, mostly time travels, but some others as well, and then there's historicals, and contemporaries...well, suffice it to say that I just love to read romances. And I expect I'll at least attempt to write in all of them.

I couldn't possibly choose just one favorite author, but there are a few whose books I buy faithfully, like Nora Roberts, Bertrice Small, Barbara Delinsky, Stephen King. There's more (just ask my husband, who wonders weekly where I'm going to put more books.)

Reading is obviously one of my hobbies, and gardening is another, after spending time with all three of my guys.

I've just started to host a page at Bella-Online, for romance novels, and my personal homepage is at WriterElizabeth

Hi, I'm Kim Guilbeau. I write horror, paranormal romance, mainstream romance, and mystery. I've had several short stories published. You can read excerpts from them on my webpage. I'm currently working on my first novel, a ghost story tentatively titled, "Daddy." My two favorite authors are Barbara Michaels and Dean R. Koontz. Please visit my webpage at https://www.angelfire.com/ma2/kimg/index.html

My name is Lanette. In various places around the internet I'm known as Zeleia. I'm married, have two daughters, two dogs, two cats, and about to adopt a third cat. We live in a very small town in West Tennessee.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Since I've been on the internet for a few years, I have been able to access a lot of information that has helped me in my writing. I am as yet unpublished, but hope to change that soon. I am presently working on a futuristic romance with a very non-traditional hero.

My first love is classic historical romance, but I also love any romance with a twist: vampire, paranormal, science fiction/futuristic, some time travel, etc. The only genre I don't read is straight contemporary. I also have a weakness for the sweet simplicity of regency romance. I also read in many other genres like westerns, science fiction, horror and mystery. Since I read so much I have too many favorite authors to mention.

My name is Sharon. I am a 20 yr. old stay-at-home-mom. My son, Padric, was born Oct. 2, 1999. I live in Auburn, Alabama.

In 6th grade, we were given a writing project that started my creative juices flowing. After that one project, I kept writing. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to get sidetracked when working on a story. This tendency has caused me to have a dozens of unfinished stories waiting to be finished.

I have always loved the world of fantasy. So it should come as no surprise that I prefer to write romantic fantasy. There is something about creating an entire world that is just utterly fascinating. .

More than once when she was a little girl, Christine W. Murphy came to the conclusion she'd been dropped by an alien space craft and left to grow up in a small town in Minnesota. When would they notice she was missing and come back for her, she wanted to know. After graduating from Concordia College, only 20 miles away, she decided drastic action was called for and she joined the Navy to look for them. The Navy, in their infinite wisdom, sent her to Iceland, one of the few places in this world with more Lutherans per square foot than Minnesota. After serving in Florida, Iceland, and Virginia, she realized no one was coming for her and she decided to settle for domestic bliss.

Christine lives in New England with her husband, three exceptional children, and one crazy, red Abyssinian cat. Freelance technical writing and typesetting jobs constantly interfere with her creation of worlds where she feels more at home. Because of vision problems, Christine reads her fiction and the Wall Street Journal on her Rocket eBook.

For the Emperor, a science fiction romance, is Christine's first published book. Through Iowa Glass is a romantic suspense. Both are published by Hard Shell Word Factory. Her short story "Home for the Holidays" is a science fiction romance just been released by Dreams Unlimited as part of their Stardates: Infinite Celebrations anthology.

Waiting on various editors' desks are a science fiction novel (affectionately known as the monster), a sequel to For the Emperor, and a contemporary paranormal comedy. Next she will be tackling one of three romantic suspense novels that have been lurking in her hard drive.

A member Romance Writers of America, Christine belongs to the Futuristic, Fantasy & Paranormal Special Interest Chapter and Outreach International, where she has been chapter newsletter editor for three years. She was named one of five finalists in Affaire de Coeur's Up and Coming Authors in their readers' poll. Both of her books from Hard Shell received 4-1/2 stars in the magazine. You can contact Christine at LSComp@aol.com or visit her web site.


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