Book Reviews


Reviewed by MaryKay Moore
5 Moons!

Title: Love’s Captive
Author: Myra Nour

Enter the world of Volarn and meet King Rhamus, who holds the magic to save his kingdom.   The hero, Rhamus has his own doubts of bringing alien women to his world.   One look at Serena makes his blood boil and turn away from her in disgust.

Serena, Earth born, taken without her consent, along with many other women and shipped to Volarn.   The heroine, Serena, is not meek or submissive, being more than capable of taking care of herself.   Volarn culture is nothing like Earth, which means a great adjustment; terrain, creatures and food.   But, people are people no matter where you land and love flourishes in any language.

The king's sister Kasha is feisty, his cousin Jarvic sweet and playful and toss in a villain you’ll love to hate.   These ingredients form a rich world with a cast of well rounded characters and each one is portrayed in roles to compliment and complete the story.

Myra Nour has taken the elements of science fiction, fantasy and romance, blended them into a seamless tale that keeps you turning the pages.   Intense, sensuous love scenes, misunderstandings and characters you’ll want to get to know better.   Laughter, tears, emotional scenes to give you chills. Myra has a wonderful grasp of imagery, pulling the reader into the story and the beautiful magical world of Volarn, leaving you wanting more.

Rhamus is a ruler who loves and cares deeply about his people.   Can he accept Serena, a complete stranger in more ways than one, into his world and heart?   Serena carries a deep secret and a terrible fear of something she cannot hide.   Will she be able to adjust to this foreign world she’s been thrust into?   Read Love’s Captive to find out.

Order Love's Captive from 1st Books
Visit Myra Nour's home page Nour's Nook

Myra Nour's credits:
Summer 1999 - Legacy of Death - S/F short story published by the ezine Twilight Times
June 1999 - Earth Angel - A non-fiction short story published by The Storyteller. No link for them, not on the web or have a web address.
1997 - Where has respect for others gone? - An editorial on juvenile irresponsibilty published by The Fayetteville Observer, Fayetteville, NC.
1991 - Feeling blue? Forget stress, treat yourself - An article on stress published by the military newspaper The Guardian, Ft. Polk, LA.
1990 - It's OK to be a Non-Traditional Student - A brochure published by the Student Support Services of Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA.
1990 - Have confidence in yourself - An article on self-esteem published by the military newspaper The Guardian, Ft. Polk, LA.
1990 - How can you deal with stress? - An article on stress published by the military newspaper, The Guardian, Ft. Polk, LA.
1979- 4 poems, Farewell, Medusa, Love!, and Love? - Published by the Stargazer, the 1st literary magazine at Southern Arkansas University/El Dorado branch, El Dorado, AR. Myra created & co-edited this magazine.

Accepted for Publication:
September 1999 - How Did Rainbows Die? - A fiction short story to be published by The Storyteller.
September 1999 - The Apology - A non-fiction short story to be published by the Northern Stars magazine.
December 1999 - Forever Summer - A non-fiction short story to be published by The Storyteller.
March 2000 - Remembering Her Magic - A two part poem to be published by The Storyteller.
June 2000 - Suzy's Wintery Wait - A non-fiction short story to be published by The Storyteller.
1990 - Biography of an Environmental Engineer - Was accepted by the Vocational Careers Encyclopedia, but never published because the engineer withdrew his permission.

If you have any comments or would like your book reviewed, please contact the Mystic~Visions book reviewers
Myra Nour
MaryKay Moore

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