Requirements for joining "Something Safe"

Because Something Safe For The Picture Frame is a "visual webring",
a webring for sites that feature unique Tori artwork, graphics, animations, or large (or exclusive) photos.

1. Your site must feature some sort of Tori visuals.
By visuals I do not mean just your banner to link to the page with,
or your picture at the beginning of the page, or even your pretty tori back button.

2. If they are plain old Tori pictures they must be exclusive to your site (your concert or m&g pictures)
or a fairly large selection (100 or more pictures). in all cases the pictures
should be thumbnailed, and not have so many pictures on one page that all the pictures won't load.

3. Any Tori artwork must be your own, or credited to the artist. If you have artwork that is not your own and i find out,
you will be removed from the site forever.

4. You must display the HTML on your index or webring page.

5. I reserve the right to chose which sites become part of this webring. (oh, it's not that bad really! :)

If you're not sure that your site fits into these requirements,
submit it anyway! I'll look at it and let you know!

Small & new sites are encouraged to join this ring!

If I pass on your site, don't feel bad! It just means
that you need more pictures, a gallery, or something simple
like that. I'm not here to judge you harshly, I feel bad
about every site I turn away. Even sites that I don't accept
have major potential. If I do turn your site away and you
add a new gallery, resubmit it!

If you aren't part of the ring but you'd like to link to
us there are banners avaliable here.

onward to join the queue