About our
This chapter of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dance Association serves
Mississippi's Gulf Coast, including the major cities of Biloxi and Gulfport. Our
goal is to promote enjoyment and awareness of ballroom dancing.
Our club cost $20 a year to join, and is an inexpensive way to learn and practice ballroom dancing. So, if you know someone that may be interested in dancing, let us know. We'll invite them to our dances. And if you plan to
be in our area, and are interested in our dances, group lessons, membership, or
other chapter activities, contact:
Janet Green, President 228-872-9763,
Ned Lee, Vice President
Don Green, Secretary-Treasurer 228-872-9763, jfg@ametro.net
Our mailing address is: USABDA, P.O. Box 404, Biloxi, MS 39533 Return to home page
Submit web page comments,
newsletter suggestions, questions, or comments to:
R. L. Pickett
Phone: (228) 865-9849
Pickett's e-mail