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Professor Marwan Said Abualrub

Professor of Applied Mathematics

  • Department of Mathematics University of Jordan Amman 11942 JORDAN
  • E-mail:
  • EDUCATION Ph.D. (GPA: Excellent) Thesis Title: Non-linear Partial Differential Equations Applied to Diffusion Problems Arising in Mathematical Biology. Major: Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, and D.E.s) Minor: Pure Mathematics (Functional Analysis) University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA, 1992. M.Sc. (GPA: Excellent) Major: Applied Mathematics. University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA, 1989. B.Sc. (GPA: Very good) Major: Mathematics Minor: Statistics (most of the courses were Mathematical Statistics and Applied Statistics) Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1987.
  • BIRTH DATE May 9, 1965.
  • PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE September 2007- Now Department of Mathematics University of Jordan Amman 11942 JORDAN May 2006- June 2007 Professor of Applied Mathematics. Department of Natural and Quantitative Sciences P.O.Box 19282 Zayed University Dubai, United Arab Emirates August 1999- April 2006 Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Department of Natural and Quantitative Sciences P.O.Box 19282 Zayed University Dubai, United Arab Emirates April 2001- January 2002 Adjunct Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Emirates Institute of Technology (EIT) in association with Lambton College / Canada & Northwood University / USA Dubai, United Arab Emirates October 1998- July 1999 Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics University of Qatar. September 1993- September 1998 Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics University of Qatar. September 1992- June 1993 Instructor of Mathematics BUEC / United Arab Emirates University. September 1987- August 1992 Lecturer of Mathematics University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. July 1987 -December 1987 Working in campus housing office at UIC. September 1986 - June 1987 Teacher of Mathematics in a High School Ministry of Education, Jordan.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 1- At the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), when I was a graduate student and a lecturer at the same time, I was doing the orientation for new Lecturers and Teaching assistants who join the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer science. (1988-1992) 2- Math teachers’ supervisor in the Professional Development Program and the Bridge programs at UIC under the leadership of Prof. John Baldwin. (1989-1991) 3- I (together with some colleagues) was in charge of making up the faculty-teaching schedule every semester in the math department at Qatar University. (1993-1999) 4- I was assisting the Math Department Head at the University of Qatar for the last 3 years of my service there because he didn’t know English; and then I got experience in running most of the departmental issues. (1996-1999) 5- At ZU, I am the Math group Chair at DXB campus; in addition to working as a coordinator of some math courses. (2000-now)
  • TECHNOLOGY Experience in using Technology in Teaching such as Power Point Presentations, Mathematical Soft wares, Mathematical Internet websites…etc.
  • AWARDS 1- Certificate of Excellence, Zayed University, 2000. 2- Appreciation Certificate, Qatar University, 1999. 3- Appreciation Certificate, College of Engineering, UIC, 1992. 4- Chosen as Outstanding Young Man of America for 1989. 5- Chosen as the best Instructor at UIC, 1987-1992. 6- Honors List at Yarmouk University, 1986.
  • CONFERENCES 1-Participated in the American Mathematical Society Annual Conference that held in January 1992 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2-Participated in all Conferences that held in Qatar University. 3-Participated in the Conference of Mathematical analysis and applications, which held on May 2-4 ,2001 at the American University of Sharjah, UAE. 4- Participated in the Gulf research center forum, which held on March 9 and 10, 2004, The First Annual Forum on 'Social Sciences and Humanities in the Gulf' focusing on ' Future Prospects for Higher Education in the GCC Countries’.Dubai, UAE. 5-Participated in the Math day, which held on April 1 ,2004 at the American University of Sharjah, UAE. I gave a talk entitled “ A solution to a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE) of parabolic type” 6- Participated in most of the Conferences held in the UAE.
  • SEMINARS I gave some Seminars in the above Universities I worked at.
  • COMMITTEES 1- Zayed University Faculty Affairs Committee. 2- Mathematics Department Hiring Committee. 3- Advising Committee. 4- Registration Committee. 5- Student Activities Committee. 6- Teaching Schedule Committee. 7- Course Equivalence Committee. 8- Continuous Education Committee.
  • PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Member, American Math. Society. Member, Society for Math. Biology.
  • PAST RESEARCH INTEREST Mathematical Biology & Mathematical Modeling. PRESENT RESEARCH INTEREST Mathematical Biology & Mathematical Modeling. FUTURE RESEARCH INTEREST Mathematical Biomedicine & Mathematical Biology.
  • BOOKS Participated in writing a book about History of Mathematics together with my Advisor Professor Calixto Calderon. The Article I wrote was Ibn Rushd "Aver roes" and medicine.
  • PUBLICATION SUMMARY The main topic of the papers is Mathematical Biology, especially diffusion and Epidemics. In this area we have developed or modified some models and we Have shown the existence and uniqueness to some of them in L(p,q) spaces Using Applied Functional Analysis while in other models we have found either Exact solutions or travelling wave solutions. The main contributions were the Introduction of interaction among the same kind of species in the population, including population pressure in some models, modeling long range diffusion, And others.
  • JOURNAL EDITORSHIP Guest Editor in the International Journal of Applied Science and Computations. USA
  • Ph.D. and M.Sc. student supervision, qualifying exams, and teaching PH.D. THESIS SUPERVISION The Advisor of a Ph.D. student “Manar Al-Qudah”. The title of her Thesis is “Stability of Solutions for some non-linear partial differential equations” 2008-2010. GRADUATE QUALIFYING EXAM S I wrote and graded the Ph.D. qualifying and the M.Sc. comprehensive exams in Applied Mathematics. M.SC. THESIS SUPERVISION The Advisor of a M.Sc. Student “Omar Abu Ghalioun”. The title of his Thesis was “Traveling Wave Solutions for a non-linear diffusive partial differential equation” 2008-2009. PH.D. TEACHING I am teaching Ph.D. Mathematics and Physics students at the University of Jordan. PH.D. and M.SC. THESES COMMITTEES Participated in many Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses Defense Examination Committees at the University of Jordan.
  • LIST OF SOME SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: 1- Abualrub, M.S.: An Analysis to the Traveling Wave Solution of a diffusive Model of an Epidemic. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 29, No.1,pp.65-68,1998. Abstract: An SIR model of an eptdemic with spatial spread is considered; an equilibrium and stability analysis has been done, and then the behavior to the traveling wave solution of the model is obtained. 2- Abualrub, M.S.: Long range diffusion-reaction model on population dynamics. Documenta Mathematica (J. of German Mathematician Union). Vol. 3,pp.331-340,1998. (The paper has been published , by the Journal, in the Internet) To view the paper or get a reprint from the Internet, just click on: Abstract: A model for long range diffusion-reaction on population dynamics has been created, then conditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the model have been found in L(p,q) norms. 3- Abualrub, M.S.: Vaccination in a model of an epidemic. The International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (IJMMS), Vol.23, No.6, pp.425-429, 2000. (The paper has been published , by the Journal, in the Internet) To view the paper or get a reprint from the Internet, just click on: Abstract: A model, which describes an epidemic, has been considered. The logistic growth and vaccination have been included in the model. An equilibrium and stability analysis has been done to the model. Then a spatial Spread has been added to the model and a traveling wave solution has been obtained. 4- Abualrub, M.S.: Ibn Rushd “Averroes” and Medicine. IBN RUSHD FORUM for freedom of thought Journal.6th issue, 2004. The article is published in the following website: Abstract: Ibn Rushd was well known in the fields of astronomy, philosophy, mathematics, etc. This article sheds the light on one of his contibutions to medicine. 5- Abualrub, M.S.: Existence and Uniqueness of solutions to a long range diffusive predator-prey Model. International Mathematical Forum (IMF) Journal, Vol.4 , No.40 , pp.1981-1991, 2009 The article is published in the following website: Abstract: A model for predator-prey has been considered, existence and uniqueness to long range diffusion of such model has been shown. 6- Abualrub, M.S. : A Formula for solving a special case of Euler-Cauchy ODE. International Mathematical Forum (IMF) Journal, Vol.4 , No.40 , pp.1997-2000, 2009 The article is published in the following website: Abstract: A quick and simple formula has been introduced to solve a special case of non-linear nth Order Euler-Cauchy ODE. NOTE: # 7 below is an ongoing big research project ; it is mentioned here just for your information (FYI): 7- Abualrub, M.S., Frisbie, S.H., Mitchell, E.J., and Sarkar, B. : Calculating the lowest reportable concentrations of toxic chemicals in the environment. ( In preparation ) Abstract: Method detection limit (MDL) is perhaps the most important statistic used for the reporting of toxic chemicals in air, drinking water, wastewater, food, hazardous wastes, and other environmental samples. A toxic chemical measured at a concentration that is less than its MDL is reported as “not detected” and is generally considered to be absent from the sample and the environment. In contrast, a toxic chemical measured at a concentration that is greater than or equal to its MDL is reported at its measured concentration. Furthermore, many chemicals are so toxic that they cannot be measured to safe levels and the allowable limits must be set at the lowest reportable concentrations. We will demonstrate that the equation promulgated by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to calculate MDL and used since 1981 to protect public health and the environment is incorrect. As a result, toxic chemicals in a large number of environmental samples may in fact be present at measurable concentrations even though they are currently being reported as “not detected”. In addition, the allowable limits for some extremely toxic chemicals may be incorrectly set too high. Therefore, the consequences of this error pose a risk to public health and the environment. The sources of this error will be explained and an improved equation is presented. NOTE: Other papers may be requested thru my e-mail address above.
  • COURSES TAUGHT MATH 901:Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics for Ph.D. students, MATH 903:Advanced Partial Differential Equations with Applications for Ph.D. Students, Basic Mathematics, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus 1, Calculus2, Calculus 3, Calculus 1 for Engineering students, Calculus 2 for Engineering students, Mathematics for finance, Business Calculus, Mathematics for Business, Business Statistics, Statistics 1, Statistics & Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Vector Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Business Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations 1,Differential Equations 2 and modeling, Differential Equations for Engineering students, Applied Mathematics for Engineering students, Advanced Engineering Mathematics I & II, Partial Differential Equations I & II, Complex Variables, Mathematics for Biology 1 & II, Real Analysis 1&2, Advanced mathematical methods, Special Course in Modeling, Graduation Research Projects in Partial Differential Equations and in Mathematical Biology (AIDS Modeling). Information Technology 1, Information Technology 2, Information Technology 3.
  • REFERENCES 1- Professor Seth Frisbie / Norwich University / USA E-mail: 2- Professor Ahmad Al-rhayyel / Yarmouk University / Jordan E-mail: 3- Professor Calixto Calderon / University of Illinois at Chicago / USA E-mail: