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Discord's Stronghold

Top Five Wrestling Questions to Ponder?

Check out more HBK magazine covers here

Welcome to the Stronghold. Switching things around a bit here. I've removed the literary stuff and returned this site to a mostly wrestling gallery. I've included links to my other sites below for those of you interested in creative writing, roleplaying, or spirituality. Or, you can just hang out here and look at pictures of sexy men!

Sorry that the site hasn't been updated for a while. Bought a house, got a new job, etc., etc., etc. I promise I'll try to do better.

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Take a Walk Around the Stronghold

HBK News and Gallery (7 pages)
The Rock News and Gallery (5 pages)
Kevin Nash News and Gallery (3 pages)
Owen Hart Tribute (1965-1999)
Chris Jericho News and Gallery (3 pages)
HHH New and Gallery Gallery
Sean O'Haire (NEW!! 11/5/2003)
My Favorite Haunts
LODOSS WARS: Converted for 3rd edition!
Bards and Sages Official Website
Rational Paganism Official Website