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There Are Angels Among Us

This is Sandy
To me she is an Earth Angel and a wonderful friend.
Click on the pic and visit Sandy's world.

I got to know Sandy about 2 years ago. She left an entry in my guestbook after visiting my web pages. This led me to visit her sight. I was very impressed with all that I found there and after reading her story and her poetry, I felt a great admiration for her and a sense that she was a warm, caring, kind person and also a sense that she was a real fighter and to give up was not her way. I wrote to her and she replied and through our letters we became friends. At the time I met her my life was going okay and from her letters I felt hers was too. We continued to write to each other and I found great inspiration in her poetry, her words and her acts of kindness and compassion for others. Last year in March after I had not heard from Sandy in awhile, I began to feel concerned that something was wrong. I wrote to her and when I finally got a reply, she told me she had a heart attack but was hanging on and trying hard to recover. I was deeply saddened. My prayers went up and my heart went out to her as I continued to hope and believe that God would allow the Earth Angel I had come to know, more time on earth to inspire others and touch their lives as she had mine. I awaited her e-mails with hope and with each one I knew she was getting better. On Mother's day last year, she sent this little poem to me.

Anna Marie

Her name is Anna Marie,
I feel close to her,so now you can see,
How special this Dear One is to me.
Who knows that I may meet her some day,
We just may pass each other's way.
I will never know when it will be,
But today I want you to know that her precious name is,
Anna Marie.
Happy Mother's Day my special one.
May 9,1999..... In Love, and hope to have pen in hand soon, Sandy

It warmed my heart when I read the words and knew she had took the time to write them for me. During the latter part of 1999 I had a few personal problems that were tugging at my heart and making me feel very down, but Sandy's e-mails were filled with encouragement and love and soon I was able to leave the heartache behind. It was in January 2000 that Sandy did the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. She sent me one of her beautiful dolls she had made just to cheer me and bring happiness to me. When I opened the big box that had come to me from Sandy, all the way from Texas and looked inside, my heart overflowed with happiness and my eyes overflowed with tears. Below is a picture of my Ollie Polly that my Earth Angel Sandy allowed me to adopt.

My Little Ollie Polly

I have since receiving Ollie been faced with one of the most tragic events of my life. It happened on March 12, 2000. Through my tears and sadness, there is never a time that I do not look at Ollie and feel a warmth and happiness and I still manage to smile. I now feel that my Earth Angel Sandy knew that I would be needing Ollie to bring a little sunshine into the dark days I would soon have to face. I thank the good Lord for Sandy and all Earth Angels.Click on the links below to see more of pages created for Sandy. Read some of her poetry about her life and feelings. See more of her lovely dolls and find out why Sandy is so special and loved by so many. Also, if you believe in angels or just need a little hope and inspiration, please take the time to visit
Angels....Our Heavenly Friends

Send mail to Sandy

Pages For Sandy.....Made With Love

An Angel For Sandy
You'll Never Walk Alone
Petit's Page For Sandy
