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I'll Be Waiting
© by Anna Marie

Was it only yesterday
Or maybe the day before
I was content to be alone
Wanting nothing more

Had I forgot to remember
How good it could be
To have someone to talk to
And keep me company

Was it just your words
Or my imagination running wild
I haven't felt this feeling
In a long, long while

Infatuation, imagination
Whatever it may be
I'll be waiting for any moments
You find to share with me

Keep Your Arms Open
© by Anna Marie

My Dear Sweetheart,
I love you so much.
My whole body aches,
As I long for your touch.

I miss you when I'm sleeping.
I miss you when I am awake.
I miss you my baby,
With every breath I take.

You have it all,
My love and my heart.
Each day is so long,
When we are apart.

It was like heaven,
The time spent with you.
You gave me a dream,
And you made it come true.

Keep your arms open baby.
I want to be there once more.
And share the beauty of true love,
As we did before.

The roses used on this page as well as some on my other pages are courtesy of
