There's No Place Like Home
Author: Cass

Disclaimer: The Magnificent Seven belong to CBS, Mirisch, and all those
other lucky people. I'm just borrowing. This universe was the creative
genius of mog;-)
Rating: PG 13, language and violence
Author's notes:  Hey guys, this is my pay back to all the Darlin's I've
really kept hanging. Sorry, I haven't finished Playing Hookie, but this
little piece has been on my hard drive so I thought I'd send it out.
Conclusion will be up tonight or tomorrow...really! bg.

PS ...This is just a piece of fluff...some smarm angst piece, with no
actual plot, which I stole from a Silk Stalking's episode. Hey, at
least I'm honest.


"Dear Lord," Ezra Standish breathed, sitting numbly in the papasan
chair in front of the bar. "What did they use?" His tone held none of it's
usual confident air.

The coroner surveyed the pale faces of the men around him, four members
of the team everyone recognized as possibly being the best law
enforcement unit around. "The victim," Max cleared his throat and
himself to stay objective, "was most likely assaulted with a shot gun
blast to the facial area. He never knew what hit him."

"At least he didn't suffer, " Josiah Sanchez whispered, looking around
the loft apartment, where he had spent so many Sundays watching ball
games and eating meals with his friends, with his family.

"Is that suppose to make us feel better?" Vin Tanner snapped, throwing
the small train car he had in his hand across the room to crash near
french doors leading to the balcony.

"Vin." Standish raised his eyes to meet the ice blue gaze of his

"Don't what, Ez? Don't lose it? Don't show any godd**m emotions? One of
our best friends was just murdered right under our noses, what the hell
do you want me to do!? Put on a f**king poker face!""

Several of the forensics team and uniformed officers stopped what they
were doing to glance in at the scene in the living room.  Perhaps it
that it was the usually quiet reserved Tanner ranting, or maybe it was
just that seeing the fragmented group of men suddenly hit them, but
Judge Orrin Travis had to speak up before anyone returned to their
duties. "Max, have your people pull an all nighter on this one if they
have to. I want every detail by tomorrow." AD Travis looked around at
the blood splattered and stained kitchen tile and then to the dull
body bag lying near his feet. "And get this place cleaned up before
anyone else has to see this."

"Yes , sir." The coroner turned and hustled his team along, as Orrin
stepped around the couch to come to stand by Vin, who'd moved over
towards the fireplace.

"I know you're hurting, son," the judge started, "but I need you to
it together until Larabee gets back to town. He's not going to take

" 'Chris' is not going to take it well?!" Vin turned and looked at the
rest of his friends. Josiah was seated in the recliner, elbows rested
his knees, his head in his hands.  Nate was standing behind him, a
shell-shocked expression on his dark features,  and Ezra had moved in
front of the bookshelf, which was lined with model cars and trains.
"Aren't you all forgetting something...someone?"

Standish didn't look at the sharpshooter or answer his question.
Instead, he picked up the cherry red 69' mustang from the display case
and run his finger gently across the hood. He had watched Buck and JD
the last couple of weeks in the office, pull that exact car out to work
on it every chance they got when Chris wasn't around , only to shove it
back in one of their desk drawers when their leader would show up
He was amazed that Larabee never found them out, especially with the
smell of super glue and paint permeating the whole bullpen on the day
before JD left. The southerner swallowed the large lump in his throat.
*At least they got to finish it.*

Finally, when Nathan's shaky voice filled the room, he lifted his gaze
from the toy and looked at the ex-army medic who had finally decided to
speak for the first time since the four of them had arrived to the

"We haven't forgotten, Vin, "Jackson nearly choked on the words. "We
just don't know what to say." It was a simple, but true, revelation.

"Well someone better think of something," Josiah lifted his head,
"because someone's going to have to tell JD that his best friend....
big brother... is dead."


JD Dunne slumped down in his seat at the Denver International Airport
and waited for his boss, Chris Larabee, to retrieve their luggage from
the baggage claim. The last four days had been long, especially for the
younger of the two ATF agents.

It wasn't that Dunne hadn't enjoyed the special tactics conference, he
had, especially the emphasis on computer aided weaponry, which is why
was asked to attend in the first place. However, a long weekend in a
city like SanFrancisco was suppose to be fun and exciting, at least
that's what JD had thought. Unfortunately, Chris Larabee just wasn't
Fun. Dunne idolized and respected the man who had brought him on to his
elite ATF team, when he wasn't even actually old enough to be a police
officer at all, more than anything; but still that didn't change the
fact that he could be down right boring.

Dunne smiled to himself as he remembered the one night that he had used
every tactic Ezra Standish had ever taught him to talk Larabee into
going out. They had gone to a restaurant at Pier 77 and then to a 40's
swing club called Capone's. Buck Wilmington would have loved
did not.

"What's so amusing?" Larabee's deep voice brought JD back from his
daydreaming and he looked up at the blond, older agent.

"Just glad to be home, I guess," the kid replied, with a shrug of his

"You and me both, kid,"Chris tossed his agent's duffel bag to him and
took the chair to his right. "I think the next conference, I'll send
Ezra and Vin."

JD laughed. "They'd never make it back alive."

Larabee shot a sideways glance to the younger man. "You do know that
they said the same thing about you, don't you. Standish was even taking

"Imagine that," Dunne rolled his eyes. He then flashed a sly grin in
boss's direction. "Do they really think that you'd get rid of the only
person who can fix all the computer messes that Buck manages to

Chris hid a smile of his own. "That's about the tenth time that you've
mentioned Buck in the last hour." Larabee enjoyed watching the boy
squirm as he tried to pull a plausible defense from thin air.

"I hadn't noticed," the kid finally said, fidgeting with the braided
black leather band tied around his left wrist.

Chris knew that Buck had given the younger agent the bracelet before
they left, sort of as a good luck charm. JD wasn't big on flying and
Buck, being his usual big brother self, had tried to make the whole
experience easier. Larabee also knew that Dunne had started missing his
best friend almost as soon as Wilmington had dropped them off at the
airport.  No matter how hard the kid tried, his face was still as easy
to read as an open book.

"He should be here pretty soon, right?" JD asked, glancing around for a

Larabee looked at his watch. "It shouldn't be too long now. Vin said
they'd be here around four."

"That is if Buck didn't forget about us," JD said. "I tried to call him
last night and never could get an answer at our place."

"I doubt if he'd forget you were coming home, kid," Chris replied,
shaking his head at the boy's cluelessness. He still didn't get that
Buck was securely wrapped around his little finger. Of course, if he
ever figure it out, God help Wilmington.

"Maybe," Dunne replied. "I just wish he'd hurry is all."

"Was I that bad of company?"

"No," JD said quickly, sitting up and facing the other man. "You were
great, Chris. I'm glad you asked me to go and all. I learned a lot at
the conference, it's just that, well.."

"Kid,"Larabee smiled reassuringly, "I'm joking. I know you're anxious
get home. I was getting a little homesick myself."

"You were?" the younger agent asked, skeptically.

"Yep. My own bed is definitely calling my name."

"I know what you mean," JD replied. "I miss my sheets, my pillow, the
annoying street light that shines in my window.....heck, I even miss
Buck's snoring coming from upstairs, sounding like some kind of freak

"It's not easy to stay away from home," Chris said, and JD's smile

"I ain't some kid who can't go away for a night without getting all
out of shape, Chris."

"I didn't say you were," Larabee replied easily, getting the distinct
impression he'd hit a nerve. " I just meant that certain things become
familiar to us, and it's not easy to lose that security."

JD looked at the leader a moment before glancing away."So, it wouldn't
be strange if I missed hearing Buck stumbling around in the middle of
the night to get to the light switch, or if I missed the Jimmy Buffet
concerts he gives every time he takes a shower, or even if I  really
missed the smell of his burnt Pop tarts in the mornings."

Larabee laughed. "No, kid, it wouldn't. That's what having a home is

JD turned back to the other man, his grin back in place. "I guess
Dorothy really knew what she was talking about after all, huh?"

Chris had to think for a moment before he realized the kid was talking
about the Wizard of Oz, which had been playing on their flight back.
"Yeah, son, I guess she did." The ATF leader smiled. "Now, does Buck
really burn Pop tarts?"

Vin stopped dead in his tracks when he caught sight of the two figures
at Gate B. Chris was reading some sort of magazine, and JD was leaned
back in his seat, his newspaper boy cap turned around backwards,
headphones on.

"I'll do it,if you want me to." Ezra's southern drawl brought Vin's
attention back to the gaunt figure beside him, and he shook his head.
Although he appreciated the undercover agent's selfless offer more than
he could say, he knew he couldn't accept it.  Buck was counting on him.

"No, it should be me." Tanner knew what he had to do. In just a few
short steps, he was going to inflict yet another agonizing loss on his
best friend, and shatter the world of a kid, he loved like a brother.
With one more glance to Standish, he turned and willed his feet to
him towards his partners. "Let's get this over with."

"Hey, cowboy," Chris looked up from the Sport's Illustrated he was
flipping through and smiled at Tanner. However, his features changed
when he took in the condition of Vin and the disheveled agent beside
him. "You two look like shit."

"Yeah, you all have a party without us?" JD stood up, and looked behind
Tanner."Where's Buck? I bet he makes you all look as fresh as a daisy."

"Chris..,"Vin started, and Larabee recognized exactly what was lurking
behind the blue eyes he knew as well as his own- pain.

The leader of the Seven stood. "What's going on, Vin?"

"It's Buck," Tanner replied, never looking away from the green gaze
holding his. "There was a shooting at the apartment last night."

"What are you talking about, Vin?" JD's voice trembled slightly, and
Ezra moved around Tanner to stand in front of the younger man.

"JD.." Standish began, but the sharpshooter's hand on his shoulder
stopped him.

"I'm sorry, kid," Vin said softly. "Buck's dead."

"What?" JD took a step back, bumping into the chair behind him. "What's
wrong with you, Vin. Is this some kind of joke? It's not funny at all."

"Son, he's not joking you," Ezra said. " Mr. Wilmington was shot last
night. He never had a chance."

"You're lying!"Dunne shouted, causing several waiting passengers to
glance their way, and airport securtiy to head in their direction. "You
both are lying!"

"JD." Chris grabbed hold of the kid's arm. "You know they wouldn't

Dunne tried to pull away. "Why are you going along with them? Let me
damn it!"

"Is there a problem?" A tall, grey-haired man in a uniform stepped up
beside Ezra.

Standish pulled his badge and motioned for the man to join him away
his partners.

"Let me go!" JD fought like a wildcat, but Chris held on, holding both
the young agent's shoulders now.

"Kid,"he tried, but found that wasn't the best choice of words.

"Don't call me that!" Dunne bit out through clenched teeth. "Don't ever
call me that again!"

Vin stood helpless as Chris pulled the struggling youth into his chest
and wrapped both his arms around him. "I'm sorry, JD. I'm so sorry."

"He's not dead," JD said, but finally stopped fighting Larabee, and
instead held onto the other man. "He can't be."

Chris rested his chin atop the young agent's head and looked at Vin.
"Everything's going to be alright, JD.  I'll make sure of it."

Dunne squeezed his eyes shut and tried to fight back the stream of
tears that now flowed freely down his cheeks. "Nothing's ever going to be
right again. Nothing."


Chris Larabee stood looking out the large bay window
in his den. It had started snowing an hour or so
before and there were no signs of it letting up
anytime soon.

It was only a week until Thanksgiving, and he couldn't
bring himself to even think about Christmas. He'd
hated holidays since his family had died, but the last
three years, especially last year, had been different.

Buck and JD had insisted on having this huge 7 ft pine
stuffed into their townhouse, and then had coerced the
other members of their team into helping them decorate
the whole place.

Vin had said the CDC research facility, as Buck and
JD's place had affectionately been nicknamed, had more
lights than the airport,and that with the kid's
propensity for trouble, the two would be lucky if a
747 didn't crash land right in their living room.

JD had talked about the upcoming ritual, now a
designated 'tradition', coming up on Thanksgiving
during their plane ride home.

He informed Chris that he and Buck had already been
scouting for a tree at the Marcum's tree farm, and
that they would undoubtedly need his and Vin's help to
get it home; and that this year they were determined
to con Ezra into helping.

Larabee had pretended to be only slightly interested,
but if the truth had been told, he couldn't help but
to be a little excited, as JD enthusiastically
described his and his brother's plans for the last
Christmas of the Millennium. In a lot of ways, JD
mirrored the young man Chris had once been. Before he
had lost those closest to him.

Now, the seasoned ATF agent had to wonder if JD would
become like he was now. Or should he say, like he had
been before Vin and the rest of the team had given him
a new chance. Or perhaps, JD would become something

JD had clammed up on him and the others on the ride
home from the airport. He'd shut down, and Chris had
watched as walls were resurrected to protect a wound
that would never go away. The boy wouldn't even talk
to Tanner, who could usually get through to him, when
Buck wasn't a viable option.  Dunne had only stared
out the passenger window of Vin's jeep, silent tears
streaming down his face.

No ploy Ezra used to draw the youth from his shell, or
any amount of coaxing from Larabee, seem to have any
affect. Even when Chris told Vin to bring the two of
them to the ranch, JD had not protested. Hell, he'd
not even spoken a word when they arrived.

Dunne had merely gotten out of the jeep, retrieved his
duffel bag, and headed for the barn.  That's where he
still was.

Chris had decided not to push his friend. He could
imagine the kind of pain the kid was experiencing, and
knew no amount of support or comfort he may try to
offer would help. The boy had basically just lost his

Buck was the anchor JD had needed when Chris had
brought him on his elite squad. The kid had just lost
his first family, and as far as Chris could tell, JD
had never had many close friends. And as for
Wilmington,well the man who had protested him hiring
the kid the strongest, soon became the youth's
self-proclaimed protector and mentor.

To say that Buck needed to be needed by JD, would have
been a gross understatement. Buck had been born to be
JD Dunne's older brother. It was like all the energy,
all the goodness that Wilmington had stored up over
the years, just bubbled to the surface when Chris had
afforded him the chance to become JD's teacher.

Wilmington- the womanizing, swinging single, consumate
bachelor who lived only for fun, and wilted at the
thought of any responsibility transformed right before
his oldest friend's eyes. It was almost as if Buck had
a secret side to him, a world just waiting to be
discovered, and JD Dunne was the perfect catalyst.

Josiah had said it was fate.

Nathan said it was luck.

Ezra had said it was some horrible curse that had been
cast on the other five.

Vin had just shook his head and smiled, but Chris had
known it was something more.

Because Chris Larabee hadn't believed in fate, or
luck, or even curses. But now....he had to wonder if
Fate wasn't some kind of cruel monster, and if the
Seven hadn't indeed become cursed with a terminable
case of bad luck.

They had lost Buck, and as Chris let his gaze go to
the barn across the way, he knew in his heart that
they were going to lose JD, too.

"You alright, cowboy?"

Chris turned at the sound of his best friend's voice.
"I'm okay. You?" He eyed the lanky man in front of
him, frowning at the dark circles under the usually
alert blue eyes, and the five o'clock shadow that told
Chris the younger man probably hadn't been home or to
bed since finding out about Buck.

"I've been better," the sharpshooter replied taking a
seat in the rocking chair near Larabee. He rubbed his
hand over his face and sighed. "Ezra just talked to
Travis. They still haven't found Buck's truck, or any
sign of the perp."

"Has Nate and Josiah come up with anything on any
possibles?" Chris pulled up the footstool from another
chair and sat down in front of Vin.

Tanner looked at Larabee, surprise registering on his
face before he could cover it. He had expected his
best friend to yell, or throw something...anything,
but just sound defeated. "No," he replied. "They're
still at the office. Have been since it happened last

"Tell them to keep trying. I want you and Ezra to go
to the CDC and get JD some things. Go through Buck's
old case files while you're there. I want an update on
everything he did after he and I stopped being
partners at the DPD."

"You thinking this had something to do with when he
was a detective, maybe when you two were partners?"

Chris raked a hand through his short blond hair. "I
don't know, cowboy. It just don't make sense to me.
None of this makes a damn bit of sense to me."

"What about, JD?" Vin's voice lowered, as if he didn't
really want to ask that question.

"He's still out with the horses. I'll take care of

"No, I mean about the investigation...the do you want to handle it?"

Chris took a deep breath. "The body will be at the
morgue for a few days. The autopsy will take a
Larabee stood suddenly, pacing the floor. "What the
hell am I suppose to tell him. For once in my life I
don't know what the fuck to do. Buck is the one who
does this comforting shit, the one who deals with him.
Damn him!"

Vin stood also, catching hold of the other man's
wrist, forcing him to stand still. "You don't have to
do any of this alone, Chris. The rest of us are still
here." Tanner tightened his grip on the other man.
"I'm here."

"I appreciate that, Vin," Chris forced a weary smile.
"More than you know."

"We'll all handle JD. He can't shut us out forever."

"Maybe not," Larabee sighed, casting a glance out
towards the barn again. "I do know one thing, he's
coming in out of the cold if I have to drag him

"Bribe him with some hot chocalate," Vin said,letting
go of his best friend. "It always worked for Buck."

Green eyes locked with blue. "Yeah, cowboy, but
there's only one problem with that...I'm not Buck."

 JD sat in the hayloft of Chris's barn, looking out
one of the small slits in the planks. He could see the
sun was slowing setting behind snow-capped peaks, and
that the flakes falling from the grey sky were getting
larger and heavier.

He had a sudden pang of longing for the eighty degree
sunshine he had been enjoying only that morning, and a
part of him wished he had never come back to Denver.

If he'd never come back, he'd never have known.

Never have known that someone had broken into his

That someone had mercilessly pulled a gun in a
senseless act of violence.

Never have known that his best friend had been gunned
down in cold blood by some maniac for reasons he might
never know.

No, right now, JD wished he was on a beach in a
faraway place, living in perfect blissful ignorance.

Not existing in a hell, he could never escape.

That's what it felt like anyway. That he had been cast
into some kind of torture chamber, where all the pain
was inflicted on the inside. Where your heart was
placed in some kind of invisible vice and squeezed
until you could barely breathe, and you were sure it
was going to explode at any moment.

A place where every ounce of joy and happiness was
painstakingly extracted until nothing was left within
you, but this huge black hole full of emptiness. Where
your stomach was filled with acid, and your veins with
ice. All done in stealth mode, where others around you
couldn't understand why you were acting the way you
were. That was the part of the plan, to seperate you.
To make you more alone, and miserable.

JD had never felt more miserable or more alone.
"Buck," he breathed, leaning his head against the wall
and squeezing his eyes shut. "Why did you leave me?

Seven's soft nay from below, along with Chaucer and
Bounty's simultaneous snorts alerted the young man
that someone must have entered the barn, and he
quickly brushed at his eyes.

Soon he heard footfalls on the ladder leading up to
where he was and he wasn't surprised when Chris
Larabee's head popped over the last rung.


"I'm fine, Chris. Just leave me alone," the boy said
miserably, turning his head back towards the slither
of light he'd been using as a window.

"I'm sorry, son. I can't do that."

"Why not?"JD tossed back. "Everyone else has."

Larabee took the last few steps that would put him in
the hayloft and quietly made his way to where the kid
was sitting in pile of straw. "Buck didn't want to
leave you , ki.., JD."

Dunne still didn't look his way. "Neither did my mom,
but that didn't change things, did it?"

"No," Chris sat down in the hay beside the younger
agent,"sometimes life doesn't give a damn about what
we want."

Finally, red, swollen hazel eyes looked up at the ATF
leader. "I 'want' Buck back, Chris. I want to hear him
yelling at me for some stupid stunt I've pulled, or
because I didn't wear my dang helmet..," the kid's
voice caught as he was unable to hold back the well
spring of emotion threatening to overcome him," I want
him to tell me everything's fine, and that he'll take
care of it..," he sobbed. "And..and I want him to wake
me up from this Godd**n nightmare, just like he always
does at home. That's all I want, Chris. That's all. Is
that too much to ask. That just for once, I get what I

Chris reached out and wrapped his arms around JD's
shoulder's, feeling the tremors wracking the kid, who
was still just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. "No, son,
that's not too much to want," he whispered, wishing
like hell he could do something more.

"But it ain't going to happen,"JD choked. "Is it?"

Chris shook his head, holding on a little tighter to
the agent. "Not this time, son."

"He's gone, Chris. He's really gone."

"You find anything, yet?" Ezra asked, presenting Vin with a steaming
of coffee. Tanner, who was sitting cross-legged on Buck Wilmington's
bed, looked up from the file on his lap and sighed.

"Nothing we can use. I found a copy of Buck's birth certificate, JD's
birth certificate, a whole mess of love letters from women across the
this." Vin held up a legal-looking document.

"His will." Ezra raised a brow and took a seat by
the other man.

"Yeah," Vin replied tossing the piece of paper back onto Buck's
file cabinet, and finally taking the mug from Standish. "He wants us
to take some
kind of fishing trip together and scatter his ashes at sea. Did you

Ezra met the expectant gaze of the other man. "He had me witness it a
couple of years ago; but, I guess you already know that."

"He left everything to JD." Tanner rubbed at his tired eyes. "The kid
ain't going to be able to handle this."

"Yes he will," Ezra said, bringing his friend's gaze back to him. "He
will because we'll be here to help him."

Before Vin could reply, both men were startled by the slamming of the
door downstairs.

"What the hell?" Vin whispered harshly, glancing to his partner. He
quickly set the cup of coffee on the nightstand and pulled his gun from
his side holster.

Ezra also drew his weapon and slid from the bed. Both men cautiously
made there way to the top of the spiral stairs where they crouched
behind the railing.

"Were we expecting Mr. Jackson or Josiah?" Ezra whispered, as he tried
to peer into the still darkened downstairs.

He and Vin had opted to leave the lights off, except for the upstairs
lamp, because, officially, they were violating a crime scene. A crime
scene Judge Travis had not felt them suitable to investigate, under the

"No," Tanner answered. "They're meeting us at the ranch."

Both men drew back against the wall as they heard a thud and then a
muffled curse. Heavy footsteps soon followed and then the most
sound echoed
from the vaulted ceiling.

"JD? Kid? Where the hell are you? What's going on?"

Both Vin and Ezra looked at each other in shock, then blinked as the
apartment was suddenly flooded with light.  They both raised from their
positions and couldn't quite believe their eyes as they caught sight of
an apparition disappearing through the door to JD's bedroom.

"Ghost?" Vin queried, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Spectrals do not usually turn on lights, nor do they shout quite as
loudly as our..."

"JD!?" Buck bellowed as he came barrelling out of his best friend's

"As our Mr. Wilmington," Ezra finished with a huge grin of his own.

The newly resurrected agent in question grasped the banister of the
staircase that led to his room, but stopped dead in his tracks when he
caught sight of the two men standing at the top of them. Both Ezra and
Vin looked as if they could take a tumble, head first, at any moment.

"Vin? Ez? What the hell are you two doing here?
Where's JD?"

Wilminton was starting to get a very bad feeling in the pit of his
stomach.  The kind of feeling he often got whenever something was wrong
with his kid

His mind flashed to the yellow crime scene tape he had to tear down to
get in the door of his own house.

He'd just figured it was the kid playing a practical joke on him for
making it back to the airport in time.

Then, there was the chalk outline of a body on their kitchen floor.
Well, Buck had figured the kid was really pissed.

But now....

Now, Vin and Ezra were here.

Both looking like shit and..

"Is something wrong?"Buck asked, before his imagination got the best of
him. "Did something happen to Chris and JD?" *Shit! I never should have
let him go!*

The only reply he got was for Vin to rush down the stairs and tackle
him, nearly sending both of them to the floor.

"God, Bucklin! You are a sight for sore eyes. Where the hell have you

Wilmington was speechless. It was rare for Vin Tanner to even touch
another person, let alone hug them. That was usually Buck's department.

But here the sharpshooter was, clinging to him like the world was about
to end.

Or maybe it had already ended?

The only thing that Buck could imagine getting Vin so upset would be
losing Chris.  *Oh God!*  He was right.

The plane had crashed.

"Vin?"Buck pulled away from the younger man, keeping a firm hold on his
shoulders and meeting the glistening blue eyes. "Are they dead, son?"

"On the contrary, my friend," Ezra had made it to the bottom of the
staircase also now, and he slapped the confused man on the back, "you
are the one that was

"Huh?" Buck asked,sounding too much like JD and causing both Vin and
Ezra to laugh. Tanner hugged him again, and then pulled away.

"We thought you were dead, Bucklin. We thought we'd lost you for good."

Wilmington shook his head and looked from Standish to Tanner. "Why
you two think something foolish like that. I'm only a couple of hours
late. Have you
all been in my margarita mix?"

"What do you mean you're only a couple hours late?" Vin asked.

"I went to Springdale last night to get that  Lionel commemerative
holiday engine car that me and the kid have been looking for." Buck
glanced towards the model train tracks running along the rim of the
and along the overhang above them. "We wanted to spruce it up for
Christmas. Remember, Ez? I told you about it..the one with the lights
and all."

Standish shook his head, "I vaguely recall you mentioning it, Mr.
Wilmington, but that doesn't explain why you didn't pick up JD and
at the
airport this afternoon."

"Yeah, but the message that I left a message on your machine
telling you that my truck broke down does. I also told you that I
you or Vin to do it because I had to wait for the mechanic to
get one of the parts they needed and then with the
snow...," Wilmington ran a hand through his dark hair,
"Shit! Didn't either of you go get them. The kid must
be in a full blown panic by now."

"I didn't get a message, Buck. I haven't been home,"
Ezra replied, exchanging glances with Vin. "Mr. Tanner and I were at
saloon last night when we got the call."

"What call? What the hell are you trying to say, Ezra?"

"A call saying that there had been a shooting here, pard. A call saying
that you were dead," Vin finally just came out with it.

Buck's face paled and he glanced to the chalk outline in the kitchen.
"Ah hell! Harvey!"

"Who?" Vin and Ezra asked simultaneously.

"Harvey Mullins. He lives in one of the flats downstairs. He was having
his apartment fumigated and when I bumped into him down in the laundry
room and told him I would be gone for the night, he asked if he could
stay at mine and JD's place."

"Damn," Vin swore. "Is he about your size, same hair and build?"

"Yeah," Buck said slowly. "But I'm  a whole hell of a lot better
looking. Couldn't you boys tell the difference between one of your best
friend's and a
complete stranger?"

"We had nothing to compare, Mr. Wilmington," Ezra
explained. "The victim sustained a shot gun blast to the face, at a
close range."

"Shit," Wilmington breathed. "Poor bastard. The kid and I always
he was a little messed up, maybe even in to some small time drug sales,
but he didn't
deserve to go out like that."

"You lent your apartment to a suspected drug dealer?" Vin asked.

"He needed a place to stay. I wasn't going to turn the man out into the

Ezra shook his head."Of course not."

"At least that explains why your truck and gun was missing. We thought
they must have been stolen."

Buck looked around the apartment again. "So,you all really believed  I
was the one murdered?"

"Not just us," Vin said, suddenly feeling very old. "The ATF, the DPD,
Josiah and Nate....," his voice trailed off, and Buck grabbed hold of
his wrist.

"Chris and JD, too?  Vin, does JD think I'm dead?"
Wilmington's face grew even paler as he watched the myriad of emotions
flash across his partners' features
"God! You two told that boy that I'd been murdered? Do you know what
that will do to him?  What the hell were you thinking?!"

"We were thinking that you had been murdered, Mr.Wilmington," Ezra
defended. "What we were suppose to say when we picked them up at the
airport and you
weren't there. Somehow, I don't see JD 'not' noticing your absence, and
if he had the yellow tape across your door and the chalk outline
decorating your tile would have probably been a dead giveaway. Forgive
the pun."

"Where is he?" Buck asked, releasing Vin and picking up his jacket that
he'd thrown on the back of the couch.

"He's at Chris'," Vin replied grabbing his own jacket and his jeep
"Come on, we'll drive you."

Wilmington nodded, but grabbed Standish's sleeve when he started for
door. "Was he alright, Ez?...I mean he's okay, right?"

Ezra swallowed hard as he saw the fear and anguish reflected in his
friend's dark eyes. Buck was asking him for some kind of reassurance
that his little
brother hadn't suffered the kind of misery that he was afraid he had.
was a request that Standish couldn't fill. "Mr. Dunne is in very
hands. We've done
everything to assure his wellfare in this mistaken case of your demise,
my friend."

That seem to give the mustached agent some comfort and he nodded again.
"I knew I could trust you all to take care of him, if something
to me." He then
turned , slapping Vin on the back and giving him a weak smile.

"Let's hustle, junior. I'm already late enough as it is."


The drive had seemed to last four hours, instead of the actual
forty-five minutes that it took to get to the ranch. Ezra had used the
time wisely, calling Judge Travis and Nathan and Josiah at the office.
To say the men were relieved, would have been like saying that Michael
Jordan was an alright basketball player. They were ecstatic and full of
questions, which Standish had promised would be answered when they all
met at the ranch.

Vin had suggested that they call Chris and JD also; but Buck thought it
best that they told them in person-especailly the kid. He was worried
how the young agent might handle it, and wanted to be there just in

The snow was still steadily falling when they pulled into Chris's
driveway and Buck nearly slipped in the now knee-deep white stuff as he
leaped from Vin's
jeep,before the sharpshooter had even stopped completely.

"Hold up, Bucklin," Vin called, turning off the ignition and chasing
after his friend. "Don't go giving Chris a heartattack."

Ezra couldn't help the smile that crossed his face as he watched the
men slip and slide there way to the ranch house. Maybe it was possible
to retain a
continuous streak of good luck, after all.

"Chris!" Buck beat on the door. "Chris! Open up."

"That's suddle, Buck," Vin sighed nudging his friend out of
the way. He held up the key he had for the ranch and then slid it into
the lock. "And you thought a phone call would be too shocking for

Tanner had just pushed the heavy wooden door open when a sleepy-eyed
Chris Larabee came stumbling through the hall. "Vin? What's wrong?"

The ATF leader ran a hand through his hair and glared at his best
friend. "You scared the shit out of me! I could have sworn you sounded
just like.."

"Chris?" Buck pushed past Tanner at that moment, causing the blond man
to take a reflexive step back.

"Buck?!" Larabee's shocked features slowly twisted into one of the
biggest grin's Vin or Ezra had ever seen touch the normally solemn
"What the hell?"

Wilmington grabbed his old friend in a bear hug and laughed. " Sorry,
pard, but the tales of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

Chris pulled back and clasped the other man on the back of the neck.
"You old war dog! I knew you were too onery to die on me!"

Wilmington winked at his oldest friend. " Die? Me? Hell, there's too
many women left to please for me to be moving on." Buck's face dimmed
and his dark eyes filled. "Besides,  I still got to raise, JD. That'll
take me at least another ten to fifty years."

Chris grinned again and leaned in close to the other man. "I was afraid
you had skipped out and left me with that job, pard."

"I know you could have handled it,"Buck replied.

Larabee sighed and released his friend. "After tonight, I'm not so

Buck looked around the room. "Where is he?"

Chris glanced down the hall that led towards the backbedrooms and
Wilmington was gone in a flash.

"Well, Mr.Larabee, I assume this means that Mr. Tanner and myself will
be getting a huge Thanksgiving bonus?" Ezra asked, shaking the snow
his hair and smiling
at his boss.

"Bonus?" Chris scoffed, throwing an arm around Vin's shoulders and
smirking at his undercover agent. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, we did bring Mr. Wilmington back from the dead,
you might say?"

"Speaking of which, how exactly did you two pull that off?  Should AD
Travis be expecting police brutality complaints from St. Peter

 "Chris," The slight note of panic in Buck's voice caused all three of
his partners to forget their own discussion and look at him, "the kid's
not back there."

Larabee frowned. "Did you check Adam's room? He was in there before I
fell asleep."

"He's not there or in any of the other rooms," Buck replied, his face
displaying the worry all the men were beginning to feel.

"Shit," Chris ran a hand through his hair,"the barn...I practically had
to beg him to get him to come inside earlier."

Buck didn't give his friend a chance to say anymore as he headed back
out the front door and across the lot to where the horses were.

Vin and Ezra followed after him, as Chris went in search of his shoes.

"JD!" Wilmington yelled against the whistling wind as he lifted the
slide lock on the barn door and threw it open. "JD?"

Several of the horses answered the ATF agent, but no JD Dunne.

"Damn," Vin swore, skidding to a hault by Buck,
"I'm willing to bet that Seven's not in his stall."

"Shit!" Wilmington moved to the far end of the barn where JD's paint
usually bedded, but there was no sign of him. "Cleopatra's gone too,"
added, noting his mare was not in her stall either.

"Check the tac room for his saddle," Vin told Ezra, alreading knowing
what the southerner would more than likely find.

"What the hell would he be doing going out in a storm like this?"Buck
turned on the sharpshooter."You don't think.."

"No, I don't think any such thing," Tanner cut the other man off. "JD
was hurt and he was upset, but he wouldn't do anything stupid....well,
anymore stupid than taking a ride in a potential blizzard."

"Mr. Dunne's saddle and bridle are gone," Ezra said, coming back into
the center of the stable. "Shall I ready Chance?"

Vin nodded, and then turned to Buck. "I'll get Bounty, you can take
Peso, Buck."

"What's going on?" Chris Larabee asked as he entered the barn and
sight of his men's faces. "Isn't he here?"

"No, Chris," Wilmington snapped, "he's not. Neither is his horse."

"Buck," Vin started, but a mixture of worry and exhaustion had already
began to stir 'Mt.Vesuvius', the nickname JD had given his best
somewhat volatile temper.

"You all sure as hell kept a good eye on the kid, pard. I wasn't even
dead twenty-four hours and you already lost him."

"Well excuse me for slipping, pard, but JD wasn't the only one who had
lost someone." At the moment, Chris was losing his own battle with
frustration and weariness.

Wilmington's face suddenly went slack, as he realized just what his
'murder' had meant to Chris, and to the other two men still staring at
him with haunted gazes.

He knew exactly how he would have felt if the situations had been
reversed.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm just
worried .."

"About JD," Larabee finished for his friend, his tone devoid of any
anger now. "We all know that, Buck. Let's just find him so we can clear
up this whole damn mess."
He then turned to his best friend. "You think we'll be able to follow
his trail in this?"

Vin shrugged his shoulders."I don't know, cowboy. The snow has been
falling pretty hard."

"Perhaps we don't need a trail to follow," Ezra suggested and all eyes
fell on him. "I remember JD saying that he and Mr. Wilmington had
a few times at your humble abode not far from the fishing pond."

"The old shed on the back forty?" Chris asked.

After Sarah and Adam had died, Larabee found himself needing a place
away from the ranch house and all the memories there. So, instead of
throwing money away at cheap motels, he'd thrown together a two-room
cabin about two miles away. There wasn't any electricity or running
water, but it provided the perfect refuge to escape the world. A feat
would have desperately wanted to pull off..

"I bet you're right, EZ,"Buck replied, looking to Chris with a hopeful
gleam. "Remember that time after the kid and Vin had that car wreck and
he was having a hard time dealing with it.  The two of us stayed out
there the weekend, just fishing and drinking. JD loved it."

"Seeing as how that's the only shelter around, I'd say it's our best
bet," Vin added.

Chris nodded. "What are we waiting for? We've got ourselves a bonified
miracle to deliver to the kid."


