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A Mother's Day Poem
Dedicated to Ginette Parlee

            Sometimes the things I say aren't the things I mean.
            Sometimes the things I want to know aren't the things you want
              to tell me.
            Sometimes I want your advice, but sometimes I need to sit down
              and work things out on my own.
            Sometimes I just need somebody to listen.
            Sometimes I need you to look out for me, but sometimes I need
              to make mistakes.
            Sometimes I need praise.
            Sometimes I need criticism.
            Sometimes I need someone to tell me the world doesn't revolve
              around me.
            Sometimes I need someone to tell me it does.
            Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on.
            Sometimes I need my shoulder to be cried on.
            Sometimes I need to act a little crazy.
            Sometimes I need to be told to grow up.
            Somehow you always seem to know exactly what I need
            I guess that's what makes you Mom.

©1999 K.J. Parlee

Dewshine and cub Windkin by Andresia Madeleine Garnier